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Que Sera Sera

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Status Updates posted by Que Sera Sera

  1. <p>Just got back had a great time despite being on slimline tonic and only got asked about Australia once and that was by someone on facebook who knows my story anyway silly girl!!! LOL</p>

  2. <p>Debbie wonderful wonderful news I hope the champagne is well and truly open and I very chuffed for you. Its so lovely that there is some good news xxxxxxxxx</p>

  3. <p>Thanks Dawn the Agent reckons we are talking months rather than years so some comfort from that but as far as my ex goes if I could get a hit man I bloody well would......I would like to say I am only joking.......LOL</p>

  4. <p>This is all so wrong isnt it? I know they feel they need to make changes but why not honour applications with CO's at least that would be fair!</p>

  5. <p>Thanks Kelly not going until this afternoon but thanks anyway! LOL</p>

  6. <p>Hi Rachel no news except to say we have recieved a reciept for my police check money and saying it can take 40 days from reciept....brill, no letter from him yet either....</p>

  7. <p>Hi Debbie I have done some emptying!! LOL</p>

  8. <p>Fantastic fantastic fantastic fantastic fantastc hip hip hooray kelly only gone and dione it!!!!!!! Whoop whoop!</p>

  9. <p>Hi Rach this is where I heard the news . You definatly made the right choice.thttp://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/66916-modl-review.html</p>

  10. <p>I started getting like that about the SS and now about the Visa itself, I wont feel secure till I got the blessed Visa in my passport and in my greasy mitts! It looks as if they are going to carry on with SS anyway just stop the CSL. Its funny actually have you noticed that the SS applications that are off list actually come in faster than the ones that are on list. That means that the professions that they want the most take longer than the ones they have no need for. Its really complex isnt it?</p>

  11. <p>Kelly did you see that they are doing a review of the MODL this autumn and possibly removing the CSL. Thank god we took the action we did at the time we did is all I can say! Nice when a decision is the right one!</p>

  12. <p>Hi Kelly just a message to say I am thinking of you and hope you get your SS very soon !</p>

  13. <p>Thanks Kelly!</p>

  14. <p>Thanks so much Taz I really hope you here something soon yourself. My fingers are well and truly crossed for you x</p>

  15. <p>Thanks Kelly bear in mind it was granted 11 days ago that really could mean yours is litterally anyday now! fingers crossed!</p>

  16. <p>It is looking good just keeping my fingers crossed and trying not to hold my breath or I may go blue!!! LOL</p>

  17. <p>Feeling better now! Check out your thread!!!!</p>

  18. <p>I know I a feeling a bit negative today which is why I posted on POP but I didnt want to pass it onto your positive post and it is helpful to see them slowly going blue, although I do hope the 6 months quoted is an exageration!!!</p>

  19. <p>Ahh bless thanks and your welcome!</p>

  20. <p>No news I am afraid have been told to expect at least 4 months now for SS. That will be up on the 8th of August. Our Wedding anniversary is on the 5th so I am crossing fingers we may have double celebrations! LOL. Take care of yourself and no lifting heavy boxes!</p>

  21. <p>Hi Rachel hows things going are you all ready to go? How are you and the bump?</p>

  22. <p>Yes fingers crossed Kelly it seemed to go dead for so long that I seriously was expecting some horrible anouncement that the criterias were changing or something happening like in Queensland, God I just hope we get through before there are anymore bombshells!</p>

  23. <p>Sorry to take so long to get back but you mentioned the City word!!! LOL no not really OH is a Gas Head! Its a pain isnt it I really beleive that things will start to get quicker after July 1st. Anyway we are living in rented at the mo as we have sold so ready to go really. Need to start selling like you though! all the best Cath x</p>

  24. <p>No sadly not. Its getting close for you though when do you fly?</p>

  25. <p>Hi Kelly, drunken husband fast asleep upstairs so exciting Saturday night for me LOL. He got up for work this morning at 5.00 am and decided to watch the Man U v Arsenal game at the local pub, so I know that not many pints later he would be three sheets to the wind LOL. Still my wine is open ( 3 for a tenner sainsburys, Australian of course!) so I will be joining him soon. Jamie staying at her friends house and Travis on the Wii so here I am! How are things with you?</p>

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