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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. There is an additional LHR to Darwin flight on the 23rd July on the DFAT link, so worth a look if you are ready to go. Looks like Economy is mostly gone already, Premium economy £2k ish.
  2. Remember that people who move their pets with no issues at all rarely post online about it.
  3. You won't see the flights cancelled, because they are mainly still flying only without passengers only with cargo. I find it hard to believe given Etihad will have reduced numbers that they have capacity, but as you say, they may have booked just before the cap reduction and got lucky - someone has to!
  4. Alan Lam one of the most in touch travel agents posted again on one of the groups that certainly Singapore and Qatar has emptied entire flights, so Business or even First class is not guarantee. I guess they might be keener to get you moved onto another flight.
  5. Take a look at this in term of likely requirements. You would need to get some advise on whether the Diploma is sufficient, and what experience you need. SRGO Infosheet_Financial-Investment-Adviser.pdf (vetassess.com.au)
  6. I have started to see 100% remote roles advertised, but not many of them part time. Part time roles are tricky at the best of times. Maybe talk to one or two agencies in the UK?
  7. Have you registered for DFAT flights? Honestly this is probably a better bet. I would say your chance of getting on that plane are slim to none. Could be wrong though as that is pretty soon.
  8. When are your flights? People who booked months ago are currently getting bumped, so I am surprised they sold you a ticket if this is in 2021. Or maybe I'm not, I think Eithad are one of the airlines who are only rolling the caps forward a month or two (up to the next Government review date). I wouldn't get too excited to be honest. We booked with Qatar for September cheap and shifted to Singapore airlines fully flexible Y code Economy on the basis they were booking to the caps, but now the caps halved we only have a 50% chance of getting on the flight.
  9. They make a bespoke crate the right size for your dog, and they have water in with them all the way. Fortunately when shipping internationally there are professionals involved. Our GSD could not have chewed the water if he tried, it was on the outside, and the pipe was metal. Have a chat with PetAir, I am sure they will assuage any such concerns.
  10. We brought our GSD over from Perth and he was fine. Very happy to see us at Heathrow and a little bit stiff but otherwise no after affects.
  11. I was also bottom with Qatar for about £2600 for 4 of us, cancelled. Booked with Singapore Y class for £5000, now bid a further £2000 to upgrade LHR to SIN to Premium economy... If this doesn't work (or we are in September now knowing) I will also book DFAT end of September If I can.. Credit cards are taking a battering at the moment!
  12. This is all government spin. People who were on HOLIDAY or business trips were urged to return. Those with homes and jobs were told to stay put. Since then, people lost jobs, visas expired and many people who planned to be away a year or two just plain wanted to come home. They have a legal right to enter Australia, and now their government is effectively blocking that right by making it more and more difficult and through it's failure to provide facilities for them to do so safely, as well as its failure to vaccinate the population to also reduce the risks.
  13. Its a big success until you fail to follow up with a plan to get out of it. They bet on a vaccine coming along to support a Zero Covid strategy - they were right, but they are failing to deliver it effectively.
  14. You are right it was 50%, it was on the Australian news the other day. The UK cases are irrelevant now, Covid isn't even in the top 10 of things people are dying of on a daily basis. The vulnerable are 100% vaccinated. We are days away from all restrictions lifted. Australia could be there too if they got their shit together. The border closures and track and trace were a big success last year, however they missed the boat on vaccines, and also on building better quarantine facilities. That is a disaster because it is costing Australia a fortune.
  15. Because Australia still has to lock-down 75% of it's population for a few cases while a lot of the world is getting close to business as usual. Because Australians are in the main prohibited from leaving their country, because 35,000 Australians are not able to come home. Becuase what 8% of Australians have been vaccinated? despite the evidence being there for months that pretty much all of available vaccines are hugely effective, up to 98% with Pfizer against death and hospitalisation, as well as transmission. Its not a luxury, it is a huge expensive mistake.
  16. Do you recall what level of economy? We are Y which is fully flexible absolute top. I guess it make sod all difference if they don't have the seats Did you ask them to rebook you? I see agents have had success in rebooking their clients with no additional cost. I wonder if one argues effectively enough it can be done.
  17. Not that easy honestly, just about everything is booked up. DFAT flights to be increased so looks like we are all going to be off to Howard Springs.
  18. Have now found the "bid for an upgrade" approach on SIA, and made maximum bid to get to premium economy on the first leg in the hope this helps.
  19. Yes we are Y Economy. We don't appear to have the option of upgrading at this stage. Yes it would certainly be cheaper than sitting in an AirBnB for months.
  20. So now a wait and see for our SIA flights in September. 50:50 I guess We will be free (unemployed, nowhere to live) to book a DFAT flight in early September however 17 hours direct will be a big stretch for my wife post DVT.
  21. I would wait until they cancel you, then you should not pay any fees.
  22. In the UK there is a lot more profit on food than booze generally speaking, so you are right it is tough to let people sit and drink if you are staffing a restaurant. I think quite a few views of Brits and the pub here went out about 30 years ago. Very few people's lives revolve around the pub these days, hence why nearly 15,000 pubs closed from 2000 to 2019. I like a pub, but more for a bit of lunch or dinner on a sunny day, or some live music. I only catch up with mates maybe 2-3 times a year and just drink.
  23. Wow a year already! As I have said before I think you must win the quickest settling in period award! Congratulations on the baby news!
  24. All of the above seen in London last weekend. Also speedos but I cannot say whether they were double skinned.
  25. Different airlines have different policies. SIA are widely reported by respected travel experts to be booking to the caps, whereas others including Qatar only assume caps for the next month or so. Hence is it interesting when a company booking to caps increases availability. As the cut into WA from 1000 to 500 was announced as temporary it may be that they have some guidance on when this is expected to increase.
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