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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Ths is clearly a messy situation that might be better resolved with some mediation before you go down the legal route. Worth a try given there is a child involved?
  2. My wife tells me some pies have mince in them not steak, so needs the Ketchup. What kind of sick twisted hell am I moving to??
  3. No you don't pay any tax on moving funds from the UK to Australia, although I guess there might be some of the usual proof of where they came from anti-money laundering paperwork. In the UK you don't pay CGT on the sale of primary home, so as long are you are living in it no problems there. If you were to move to Australia without selling, and then sell after 6 months plus (from April 2020 I think) then you might be liable to pay UK CGT on the increase in the value of the property (if any) from when it ceased to be your home.
  4. We’re off the market for a bit, back on start of March. Fingers crossed!
  5. Sounds a lot to me. I work for an ASX listed company in the UK, and they used to do 6 months at director level, but reduced to 3 months a number of years ago. You would need to be very senior exec to get 6 months.
  6. I suggest you just put in one or two things for each year - this is what I did for ~15 years of relationship. Meeting, moving, wedding, new house, kids etc. Special holiday where you are including the travel booking etc as evidence.
  7. It is possible to register with just your details on the birth certificate then re-register the birth later when the father is available to attend the register office, assuming he comes over soonish. Also you do have 42 days from the birth to register.
  8. The light. Warm Summer evenings that don't turn really chilly at about 10pm. Winter sunnry days which hit 20 degrees. The sea not being bloody freezing. Seafood (not least grilled fish and chips). Quokkas. Eating outside. Allens Snakes Alive! Roads without endless potholes. Visiting Wineries. Nice Restaurants everywhere. Cycle paths. Walking the Bridges in Perth, South Perth. Kings Park. Oysters at Fremantle Boat Harbour. Walking on the Beach at night.
  9. Nothing wrong with making potential migrants think hard about the opportunity - might save them £50k or so
  10. There is not easy way around it - you either leave it later a risk delaying your exit, or go early and risk short term let.
  11. We have been tyring to sell our lovely house for about 14 months on and off. Hopefully the market is picking up now, but don't assume it will sell in a few weeks of going on the market.
  12. I would try to ensure the above covers the period you are trying to demonstrate - ie if all that is from then end of last year it won't be enough - however if your lease was signed a couple of years ago, and you have bills covering that period, plus a selection of join bank account statements over that period etc. If you have more than one holiday or trip booking then include that. I also picked a selection of photos of us together over time in a word document and put some comments around it, also with family etc at events. The point is to show a long relationship not a snapshot.
  13. Yes - anything where you have a shared commitment is evidence. Household bills, accounts, club or association memberships, bank accounts, wills, home ownership, mortgage, leases (current or past), home or car insurance. If not with both names, then at the same adress. Collate it into categories and scan together / upload as one file to reduce the number of uploads you use.
  14. Fewer people. Less traffic. Closer to the UK. Better weather. Beaches as good. Your GBP goes further buying a home (vs Sydney, Melbourne anyway).
  15. That is the least odd thing ever. You go to your fridge many times more often than your freezer. I haven't seen one the other way round in years!
  16. It rains in Manchester. A lot. Start with London imo, lots of fun for a yongster like yourself! Google rooms in shared houses.
  17. The choice is either suck it up and pay for furnished for 3 months, or rent somewhere sooner and live in a half empty house. You might find it cheaper to buy an Ikea sofa, outdoor dining set and live with that for 2 months.
  18. To be honest it sounds rather like your husband is saying one thing (yes we go) and doing another (not actually doing anything to make it happen); Marisa's suggestion on counselling is a good one. It is difficult marrying these foreigners someone has to be away from home.
  19. You won't leave your kids for a job in the UK surely? Paramedics seem to have it pretty tough in the UK.
  20. Taking positivity to the max!
  21. Now I have seen your other post referencing a Narcissistic mother I take it back - stay as far away as possible!
  22. I suspect that answer is no the sunshine doesn't replace the love of family if you are close. Worth waiting until you can apply for your Australian citizenship I would think in case you want to come back?
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