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Que Sera Sera

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Everything posted by Que Sera Sera

  1. I can only give advise on what au have been told. Whilst applying for our visa two separate friends I met on here were in serious trouble for not declaring their convictions both fortunately were using an Agent who managed to advise them on the best way forward. It is very serious and people need to be aware that failing to admit to crimes is a comment on your character therefore you can fail the character test. Not that surprising really is it?
  2. <p>Thanks Dawn yes things are going well atm. Still trying to sort out the mortgage etc, but hopefully should all be done soon. I certainly will be glad to not be renting anymore, cant be doing with these bloomin rental inpections <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad.png" alt=":(" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p>

  3. <p>Hi Rach I keep reading the posts and see that they are now on December, lets hope they get to yours very soon x</p>

  4. <p>Wow not long for you now. We still have 26 days but we are getting there. All the very best with your move xx</p>

  5. <p>Aww thats going to be a great surprise for them. Not counting the days at all (26) lol</p>

  6. <p>Tash I have just saw your post on Dawns wall, I can't imagine how stressed about it all you are now. I really hope that you get some positive news soon. July 1st will soon be here and my fingers are well and truly crossed that it brings you good news xxxx</p>

  7. <p>Hi Dawn loving the pictures of the boys! No wonder you have missed them they are gorgeous. Not long until you get them back now. Hope all is well and still going smoothly xxx</p>

  8. <p>Hiya Tina yes we are coming out June 30th Matt has a job lined up they want him to start 5th July...mmm not so sure about that. We are heading for Secret Harbour, cant wait now!</p>

  9. <p>Thanks Debbie yes 6 weeks on Wednesday and such a relief about Matts job, just nervous about the flipping ash cloud now. Lets hope it doesnt cause either of us any problems!</p>

  10. <p>You arent my friend either boo hoo!</p>

  11. <p>Congratulations and celebrations Kelly has got the golden ticket wooh Hooh. I am a little bit excited today too as we are pretty sure theres a good chance Matt may have a job, wont know for sure until we get there but someone in Mandurah wants him to come and have a chat when we land so fingers crossed only twenty minutes drive from SH so looking good!</p>

  12. <p>Hi Dawn are you excited or just keen to get there. I still have seven weeks and I just really want to leave she now. Jamie has been crying all day doesnt want to leave her boyfriend......arrgghh. Anyway hope things are going smoothly and you got your extra baggage allowance. xxxx</p>

  13. <p>Oh no its this bloody weather if its not cold its damp and vise versa! Ahh bless what have you got planned for her Birthday ?</p>

  14. <p>Sorry Rach just got your message, yes woke up at 6.30 feeling slightly better, but if I try to do anything it wipes me out! its a long time since I have felt this ill for so long, I get fed up easy! Why you up so early?</p>

  15. All I can say is I really feal for you but if my children and my Husband were happy and it were just me that werent I would never drag them away for the sake of my own happiness. I have had this conversation many times with my Husband, if I am lonely when all are out of the house then I will get a job or volunteer or get myself out and about but I could and would not risk my families happiness because it were taking me longer to settle. Having said all this I am not yet in your situation and I may well feel the same as you but I you owe it to your family to try before you uproot them again. I have an idea of your pain my eldest daughter wanted to go and live with her Father in Australia and I had to let her go because to deny her would have been too cruel, that was 4 years ago and I have seen her once since. But its her life and I could not allow my selfish hurt to stop her future. I wish you all the best and the greatest strength to get through this trauma and I do strongly believe it will get better.:hug:
  16. <p>Hiya Debbie it was great seeing you and Sian again on Sunday, the drive home wasnt too bad and thanks for that about the shippers I really must get stuck in. x</p>

  17. <p>Great photo and so true its exactly how I feel. Thanks for the support Kelly my fingers are crossed that yours wont be far behind!</p>

  18. <p>Hi Rachel I really dont know whats happening at the moment, We may or may not get out visa next year not sure at the moment! Hows things with you?</p>

  19. <p>Have a great day Kelly x</p>

  20. <p>Yep I was about 2nd or third I think! Lets hope some of us see some movement soon!</p>

  21. <p>Thanks Kelly it turns out I was wrong about people not asking about the visa apparently Matts mum had told everyone that it had fallen through..........????</p>

  22. <p>Just got back had a great time despite being on slimline tonic and only got asked about Australia once and that was by someone on facebook who knows my story anyway silly girl!!! LOL</p>

  23. <p>Debbie wonderful wonderful news I hope the champagne is well and truly open and I very chuffed for you. Its so lovely that there is some good news xxxxxxxxx</p>

  24. <p>Thanks Dawn the Agent reckons we are talking months rather than years so some comfort from that but as far as my ex goes if I could get a hit man I bloody well would......I would like to say I am only joking.......LOL</p>

  25. <p>This is all so wrong isnt it? I know they feel they need to make changes but why not honour applications with CO's at least that would be fair!</p>

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