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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Good news! We have the buyers mortgage valuation tomorrow so fingers crossed. I am hoping the Stamp duty holiday motivates everyone to complete in good time!
  2. Not recently (two years ago), but we did it all on immi account and then with one visit to the High Commission in London, very simple process.
  3. Ah you guys are inspiring me to ship my Landrover Discovery when I come. It hits the odd muddy track and field over here, but I would love to kit out for some beach and outback driving.
  4. It is helpful to understand what you are dealing with - soft soaping doesn't help you. Australia owes your family nothing and if they are going to get there it will require a chunk of luck, and by the looks of it they are already trying the sponsorship rout - keep going is probably the best advice.
  5. You have to be careful. I, for example, am not actually a Hat.
  6. https://www.ato.gov.au/individuals/medicare-levy/medicare-levy-surcharge/
  7. There is probably a youtube video on how to take apart a clean a vacuum cleaner.
  8. You are not of average height. I find in Perth a decent sized car would be a must as there are a lot of big vehicles around and I wouldn't want to be the one getting squashed.
  9. Now this has moved from Ask Vista; There is indeed a medicare levy benefit to having private health insurance providing that 1) you earn over the threshold ($180k per family) and 2) the policy meets the minimum requirements. Effectively there is a medicare levy surcharge applied if you earn over that and don't claim the exemption for having the insurance.
  10. The floodgates of people whose partner dies while they are in living in Australia? Given the restrictions on age to get the visa in the first place this is hardly going to be a flood is it?
  11. It's a bit different to losing your job and having to go home as a family which everyone knows is a risk. Some discretion for those suffering a tragedy makes sense.
  12. I guess Singapore airlines think the leg to Singapore will be full, because I rather think they leg to Australia will have plenty of space for bags!
  13. They are flipping annoying when you are on a run. Next 6 matches will be interesting for both Leicester and Spurs! See if we can be challengers.
  14. Tempted given that Singapore airlines are offering free changes to book some flights in September 21. One way economy to Perth for £540 adult.
  15. Thanks that confirms that we should sell before we come. Will bring some of our nice furniture and our CADAC BBQ though. Probably look at a caravan in the long run anyway.
  16. We bought a tent a year or so ago in the UK, large Outwell Air tent - 7 person. Due to a fault it has gone back and I have a credit note. I would be interested to hear any opinions from you Aussie campers whether you see such tents in use in Australia? The one we are looking at has good ventilation and flyscreens everywhere which is key for us, but still not sure if I should bring or sell assuming I buy this one in March. https://www.outwell.com/en-gb/ecommerce/tents/knoxville-7sa
  17. It was all making perfect sense until you revealed yourself as a Spurs fan. Such a shame we pipped you to first ahead of the international break.
  18. Well we have now an offer on the house after 3 weeks on the market! Cue months of worry about it actually getting to completion! Still planning for September 21 as our move date, hoping things have settled down by then.
  19. I would go as far as to say if you need some equity to buy in Surfers then borrow against your Sydney home and still keep it. Literally no benefit in exiting the Sydney property market unless you really have to!
  20. A property in Sydney has to be a pretty good pension I would think! Have you rented it out?
  21. It's fine honestly, I know one person who has had Covid and she lives in Madrid. Not one of my circle in the UK has had it. Sure it is a bit worse in the North at the moment, but social distancing keeps you safe. Perfectly easy to self isolate - online shopping is about a million times easier over here. The only caveat is the job market it not great.
  22. Lots of Aussies move to the UK then move back again after a few years - I have worked with half a dozen for a start. Don't rip up 1/3 of your pension pot off the back of your son's current plans. I would stick it out until you have the AU state pension.
  23. I wouldn't move now tbh. Or make any other decision which means resigning from a job. It could take you many months to find a new job when you get back. 750k increase in unemployment and counting. Expect that to at least double by Christmas.
  24. That's a human rights violation right there. I have a proper Waitrose (juice bar, wine bar, cafe, bakery cafe, sushi, etc) and then a little Waitrose a bit close for emergencies. Both 5 minutes away. M&S take more like 10 as my car doesn't fit in their car park....
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