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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. This is the issue, I want to say it is unused (it is) so they don't try to clean it, but that might mean $000s in duty for something which cost me more than list price in Australia!
  2. Thanks all, I think on that basis the tent is my only concern, however they are actually cheaper in AU than here (NZ brand tent) so I am losing money, but had to buy it as I had a credit note to spend!
  3. Its certainly eased now the stamp duty cut has gone, but there is a lack of supply.
  4. Hi Folks Re the requirement to declare things less than 12 months old, we have bought one or two things this year, a new fridge, armchair, bike and tent. Does everyone list normal stuff like this, or are they looking for people who are trying to bring in 10x boxed TVs etc? For example our tent was a replacement for one which was returned and mostly paid for with a credit note from last year - would you declare this? £1700 worth.
  5. HI - I was looking at the house buying process a few days ago, and found this quite useful: First Home Buyer Guide - Advice For Buying Your First Property | REIWA
  6. Absolutely the right thing if time is tight and someone else is paying. The OP sounded a little more vague on the job, and as it's only a year that is not likely to lead to a PR route, so would be onshore with a Partner visa application anyway.
  7. It doesn't work though does it? If everyone tried to live of grid half the world would have nowhere to live. It is a luxury for the wealthy. We rely completely on intensive farming to sustain us, and also employing the younger generations to farm it for us.
  8. They tend to be quicker from the UK. I would certainly go for the Partner Visa.
  9. Try one of the agents on here. I suggest you pay for a consultation if you want the right answer.
  10. So many lovely Cafe's to choose from for breakfast in Perth, you can spend a fortune though!
  11. There is a very smart and expensive Rydges South Perth. We look at it, but about twice the price of the AirBnB we have booked on Kintail Road Applecross. We used to live in Spey Road by the river (in an old house which has been bulldozed and a $4m+ mansion built in its place), and my wife grew up in Conan Road and Nairn Road.
  12. Wise (previously called TransferWise) and money corp are often recommended. Phone them once you know what you want to move, and ask for their best quote.
  13. Welcome! You need to apply for a partner visa 309/100 offshore. You have time, it typically takes 6-12 months from the UK, and once it is granted you normally have ~ 12 months to enter Australia to activate your visa, then up to 5 years to settle in Australia. Start now! Familiarise yourself with the requirements. You don't need to be married, but you have to be living as if you were - Defacto. Not dating, not we've now decided to move in together and want to move, but when you apply you will need to demonstrate a shared life together for a period, shared costs, family life, that family and friends treat see you and treat you as a couple. You will need to evidence this in a number of categories, including shared bills, memberships, wills naming each other and the like. It takes time pull it all together (whether you DIY or use an agent). I suggest you start to keep everything as of now if you are not already: Bills in both names covering the whole period Lease or house ownership together joint bank accounts Wills Travel together - tickets and photos etc. It isn't difficult but it is time consuming. Good luck!
  14. On the subject of matching names, my Son just finished up in the UK at Shelley Primary school, named for Percy Bysse Shelley who lived nearby. Looking at the Rossmoyne SHS catchment zeon, we could well end up in Shelley, WA where he would attend... Shelley Primary School
  15. Great news! Also increases someone elses chances of getting on the SIA flight!
  16. Hi Pippa I'm sure you have already seen, but I can recommend sharing on the Facebook groups "Australians Stranded in the UK" and Australians stuck around the world". Good luck, and thanks for looking into this - it is causing real distress to thousands of people.
  17. This might be the most ill informed post you have made Parley and that is saying something. The government explicitly asked people on holiday and business trips to come home, and also explicitly asked people who were working or living elsewhere to stay put. For a multitude of reasons those people - Australian Citizens and permanent residents, and their families - now need to come back to Australia. Unemployment, visas running out, family tragedy, illness, relationship breakdown. To be excluded from your country, and have your country make bascially zero effort to help you come home, in over a year is heartbreaking at a minimum, and causing severe mental distress at worst. There is only one person here who is tone deaf. Actually no sadly that isn't true, millions of Australians have bought the political bullshit blaming returning travellers for outbreaks, to deflect from the failures of the Australian Governments.
  18. I think if you have the evidence of ending your lease, quitting your job, chucking many £££s at the UK govt for a visa etc. you should be fine. Seems to me lots of people are applying before they have done any of those things, and that is much harder.
  19. Good luck! Have you checked whether the flight code you are on is running now post cap reduction? You can check either on the Etihad site or on flight radar or similar.
  20. Space is always worth a little more I think. We are looking for modernised or modern I guess, hence Applecross is probably off the radar unless we get lucky.
  21. Thanks Peter that is very kind. Glad to hear you have landed on somewhere. I am paying £2k a month rent at the moment in West Sussex, so the step won't be so much, but still looking around the $1000 a week mark, which just misses the really nice places when you need 4 bedrooms (or at least a nice 3 bed plus study). I could be persuaded to $1200 a week for 12 months if it had a pool like one I saw pop up on Realestate app yesterday in Ardross. If they are still going over the advertised rate that is probably a pipe dream again.
  22. Entertainment is as normal apparently, but food is two hot rolls and some snacks in between. Take food for the kids seems to be the main advice.# Yes you get a refund.
  23. My wife has had DVT in the past, so we prefer to stop in Singapore even for an hour or two. An actual hotel with drinks and the 4 seats per person on the flight is quite appealing to be honest, rather than jammed in on a direct flight to Darwin.
  24. They promised 20 additional flights so far, and 8 from London already. If the demand is there they will probably continue I guess.
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