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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. The Emirates test appears to be related to Dubai transit. There isn't a nomimated lab for the UK, just says must be accredited. https://www.emirates.com/us/english/help/flying-to-and-from-dubai/tourists-travelling-to-dubai/
  2. I wouldn't bet on it. I am sure they will confrim. Qantas have a health declaration on their website for all travellers by the looks of it; Perhaps if this is completed it tells you what to do. https://www.qantas.com/gb/en/travel-info/travel-updates/coronavirus/health-screen-form.html
  3. Tasmania also has the G2G pass per the website, but the wording isn't quite so firm.
  4. Congratulations! Sounds like you have truly made a new life.
  5. Congratulations! Your new life starts here! Woohoo!
  6. We have parked it until next September ish; Just becuase quitting my well paid job in this period of uncertaintly doesn't feel very sensible! We will look to market the house in September this year with a view to renting for 6-9 months as needed. Much easier to move then.
  7. I would be a little wary about the economy at the moment tbh, not many companies are hiring and there are lot of layoffs coming. Same reason I am not rushing the other way.
  8. I should say my family are all citizens and I have PR validated last year with until November 2023 to move.
  9. We are planning to move in ~ September 2021 now, or a year later than planned. Dependencies are selling the house (probably listing in September to take advantage of the stamp duty holiday which on our house is worth £15k to a buyer), and the WA economy not being buggered.
  10. I mean fair enough if you have PR then you in theory at least can enter Australia, but for other Visa types it makes no sense.
  11. I assume it is because in theory under some others you qualify for the excemption so can travel, whereas they have been clear from the start that temp visa holders should stay away.
  12. Doesn't appear to apply to a 309/100. Worth asking the department perhaps?
  13. Still, hardly anyone in their age group is haveing anything other than minor symptoms, so you can't expect them to stay isolated for ever.
  14. Good luck Lavers! I have only spent a few days in Adelaide, but liked it a lot. My wife lived there for about 12 years. We have good friends in the Barossa Valley now, so once we finally get ourselves to Oz expect regular visits to SA.
  15. Be careful on this - it might only be granted if you are going directly from the quarantine, not if you spend a couple fo weeks in Victoria.
  16. What you need is an excel model! I have everything in mine, but then again I do think in Excel, and usually have about 20 open for work at any one time. You first three are going to vary depending on the visa and agent. Most agents will give you a gree consult and that would include a cost estimate. For transport use kayak or google flights; Registration depends on your profession Rent and bond depend on where and what you are renting - an apartment would be way different to a house - checkout realestate.co.au
  17. The new cases in Melbourn look hellish. It's in the community - will be bloody hard to stop it.
  18. I was also going to add stick it out until you have citizenship then the world is your oyster! You could try the East Coast while you are doing so. Perth and Melbourne / Sydney are so different in scale and bustle. Perth is getting buseir though - I notice it a lot when we go back with a couple of years gap. I do think though I could get bored shitless stuck out in a northern or southern Suburb. Defo aiming for close suburbs.
  19. I must say I find it remarkable that the state governments can restrict citizens access to their own country by making it cost thousands of dollars over and above the flight. If the government madates something like this they should pay for it.
  20. I suggest you get yourself a good agent, as making your case in the best way might be critical.
  21. I doubt it is legal for them to prevent citizens coming under any circumstances. You will be fine!
  22. Yes - my point is politicians say all kinds of things, but unless this changes, most of us are fine.
  23. Australia’s borders are closed. Only Australian citizens, residents and immediate family members can travel to Australia. https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-advice-for-travellers#:~:text=Only Australian citizens%2C residents and,travel restrictions may also apply. Unless and unitl that statement changes, at the very least those who are citizens or hold PR can enter Australia subject to the quarantine arrangements. It was also confirmed previously that you don't have to have activiated your PR to be a PR holder. The only issue I can see is getting a flights, but given the number of citizen abroad, it shouldn't be an issue if you are flexible.
  24. Well If I don't have my job I will have a bloody big cheque, so that would actually help! Not likley to happen unfortunately. When we get out heads around going back on the market we might do it this year.
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