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Everything posted by AliG

  1. Hi Iron Lady, My family are in the process of planning a future move to Aus in a year or so. Neither of my current 2 x cars stack up to take but I could swap one now in anticipation so weighing up options - I know I need to own any car for a year and that shipping costs and exchange rate may change in that time but I'd appreciate any thoughts on the following: 1. Is it possible to import electric cars to Aus (eg Tesla) or are there any particular restriction/considerations. 2. Is it possible to import a classic car that has been converted to electric? And any considerations. 3. Are there any particular cars you have spotted that make most sense - I spotted late model Jaguar XKR over here for c. £30k that seem to be on Carsales.au for AUD110k - 150k - does anything beat that!
  2. Hi, Im currently in London planning a move to Aus, but have considered relocating within London at various points in my life. Here are a few things to think about: 1. STAMP DUTY - This is relevant given the size of your budget: They changed how UK stamp duty is structured a few years back - it is now particularly steep on expensive homes. Its tapered but the rate goes up to 12% for the bit above £1.5million, so £2m works out at over £150k. Also, I think im right in saying that you'd have to add 3% if you kept your Aus property (as your UK property would be classed as a 2nd home). Stamp duty calculator here: https://www.gov.uk/stamp-duty-land-tax/residential-property-rates 2. COMMUTE - 'reasonable commute' can mean different things to different people... - Do you want inner city hustle and bustle, outer ring leafy suburbs, or a commuter belt country retreat? - Lots of recent rail upgrades: 'Crossrail' is about to open to the public within this month or so running east to west. Thameslink has recently been upgraded for north/south link (incl Brighton). The 'Overground' is a big section or inner city rail taken over by the mayor and running with frequent metro style services... - Train fare rises are linked to inflation so long (distance) commutes can be pretty steep. You can get to Ashford (60 miles from London) in 37 mins but you'll pay for it. - Cycling becoming much more popular - some parts have much better infrastructure than others... 3. SCHOOLS - Im generalising but these days its actually hard to find an area of london without a good primary school - but catchments can be quite small which might matter if you have your heart set on a specific school. Secondary schools much more variance in quality. Private schools are more frequent in the other suburbs but there are still plenty closer in. Grammar schools are in high demand but only certain boroughs have them: https://www.goodschoolsguide.co.uk/choosing-a-school/grammar-schools/local-authorities 4. CRIME - Crime map here: https://www.mylondon.news/news/west-london-news/london-crime-map-shows-londons-19654472 but I'd take the crime stats with a pinch of salt. With a healthy budget you'll probably buy somewhere reasonably affluent and crime stats will probably relatively low. The exception are busy inner city places (like islington) where you can get a bit more street crime - but its still pretty rare: eg Westminster is Londons most 'dangerous' borough but it also one of the most affluent and I've never felt unsafe... 5. BUILDING WORKS - I don't know how long it will last, but post pandemic and Brexit builders costs and wait times have gone sky high. Perhaps something to bear in mind if you might have fancied a dooer-upper. It can still be done but it might take longer and be less profitable than it once was. Good luck!
  3. HSBC also do residential mortgages for overseas applicants - (i think they treat the property as not your primary residence ie a 2nd home). Its not clear whether this includes new purchases, or only remortages of properties owned already - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/mortgages/non-uk-residents/ If it does cover purchases then Ben may be able to take out a residential mortgage from Aus for a property in UK - it would be a repayment mortgage rather than interest only, and (Aus) income requirement is quite high (£75,000) might be worth giving them a call. Alternative option might be for Ben to remortgage and release equity from any property owned in Aus to raise enough cash to send back to UK and buy somewhere outright...
  4. HSBC looks like a viable option for overseas applications https://www.hsbc.co.uk/mortgages/non-uk-residents/ and rates are v. similar to regular UK BTL (but I'm at early stages of research...). HSBC are my current lender... so as you say, i should probably give them a buzz!
  5. Im looking into this now and HSBC seem to offer something pretty close to a normal UK BTL for overseas applicants IF you meet the criteria... https://www.hsbc.co.uk/mortgages/non-uk-residents/
  6. Hi, Hopefully I'm missing an obvious solution but I'm trying to figure out best route converting my current UK residential mortgage into a buy to let at the point I move to Aus, releasing some equity to help finance a future purchase in Aus: BTL mortgage application while in the UK - This would be my preference but from what I can see from lending criteria they want to see proof of income (which I will have for as long as I keep my UK job but won't have anything lined up in Aus) but also I'll need proof of me living at a different address (for a Buy to let application) of proof of where i am moving to (let to Buy application). I can perhaps stay at a relatives house temporarily but certainly wouldn't have a lease or own residential mortgage anywhere (which seems to be typical criteria as they dont want people taking BTL mortgage and then living in the same property). BTL mortgage application having arrived in Aus - If I wait until I am abroad and then approach say HSBC for a UK BTL then they need to see proof of income (which I won't have for a while). Meanwhile I can't let uk property under a residential mortgage but have to keep paying. Also - will i need proof of owning another property (in Aus) to facilitate a UK BTL mortgage - As I need the UK BTL mortgage to release some equity from the UK property to facilitate purchase of a property in Aus: Chicken, meet egg! Consent to Let - This is viable initially (as long as current mortgage company doesn't insist of seeing proof of a job lined up abroad, which I won't have): I'd obtain consent to let initially and then reapply for a BTL from Aus once I have a job and income history. but I could still come a cropper with the aforementioned chicken and egg issue... Consent to let lasts 2 years with HSBC and then I could be in trouble... Ideally I'd move out of current UK home in the month before travel (and stay with relatives), get a 5 year BTL mortgage (while still in the UK) and let the property before flying off to Aus. Hmm - apologies for rambling post - maybe i should just chat to a broker!
  7. Funnily enough we have friends in Graceville so Oxley would definitely be somewhere we'd consider (if you're still going to be there in Aug/Sep?). In any case, this has been a useful prompt for me to get my own house in order so that its potentially ready for a swap.
  8. Hi, Hmm - I hadn't thought about house swap... interesting... Which Suburb are you in? Were coming over at some point in Aug/September for 3.5 - 4 weeks for a wedding and to check out suburbs with a view to emigrating next year. Our place is in London, UK - also quite ordinary and without a pool! Which house swap site did you use? Alastair
  9. Lots of 1 month (or no contract) sim only contracts available in UK: https://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/compare/sim_only_deals/
  10. Lots of 1 month (or no contract) pay as you go contracts available in UK:
  11. AliG

    Very beginning

    Thanks Cal - thats useful knowledge.
  12. AliG

    Very beginning

    Not really sure what you are getting? Why does it matter whether all electric cars are auto? The point I was making was that if the original poster does decide to pass their test in UK then they will have a choice to learn both manual/auto transmission (which is what most people do in the uk), or to just learn auto (which is probably all they will need in Australia).
  13. AliG

    Very beginning

    Id just add that you can take an 'automatic only' driving licence test in the UK - which means you don't ever have to learn a manual transmission which some find a bit daunting at first. Doing automatic only licence might be a bit quicker and easier - and i think the vast majority of modern cars in Aus are auto so you'll never miss it.
  14. I think I found the answer for these particular circumstances (but please note Im not an Immigration Advisor!): Apparently there are yet more rules that apply for NZ folks that arrived prior to 1994. Apparently my wife's parents visa status is 'Exempt non-citizen and considered a Permanent resident'. Explainer here: https://www.hannantew.com.au/australian-citizenship-and-permanent-residence-for-new-zealanders-a-quick-as-possible-guide/ Beware though as there can be quirks and exceptions e.g. if the person has lived abroad for any length of time since first arrival.
  15. Update: Have now found yet more rules apply for NZ folks that arrived prior to 1994. Apparently my wife's parents visa status is 'Exempt non-citizen and considered a Permanent resident'. Explainer here: https://www.hannantew.com.au/australian-citizenship-and-permanent-residence-for-new-zealanders-a-quick-as-possible-guide/ Beware though as there can be quirks and exceptions e.g. if the person has lived abroad for any length of time since first arrival.
  16. Hi All, I posted a question in the partner visa forum but it might be relevant to others: My wife is Australian (by birth) with Kiwi parents who have been living in Australia since the 70s - question is what to put for the Kiwi parents Aus immigration status.. Because they entered prior to Feb 2001 they never had to obtain permanent residency - I understand they automatically get a protected Special category visa (SCV) which gives them all of the benefits of permanent residency (eg healthcare, unemployment benefit etc) without having to go through the official process. When filling out the sponsor section of my application (for 309/100) we have to put in the visa status of family members but none seem an obvious fit for the circumstances. Options below - Temporary Resident seems to be closest fit based on info I can find: - Australian Citizen - clearly does not apply to them - Permanent Resident - strictly speaking no but they have quasi PR by virtue of their protected SCV - Temporary Resident - they've been in Aus for 40+ years but are they considered temporary whilst living on kiwi passports without formal PR? - Student (no) - Other - maybe but this seems to be the status for people without any Aussie status
  17. Possibly answering my own question - this is the best info I can find: Aus Gov link below states that a SCV for a Kiwi is considered temporary. No specific mention of protected SCV status being any different, which I suspect means it’s also considered ‘temporary’. https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1617/Quick_Guides/NZAust “The SCV is classed as a temporary visa, and temporary visa holders do not have the same rights and benefits as Australian citizens or permanent residents. To access such rights, temporary migrants, including those from New Zealand, must obtain permanent visas. In contrast, on entering New Zealand, all Australian citizens and permanent residents are automatically granted residence visas, and may apply for permanent residence after having held a residence visa continuously for two years. Prior to 2001, New Zealand citizens in Australia on SCVs could access social security and obtain Australian citizenship without first becoming permanent residents. In February 2001, Australia entered into a new bilateral social security arrangement with New Zealand and amended citizenship laws for New Zealand citizens. Under these changes, all New Zealand citizens who arrived in Australia after 26 February 2001 and who want to access certain social security payments, obtain citizenship or sponsor family members for permanent residence may only do so after applying for, and being granted, permanent residence through the migration program. Transitional arrangements were put in place for New Zealanders in Australia at the time of the amendments. This means that New Zealanders who were already in Australia as SCV holders on 26 February 2001 may continue to apply for citizenship, sponsor family members for permanent residence and access social security payments without being granted permanent visas.”
  18. Hi All, I am applying for 309. My Aussie (by birth) wife has Kiwi Parents who have been living in Australia since the 70s. Because they entered prior to Feb 2001 they never had to obtain permanent residency. I understand they have something called protected Special category visa (SCV) which gives them all of the benefits of permanent residency without having to go through the official process (eg healthcare, unemployment benefit etc). I believe they have the ability to apply for PR but they are not obliged to (and they haven't). Me and my wife are filling out the application for 309 and have to declare the visa status of her family members and none seem an obvious fit for the circumstances. Options are: - Australian Citizen (clearly does not apply to them) - Permanent Resident (strictly speaking no but they have quasi PR by virtue of their protected SCV) - Temporary Resident (they've been in Aus for 40+ years but are they considered temporary whilst living on kiwi passports without formal PR? - Student (no) - Other (maybe but this seems to be the status for people without any Aussie status)
  19. Thanks so much - this will let us crack on without delay!
  20. Ahh, ok - that sounds good!... I hope you don't mind if i ask a couple of follow up questions: - Did you mention your kids in you 309 visa app - i think it asks if you have anyone else in the family unit and what their Aus immigration status is- do you just put 'other' initially and then change later as and when they get citizenship? - From what you are saying I presume its not a problem for the Australian parent to have 2 ongoing visa processes at the same time. I think there are 2 options for them to input their sponsor info - via your account or via their own: im not sure if it'll matter but which way did you do it? Thanks again for taking time to answer... Ali
  21. Thanks - the only reason i was considering anything else was that is says 75% of citizenship by descent applications granted in 5 months - if i wait until kids have citizenship it'll delay my application by however long it takes... but what im hearing is that is still likely to be quicker / cheaper /simpler to do it that way than combing kids with me - fingers crossed for a quick turnaround...!
  22. Thanks - Im guessing its best to get the kids citizenship first, and then I apply - rather than running the applications in parallel which could get messy when I have to declare dependants and their citizenship..
  23. Apologies if this is off topic (is that allowed?) but are you doing kids citizenship application separate from a partner/spouse 309 application? This is my current dilemma. My wife is Australian and Im British. We live in UK and have 2 x UK born kids. I'm wondering whether to do a single Aus visa application covering both me and kids, or whether to do seperately (either in parallel or kids first then me). I suspect there might be a clear winner and I'd love to know what it is!
  24. Hi All, Wondering if anyone has come across either of these dilemmas before: 1. JOINT OR SEPARATE APPLICATIONS FOR DAD / KIDS My wife is Australian and I am a UK citizen. We have lived together in UK since we met in 2008, we married in 2013, and have since had 2 kids (born in UK with UK passports only). - I'd hope a spouse visa shouldn't be a problem for me (been married a while, I'm healthy, no police record, professionally educated etc). Processing time showing as 18 months (75%) - I'd hope the kids shouldn't have a problem getting citizenship by birth (given their mum is Australian). Processing time is currently shown as 5 months (75%) - Does a joint app become more complicated or take longer? options I can see are: (a) Kids and I all apply together under a single 309/100 visa application with both me and the kids named as applicants. (b) I could do my own 300/100 spouse visa app, with my wife doing separate citizenship apps for the kids at the same time - presume we'd need to declare this on each app somehow. A bit worried this could get messy? (C) We could do the kids application first and wait until granted before lodging my application. This would avoid confusion, but delays me starting my application while we wait for the kids. 2. OTHER CITIZENSHIP One of the questions for my wife is whether she has citizenship of any other countries. She has applied for but not yet granted UK citizenship (by ancestry). Im hoping we can tick the no box for now but change it at a later date if necessary - unless the answer gets locked in? I wondered whether to include some commentary in the bit about future plans ie we want to get to a point where all of the family unit have both UK and Australian citizenship. Does that sound like a good approach? Any info on experiences of others would be much appreciated. Thanks Ali
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