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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. No they don't need to be certified, just scanned with a decent scanner and uploaded. What you don't see until you apply is the format of the document upload section, which looks like this: Sort all your scans into folders names this on your pc to make it easier. Then pull together loads of evidence. So no not just for 2 years, but the length of your relationship. Travel tickets, memberships, events you went to. I did a history of our relationship with photos from when we met to present in a word doc, saved as a PDF then uploaded. Do by the way group your documents together. Not Passports etc, but if you are uploading evidence you live together, scan a bunch of bills over a decent period into a single PDF and upload that. You only get 100 upload slots (I think still) so you need to group.
  2. Sorry to hear that Paul, I hope they all make a speedy recovery.
  3. unless you had symptoms yes. they are now offering anyone 2 free at LFT tests a week at home. Started with secondary school kids, now everyone. Consequently those who have Covid but with no symptoms are now testing positive.
  4. If you are willing to invest the time yourself and your case is straightforward (no medical or conviction issues for example) imo there is no need to use a migration agent. Especially if your wife is from the UK (all docs in English for a start, and a presumption of no economic incentive for migration) then I wouldn't bother. Also worth noting that your agent cannot pull your documentation together, you have to do that yourself. There is plenty of discussion on here about how much to provide etc.
  5. Also, idea that the drop is all down to lockdown and not also the weather and the vaccination program is wierd.
  6. The South Africa variant is stable. Stats out last week.
  7. Yes they are absolutely at low risk of these things, and no more than the risk to their mental health from lockdown. I don't understand why everyone tolerance of risk has gone so off kilter!
  8. Wonderful to see! Young people mainly, who are at very low risk, and whose at risk loved ones have now been vaccinated! What are you worrying about exactly?
  9. Oh we will see higher cases, because they are going to offer everyone in the county 2 free tests a week. Millions will go for it I am sure. Hospitalisation is the only valuable measure now.
  10. They said that about the schools. No third wave.
  11. Thanks - looks good but you have to be a resident to setup. I will certainly move as soon as we are on the ground in Perth!
  12. They might be petty, but I think we can safely assume they Brits will still be in the same queue as the Aussies.
  13. I figure I have a year to keep an eye on it. If it gets closer to $1.90 I will consider it, but effectively I won't be able to access that cash without going to a NAB branch on arrival so it is a little bit of a risk.
  14. As has been said before, the long term average is 1.80, so anything up from there is a win!
  15. I still think there is a window to come where the UK is vaccinated and open and Australia has to open and will see some spikes. Probably some time next year. fingers crossed for a spike to 2:1 as we saw last year
  16. When you appoint a big 4 firm to do work for you, there is generally a clause that the work is for internal use only and it cannot be published to a wider audience. This protects the big 4 from others who might rely on their report to make decisions, and later take legal action against the big 4 firm if they are wrong. If you want a report you can rely on publically it costs a whole lot more money, and might be less useful internally as they make less firm observations or comments.
  17. Unless you are going to blow it all on a boat and a snazzy car I'm not sure I see the point!
  18. I think UK roaming contracts are on a fair usage basis, so if you try to use them a lot in Australia you will probably find they stop working, and you are paying a UK contract and an Australia one
  19. Generally speaking, with savings your money is not at risk, but your returns are generally pretty low. Banks & super funds usually are protected by government schemes to encourage people to trust them. If you invest you have the opportunity to earn more return, but your assets are at risk - ie your share etc can drop in value, or indeed become worthless. There are degrees of risk of course, and you can spread your investments across the ASX for example, when you are more subject to the global or national economy rather than the success or failure of individual companies. Investing is generally a better idea in the longer term as you can ride out the ups and downs. If you need quick access to funds when values are down, you realise your loss and that is that. Good luck!
  20. Whatever you do don't sell your place in Surry Hills! you will never get back in again if you do.
  21. For me personally none - I am very fortunate to have bee working throughout. For the millions of self employed and business owners hanging on by their fingernails every day is swallowing their savings and burdening them with debt they will never be able to repay.
  22. Not being funny, but I have no doubt people who investigate such things can also google and search forums. I would take this down and call an MRA agent for advice.
  23. Qatar are fully flexible to the end of the year including refunds, so we went with them, mid September 3 adults 1 kid fare £2560 one way.
  24. the key word being were. They were swamped last year, now there are empty Covid wards. Why are we still locked down? It is madness.
  25. Its a good question. We are looking forward to planning an outdoor kitchen. More fresh meat and veg, and grilled fish. Love a bit of grilled fish when you know it is fresh! My wife is in her mind already in the queue in Kailis in Freo or Leederville for seafood.
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