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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. At 25 or 35 I would be going smaller and closer to the fun!
  2. Yes I know. We lived in Applecross last time we were in Perth in 2004. I know it has got busier but still like it round there.
  3. Life would be bloody dull if we weren't that's for sure.
  4. We are hoping to live in Ardross or Mount Pleasant to get the kids into Applecross SHS. We can certainly rent there, whether we can buy what we want depends on me getting a decent job. It's a difficult balance.
  5. If all you want is a nice house and a local park and a 10 minute drive to a beach then I'm sure up there is fine. If you want a bit more buzz and a shorter commmute I would be looking somewhere more like Scarborough. Its quite a long drive from up there in traffic. Mind you I got a nosebleed going as far as Carine, and thought Hilarys was a about halfway to Geraldton...
  6. Indeed it seems even back then the contributory was bloody expensive and the bond would have been only part of the that $80k. Ah 2005, the year when we came to the UK for a couple of years...
  7. It sounds like they took the Contributory Parent visa route, which usually I believe involves an assurance of support bond AoS. If you google these you will find our about them. I think the bond is for 10 years and you can get some of it back if the parents haven't relied on Social security payments during that time.
  8. They are trying to attract families to live out there nowadays.
  9. I would also add that our Governments clearly think that keeping the TV entertainment flowing is good for morale. As is sport etc. Different rules are being applied in the UK too.
  10. I am sure he is not alone in being able to agree with the government that he can fund an independent security firm to enforce his quarantine. If people want to spend that kind of money then let them, makes no difference to anyone else does it?
  11. It used to be quite funny, but they went all in opposing Brexit and the Conservative government and got really one sided and boring.
  12. More I wouldn't want to put money into an AU account until I was actually in Australia, as if the rules changed or we decided not to move I wouldn't be able to get it back.
  13. Is there an example of someone buying their way in? Aside from if you can afford a first class ticket you are much less likely to get bumped from a flight? I think you would still need to have Citizenship or a passport. On the vaccine front in the UK there will be no provision of private vaccines - only the NHS will have access to the 370 Million + the government are buying. I suppose there may be other channels. Edit: Seen the Adam Hills thread - if you have an issue with Airlines trying to keep themselves flying by selling the First Class tickets first I think you have to look to the Government to change the rules.
  14. The fact you can't access that money again without providing your ID at the branch in Australia is unappealing in the current environment though.
  15. You can enter Australia if you have PR, and certain other visas I believe. Flights seem to be the main issue.
  16. I admire the positive attitude! Just don't expect to be free to be dining out, meeting friends and family until the Spring! Lockdown continues for most of the country...
  17. It's a good point about capacity. Qantas CEO said it will be a requirement I think. I suspect there will be a wait period after vaccine and a select list of countries where numbers have dropped significantly due to Vaccine roll out. Hopefully the UK is on that list.
  18. I'm seriously considering buying a playstation 5 and stack of games for the hotel stay if quarantine is still in place when we move next September!
  19. Actually if your funds are a temporary large amount due to a single transaction such as selling a house (or divorce or inheritance) you are protected up to £1m for 12 months. https://www.fscs.org.uk/how-we-work/claims-process/temporary-high-balances/
  20. We are moving into rental so fingers crossed, but a month from this week would be a bit tricky!!
  21. Once you are a citizen all previous restrictions are removed. You are free to work for who you want. However I would check your employment contract to be sure there are no clawback type clauses where you have to pay back their costs if you leave within the 2 years.
  22. I did Hot air Ballooning once, and it was lovely, although i did get the job of jumping out and legging it across the muddy field with a rope to pull the balloon down as the wind had rather picked up.
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