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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. France are close to opening borders, I think the others will follow suit in early Jan. If you step back for a minute, this is not so bad. Lots of other issue can cause more delays.
  2. We are a few weeks behind you on exchange but moving into rented for 6 months or so.
  3. For goodness sake keep going with house sale! You can find flights as soon as they are open, if you don't sell you house you are months away again!
  4. It seems from afar that the issue is the delay from infection to symptoms + the high proportion of asymptomatic cases means you think you are clear of community infection, but in reality it is working through a few people before someone gets symptoms again. This is why the experts are saying you cannot defeat this thing - just like the Flu it will never really go away. Said at the beginning that no democratic country be it Australia or even new Zealand cannot stop it's citizens travelling, and as no quarantine is perfect it will come in. Vaccines are the only way forward. That said, AU and NZ have done a good job of minimising deaths until the vaccine is in the widespread effect. Whether the cost of that screws the economy for the next 20 years remains to me seen.
  5. And I was hoping the driving had improved in the last 15 years. The complete inability to merge on the Kwinana freeway was legendary with traffic stopping completely as a result.
  6. How have those in Quarantine paid for Coles / Woolies deliveries?
  7. When I was about to go to Au last year I opened an account with WestPac, visiting their London international branch to pick up cards and show ID so it was fully operational. Unfortunately when I didn't move they closed it. My wife also had her Commbank account of 20+ years closed while we were out of Australia which was a pain.
  8. I put together a spreadsheet of travel with month, destination and purpose for my partner visa which did the trick. I guess they are looking for patterns of dodgy trips to Iran or something.
  9. On the BBC there was an expert saying that the sand to replenish the Byron bay beach is there just delayed. As you say all about the timing of sand movement up (or down?) the coast. I remember down in Falcon where my Aunt lives their beach was impacted by some development further up the coast which buggered with the sand movement. I think it usually recovers in time.
  10. In which case it is no surprise there is a large amount outstanding. No one pays that much cash before they need to.
  11. Oh I am a Tory, but I can still see the Mail for what it is, and I will indeed judge it! Since they went online its all about the clickbait.
  12. I think you should also consider whether you are making it less likely that you employer would sponsor someone else in future. It would be morally questionable to take the opportunity yourself and then ruin it for future migrants.
  13. Horrible site full of bullshit stories to justify pics of partially dressed young ladies.
  14. It seems to me if you make your life outside of Australia (as we have) it is not reasonable to expect the Aussie Government to be able to let you in / get you home in any circumstances regardless of the potential risks to the resident population. You have to accept that in the event on a major event, Pandemic war etc. this might not be possible, or might take some time. It's unfortunate, but it is a reality. Governments can't do everything, they have to prioritise. In this case it seems they had to reduce the quarantine capacity to ensure it was safe.
  15. there are worse places to Swim than the river. This is canning River actually but a nice spot! Looking forward to getting back there. https://www.kids-around-perth.com/deep-water-point-mt-pleasant.html
  16. Most of it will be online in 10 years anyway, so should come back down in price / be centrally funded. Probably use AI for the basic stuff and only talk to an actual doctor if you trigger concerning symptoms. You can then trigger automated follow up to make sure you collected the prescription / took it / are feeling better all via app. Its coming no doubt.
  17. Surely it is not possible to move to Australia without having an PIO account? Who is this imposter??!!!
  18. Do you not think dual citizenship comes with a slightly different set of rights and responsibilities? I think what Dusty was saying is if you are both a Turkish and Australian citizen you sort of have two home countries, and expecting either government to pay for you to move from one to the other is ridiculous. I mean fair enough if you were on holiday in one and then not allowed back to your job and family fine, but if that is the case after 9 months of this then I would be a little surprised.
  19. Given that pretty much only Citizens, PR holders and their families are allowed in it seems to me they do have priority for flights.
  20. Is there an HR person you can speak to? Or escalate to the person above the one you are asking?
  21. A house two doors down from where my Wife grew up is on the market at something like $5m... Everywhere I like the look of seems to be upwards of $1m to get a 4 bed place. On paper I don't mind these long and narrow half block homes. Will have to rent one and see!
  22. My current best estimate for moving costs is well over £40k including the selling the house which we wouldn't be doing unless we were moving. Even that is probably under called because I haven't bothered estimating the ad-hoc stuff when we arrive - probably another £5k. All based on 3 months total without income.
  23. To be fair a lot of senior doctors in the UK earn over twice their NHS salaries!
  24. Yes noted, we will be having a look round there as we don't know that area at all. We were also considering up around Churchlands catchment, but prefer SOR for a number of reasons.
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