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Que Sera Sera

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Everything posted by Que Sera Sera

  1. <p>Hi Paddy my Oh is a CNC Machinist / Toolmaker good luck in the application!</p>

  2. <p>Thats like us Debbie I love where Sue is living and its really good value but its nowhere near any engineering companies and Matt could not cope realistically with an hours commute each way he has only ever driven 10 mins to work so he is just not used to it. I do still fancy Recliffe although I have heard a lot of negative things but we will not know until we get there. We are going to start job hunting as soon as we have the visa and we have some idea when we will be getting there. It is starting to make me nervous about the job situation, although there are loads advertised.</p>

  3. <p>Thats great about the Visa and the house, the fact you've got a veiwer already is a sign that you have it on for a realistic price, also the way the visa thing is going you may get yours to a case officer before the end of May!!!! Have you decided where you would like to settle yet Debbie?</p>

  4. <p>Hi do you have any pictures of Wellington Point?</p>

  5. <p>Hi Lisa its because my Ex Husband has been reading through all my posts going back months and I have mentioned him on more than one occasion in a rather unflattering manner. (all the truth but.. the truth hurts!) Anyway he emailed Tim and asked him to delete the posts I have mentioned him on. I have never named him so its ridiculous anyway I now feel I am being stalked so I changed my name and I now very rarely come on here.</p>

  6. <p>Hi Debbie, Well I am keeping fingers crossed. Its like busses, low and behold we have another viewing today at 5. I don't know about the other couple, they had made an offer on another house and had a survey done but the survey was terrible and brought up a lot of damp etc. So they pulled out and came to look at ours. Whilst they were at our house they had a call from the original seller to say they would drop by another £5000. No that house is £10,000 less than ours. They said they were really kean on ours, but I sense even if they do put in an offer it may just by ridiculous, so we will have to wait and see. Thanks for asking. Best wishes Cath x</p>

  7. <p>Hi Debbie how was your holiday? nothing to report on the house sell except to say it looks like we will be as poor as church mice if and when we get there!! Harveys fine still chewing things up though, his knew name is now the Dark Destroyer! We are waiting for the results of the TRA assessment and then we can lodge the Visa application. You never know in about 8-12 months we may have just about "gave away!" I mean sold the house!!!</p>

  8. <p>Hi Sue yep they is big juuuugs! Still waiting on the TRA result, I have to provide a few more certiied copies for the Visa and obviously the payment and then we will be away. Thats if I am still married to my grumpy old man by then!!! LOL</p>

  9. <p>No I did go to France but back on Friday. I am supposed to be doing the houseworkd now as off with the kids but yes I am hooked again! Decided I am off to diet club tonight so I am having a huge lunch to compensate!!</p>

  10. Que Sera Sera

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