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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. While I share your outrage at the limits on our freedoms, don't be so sure the UK is much different; Tenders are out for covid marshalls to start in July - after we are supposed to be back to normal. Vaccine passports are threatening to be not just for international travel, but to go to the shops or the pub. New Zealand and others meanwhile are talking about compulsory vaccination for people working in some sectors, and allowing companies to insist as well. It's an Orwellian horror show.
  2. And in Australia that has no immediate impact, apart from the poor buggers in the Tourism industry perhaps, and those stuck in Australia until vaccination is 100%. Its those in Europe who are literally dying for govt led fear of a tiny tiny tiny possibility. Its very sad.
  3. I mean that study had 42 cases of which 39 were that variant, but if you want to reject the vaccine which is behind at least half the massive reduction in cases in the UK be my guest.
  4. You are confusing new variants where there is no data yet to prove it does work with it not working. There is also no evidence that any variants yet discovered can beat the vaccine.
  5. Re reading this thread has reminded me that I should live in a cool suburb even if that means a small townhouse!
  6. Ever been in the City of London at the weekend? Some of the pubs don't even open. Some CBDs are so office based there is no one living there at all.
  7. Your risk of catching COVID in Australia is so vanishingly small it wouldn't be even close to worth it.
  8. That is good to know, mine is split about 60:40 across L&G and Aon and I was considering a merger, might leave it now.
  9. I believe it is essentially for everyone, but here is a letter you need to apply for which you present if anyone asks you on your journey.
  10. They don't want you to do that - they will instead if needed continue to waive the initial entry dates as they are doing at the moment.
  11. i wondered about putting ours through the dishwasher.
  12. Qatar. Booked in early March for September. Was pretty standard cost at that point. Maybe I forgot the wife and kids???
  13. We've had PSS and John Mason quote for a 40ft to Fremantle at £7.3k and £7.6k so probably not that far off.
  14. We do have a five bedroom house and a trailer full of camping gear, and a drum kit, 4 guitars, electric piano...
  15. So it turns out we have nearly 1700 cu ft of stuff, so 40ft container it is!
  16. It shows the relative ineffectiveness of the UN really, by the time anything comes of it, no one will be helped by it.
  17. Oh good. I think you have to be up front and tell them your situation, it won't be the first time its come up.
  18. We've been unable to sell our camping gear refund voucher, so have use it to buy a Zempire tent. They are at least ANZ made and tough enough for the conditions! Looking forward to discovering the joys of Aussie camping next year.
  19. That would depend on timing, we've paid £2500 for four of us in September. It remains to be seen if we actually get on a plane with those tickets!
  20. Also Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Immigration and employment in Australia (nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au)
  21. I would suggest an initial consultation with a MARA registered migration agent, as I believe nurses are on the very short list of skills Australia is allowing during Covid, but there are no doubt some requirements. Go Matilda and Suncoast migration are often recommended on here.
  22. Also while I think about it, one confusing point is reference to the form 40sp, but for online application this is not completed, instead you do the apply as a sponsor under the immaccount new applications option.
  23. Each application will require slightly different evidence, so for example we are married therefore have marriage certificate and change of name, but defacto's wont.
  24. There is by the way a second section for sponsor documents below the applicant one IF you apply under one immi account. Your sponsor can use their own if they have one or want to create one but it is not necessary.
  25. On the social media question, again I would screenshot them into a word doc and save as PDF and upload. One document slot again.
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