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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. It's tough this isn't it? We were supposed to move in August, house sale fell through and we are not on the market at the moment. Main concern is quitting a well paid job to move to a questionable economy. A house similar to hours round the corner went on the market last week, so will be interested to see how that goes. We have 3 years 4 months before the travel portion of my PR expires. It's the being in limbo which does your head in.
  2. Setup a folder for each type of evidence Save your scanned documents with clear file name - eg Phoebe 147 Birth Certificate. Group into single pdfs things which make sense, so household bills in one not 10 docs (travel photos, photos at family event together etc I put into word with captions then saved as PDF - 8 pages or so) Keep important things like Passport etc indivudual as they have their own drop down category (Passport, ID card, driving license etc).
  3. I think that just means it is confidential and not for random persons to open. I would open and scan it. Technically it must have been addressed to you to get to your home no?
  4. Wow, it's looking amazing! You give lots of hotels a few tips on how to make a luxurious pool area!
  5. I believe there are certain agents who have expertise in handling medical issues - it might be worth finding them and getting in touch. A site search might work.
  6. As a citizen and PR you would be allowed in to Australia, however you might need to apply for one of these https://www.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/2020-04/border-closures-160420.pdf Who knows how long the 14 day quarantine lasts - or whether you might have to pay for it yourself? Not possible to say at this point. We are waiting to see what happens, although we also have a house to sell, so likley to be next year.
  7. Hi Catherine Unfortunately without both qualifications and experience in a job which is on the skills shortage list there are very few routes to migrate permanently or even temporarily to Australia. If you really want it in the long term you can train and work in a job on the list, however you may find that by the time you get the experience you need (often years) that skill is no longer in demand. Or you could find a nice Australian man, fall in love and make it that way! Has to be genuine of course!
  8. MIght be worth checking the airline will let you fly with your Visa. Last thing you want is to be denied boarding.
  9. It's not unreasonable for quotes to increase if they have to take more time packing. We haven't dol yet, and not likely to in this market TBH, so will not now be moving in September as planned. Will wait and see how the WA job market recovers before I resign this side.
  10. It does seem contractidictory. I suggest contacting the local school authority and saking them / applying that way as Quoll mentioned. This is probably why it is handled centrally.
  11. PR never expires, hence the P. However the travel rights do - you then need to either apply for citizenship or apply for a resident return visa to re-enter Australia.
  12. I am a finance director. Not too many roles at my level at the best of times, but more challenging in recession certainly.
  13. Yes we have suspended plans to tput the house on the market. Even if we can sell this year for a decent price, I am not that confident that quitting my job will be a good plan if the world is in recession. We will see once restrictions are lifted, but more likely to be next year than this now. I activated this time last year, Visa has 3 1/2 years to run..
  14. Meanwile people are sniping at those who are working to keep them safe
  15. Sounds like Tasmania is your Australian spot!!
  16. I would place a bet that Australia is a better place to be than the UK in the next few months. It is going to ramp up very very quickly here. I would think the requirement to leave after 3 months will be waived - the rules are going to have to change for people who get stuck. The Foreign office advice is nothing to do with caring for your in laws, and everything to do with not having to repatriate people later on.
  17. If your sale goes through I would go ahead as well - if flights are not available do you have a plan B for accomodation here? Might your work keep you on?
  18. I would think more of a concern is finding a job when the economy is likeley heading for a recession. We want to go this year, but I am not about to quit a highly paid job and jump into a recession in WA. We are holding off putting the house back on the market for now, but I would certainly complete and move into rented if it hadn't fallen through.
  19. Does anyone get past the overly long intro on that show?
  20. Ha especially today when I had to be in the office for 8am. I have no intention of doing this in Perth that is for sure - 30 mins max.
  21. I also manage a seat both ways every day, headphones on, reading or dozing so it kind of works. It is tiring though, so I am rarely at my best!
  22. As someone who commutes an hour and half into central London most days I really wouldn't recommend it. Compromise is best.
  23. This looks like a clear case of an agent being expensive, but not as expensive as a failed application, then an agent and a second application.
  24. I don't see any reason why it should make any difference at all.
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