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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. A lot of others countries have bounced back quickly and are not even technically in recession (which requires 2 consecutive qtrs of GDP decline), but then will not suffer again with the resurgence and further lockdowns. To be fair I don't think Australia and in particular NZ can be compared to Europe or the US, as they are so relatively isolated economically.
  2. Indeed, and the lower is the relevant one if you are trying to extrapolate across a population. You can't ignore the fact, particularly in the UK & US were lots of people are not able or willing to get tested with no or mild symptoms, that the denominator for these %ages is probably very understated.
  3. I'm not sure where you get the 2-4% from, that is almost certainly overstated. Most studies say 0.5-1.0%. Even then, the point it that the mortality rate is massively higher in some at risk groups, so a sensible approach is to lockdown those groups and support them, and let everyone else get on with life and the very small risk that applies to them.
  4. If you are happy to rent, I would live in Cottesloe. Buying is rather more expensive.
  5. Careful, the Welsh don;t like people talking up Wales at the moment, they seem to think English tourists = death!
  6. Looked in Immi account - it is called "Sponsorship for a Partner to Migrate to Australia (300, 309/100, 820/801" and is under Family.
  7. You do not need to attach the file. There is a separate application type for the sponsor - either create your own immi account or submit it via the partners immi account.
  8. Are you doing it online in the immiaccount?
  9. Your GP is talking nonsense, you have a legal right to your medical records.
  10. I believe some people have had success by replying to the email and asking for the 100 as well, pointing out that they qualify. Worth a try anyway?
  11. I certainly wouldn't be moving to the UK in the next year. So much doubt over Covid response, the economy etc. When you do move I would keep your house in Sydney assuming you own it. You may never get back again if you don't.
  12. Keep talking to your new employers - I am sure they will be flexible. Perhaps you can start working remotely before you go? Incidentally are you moving to work for a a big company? If so they might be able to put some pressure on the airlines if they spend a lot and have a procurement / travel team. On this end you can always find somewhere to stay for a few weeks. You will get there!
  13. Being scared of spiders in Australia is just sensible! In the UK you don't need to be. Just don't stick your hands in places you can't see.
  14. I am the only person who thought this post was going to be about raising children in Queensland?
  15. Saw an article earlier about the fact that a single person slipping through and WA could be like Melbourne in a week or so. It's a fair point, and the problem with the isolation approach - you are only as good as your isolation!
  16. Was it you whose agent screwed up the application? Think you would have been quicker to apply again and sue the agent.
  17. The standard of politicians everywhere seems pretty poor these days. Maybe we are just getting old. Seriously though, Trump vs Biden, the state of the lightweights in the UK cabinet, it is a shit show. Don't know enough about Aussie politicians to comment really.
  18. Its nice down that way! My Aunt lives just south of Mandurah. There wasn't much there when I first visited in 1986, amazing how much there is there now!
  19. Correct Singapore and HK are now both on the exceptions list so no self isolation required.
  20. I would think the middle of a shitty breakup is never the right time to make a life changing decision. Also Australia is for the moment being ver yvery lucky in world Covid terms, so why not stick for now? You could come back here and find yourself not legally allowed to mix with other households (depending on where you live). I remember reading somewhere that it is important that you realise things won't be like they were before you left. People move on with their lives.
  21. If you need a hire car when you are out, I highly recommend Bayswater car hire who are on Adelaide terrace - not far whichever Novotel you are in. https://www.bayswatercarrental.com.au/perth/car-hire?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=gmb-perth-adelaide-tce They have a very limited range and hence are very well priced. We have used them multiple times for 1-3 weeks hire.
  22. So glad to hear you have arrived safely. That sucks about the house. Certainly where we are agents are telling me there is a fair bit of demand at the moment with the stamp duty holiday, so hopefully you can get back on the market and under offer quickly!
  23. I tend to think the other states have been incredibly lucky. Australia overall has been. I can't see it lasting, although obviously I hope it does. There will come a tipping point when the risk to the economy outweighs all other concerns, becuase without money there is no standard of living or healthcare. That point is soon in Vic i think.
  24. Don't give up hope! If you have sold everything and at least one of you doesn't have a job in the UK you don't have a lot to lose from trying to move do you?
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