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Que Sera Sera

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Everything posted by Que Sera Sera

  1. Have to agree. A gereration or so ago staying home with the baby was the norm, going out to work was deemed strange.
  2. I actually think you have to have an exeptionally strong marriage to survive children and an even stronger marriage to survive Step Children. They do have a uncanny knack at finding cracks and turning them into craters. Lovely as they are :wink:
  3. TBF I know a fair few women like it too.
  4. I know we didn't get a chance to plan anything with our first but I'm kind of glad it happened that way I suppose because on paper we certainly could not afford to have her and we certainly couldn't afford for me to not go back to work, and we couldn't afford childcare it was a catch 22 situation and it took us a good while of penny pinching and robbing Peter to pay Paul. I do think that had we waited until we were in our thirties we would have enjoyed the process more. We wouldn't have loved her any differently but I could have afforded to be a stay at home Mum for awhile, which would have been great. So what Im trying to say badly is yes financial planning for the right time.
  5. Unfortunately people do have to plan nowadays as there aren't many couples who can afford a mortgage on one wage.
  6. I went and did both! 23, 27 and 33! Definately had more energy at 23 but far more patience at 33.
  7. I think the best age would be to have them in your 30's. I think a lot of people are too selfish really in their 20's really.
  8. I wasn't interested in having children really. I got married at 21 and we got our dream house and no way could we afford for me to go part time, so we put it to the back of our minds. Thinking we'll address it again when I'm 30. 2 years later following a holiday to The Gambia I came back pregnant. We were both in a state of shock. But after the initial panic we managed. I did go part time and I think maybe the only thing I really remember missing out on was our holidays, to start with and maybe a few less nights out. But to be honest a hangover and having to change nappies doesn't mix anyway :laugh:
  9. Perfect ages to make he move in my opinion. So wish I'd done it when mine were that age. You are over thinking it. Have you ever taken them on holiday? To them itwill be the same. They are merely going on holiday. After a few days I'll bet they will be fine. Take them to Target and choose some new toys. Take them to the many parks and the beach. Exciting times. Enjoy :wubclub:
  10. <p><p>Just saw your message and the previous one whoops! Sorry, that would have been lovely. The girls are good thanks. Eldest taking to MMotherhood like a duck to water. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p>

  11. Spot on this is just absolute common sense, in any profession. Not nice maybe for those still wanting to come but Australia has to look after its own first.
  12. <p><p>Tried to send a PM but you're all full up! X</p></p>

  13. <p><p>Hi just wanted to say hello and thinking of you and lovely Mrs Tonyman hope your all managing to find your way through. Take care x</p></p>

  14. <p><p>Hiya Nick tried to reply to OM but your all full up :laugh: get deleting !:wink:</p></p>

  15. Nothing is forever necessarily and life is fluid with lots of twists and turns. He may come back, he may pay for you to visit ( which my Husband does for his Mum) . You're right though it is as bit like a bereavement, I know when my Daughter emigrated I thought my heart would break but I managed to work through it and waved her off with a smile, it took me a long time to stop crying but eventually I did. I'm not going to pretend its going to be easy but there are ways and means to get through. Good luck my lovely :hug:
  16. Have they changed the medicals then? We only had to have a normal basic eyesight test , you know where you read out the letters on the board. That's it.
  17. Emigrated here just over 3 years ago. It took a very long time to get our visa"s ( there were various changes that DIAC made during the process that kept putting us to the back of the queue ) and selling our house was a nightmare for various reasons mainly that the value dropped by over £30,000. Anyway we managed to salvage approx £10,000 from the sale of the house after debts were paid and visa application paid. We engaged Go Matilda even though we were strapped for cash and in hindsight it was one if the best decisions we ever made. We had a very small 70's 3 bed semi with one bathroom with a tiny garden and we moved into our smaller rental to wait out the visa wait. We waited in total 18 months then finally 6 months later we hopped on the plane with a son a daughter very little money but a determination to make this work. My OH had had two tentative job offers but they were really more like " pop in when you get here " so nothing was certain. I'd chosen the area because a few friends that I'd met both on here were already there and loving it. We secured a rental within the first two weeks in our holiday home and it was the first one we looked at and the first one we applied for . My OH went to the workplace of one of the job offers. They gave him a casual interview and told him to start work the following Monday ( it was Thursday!) he's still there 3 years later! We now have our own brand newly built home and I have two part time jobs. Life is good, we feel blessed and feel like we have a mini holiday most weekends. We've not pushed ourselves too hard financially preferring a cheaper house in a cheaper suburb with a cheaper brand new car. No debts well apart from a smallish mortgage and we've swapped from that 3 bed semi to a 4x2 with a theatre room, study just over a kilometre from a beautiful beach. We live 10 minutes from Mandurah "city" with its restaurants bars and my favourite wine bar. Looking forward to citizenship in 10 months time. We've made some lovely Aussie friends and some lovely Brits too.
  18. Yep I would agree but because my OH works nights every bu**er on the planet finds an excuse to knock on our door! But yes we do seem to make a fair few trips to pick up parcels !
  19. The refuse bins are emptied even on a public holiday . Our first Christmas Day morning we were amazed to have our bins emptied at 7 am! The bin "men" is one oerson sat in the truck who drives it on their own and who operates an automated arm that comes out grabs the bin tips it up puts it back then drives off! The post "man" drives a motorbike and doesn't get off it to drop it in the mailbox.
  20. A rashie is not something you'll catch it's a kind of tshirt that people wear to swim !
  21. Take a deep breath and don't do anything yet until you have spoken to the Agent. She won't work on Public Holidays but then neither will DIAC so just try and keep calm . The fact your partner didn't mention the conviction on the landing card I would have thought adds weight to your claim he didn't know . Look the two couple I knew with this problem did go on to visas so all may not be lost. Wait and see what the agent can do .
  22. i think this is the issue isn't it? It's a character test. I not being judgemental but if you don't think misdemeanours such as those are serious then what sort of character are you? I just wish kids nowadays realised just what consequences these "minor crimes" could have on their future in one way or another.
  23. its never fully removed and your case officer can ask for a further check called a person check. This shows up anything that is on the computer database . So every entry in your name ie even parking tickets.
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