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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Chances of getting a job before you arrive are slim to non-existant. You should plan 3-6 months living costs as a buffer as it might take that long to get work, plus then he will have to work for 12 months at lower rates while gaining his experience. It is not cheap.
  2. I am not an Electrician, but I think sponsorship is very hard to come by these days - they are not short of electricians any more.
  3. I thnk the 40 hours a fortnight applies to the main applicant, and the point is to ensure they actually study. I suggest you do some more digging.
  4. I would say you have a wonderful opportunity to experience life in a new city in a new country. Why not? Sounds like you are relativley young and I assume no kids? You might find you take a little while to find the right role, so might be worth looking into software companies in perth, or indeed remote work? If you are a spouse on a work visa you should have full work rights; I think what people refer to is that companies will often pick someone with citizenship or permanent residence over someone with a limited term 3-4 year visa if they are looking long term. Perth is a lovly place to live, particularly if you like ourdoors and watersports. We are moving back to Perth after 15 years in the uK as soon as we can sell our house. I would suggest you absolutley apply on her visa. I would also be asking your firm if you can work remotely, even 3 weeks out of 4 and one in the office in Sydney or Melbourne (or wherever their office is). Don't ask don't get. Good luck!
  5. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-02/australian-expats-face-tax-slug-cgt-main-residence-exemption/11836094
  6. Bloody buyers couldn’t get the mortgage; hundreds wasted on solicitors fees
  7. I wonder how much you looked at what Corbyn stood for? Not a Labour party I would want to be associated with.
  8. Woohoo! It'll be all over by now! Congratulations Paul, I wish you a happy retirement!
  9. How is that working out for you? Fortunatelyu the British public have seen through the Corbynisat nonsense and promises for all and sundry. Fed up with being told Corbyn and his cronies know better.
  10. I have my fingers crossed the rate stays >$1.90 until mid Feb.... Like you the rate is significantlt better than when we started planning this, lets hope it keeps improving!
  11. I would assume they will find this, be up front about it and note that you provided evidence of when you started living together. That means though if you claimed monies you were not entitied to you probably need to resolve that first.
  12. HI All Hopefully quick question; I know that in Australia once you are a tax resident you pay income tax on your worldwide income (subject to double taxation relief), however I am interested in what happens in the year you move. In the UK your tax free allowance applies for the tax year even if you only work in the UK for say 6 months if it and cease to be tax resident; fill in a form and you get a ta rebate. I am trying to work our if that is actually cash benefit for me, or whether I end up paying tax on that income in austalia anyway (possibly at a lower rate). Say I work in the UK from 1st April to 30th August, then move to Australia in early September. As I am not resident in Australia when I earned that income, do I have to declare that income on my Australian tax return and then pay tax on that in Australia (subecjt to double taxation treaty) ? On a second point, If was then paid a bonus on the 25th September once I had arrived in Austalia but before I started to work, would I be deemed resident from the day I arrived and hence have to pay tax on that or not? Thanks in advance! Jon
  13. Seperate - you have tons of space if you put things together; Don't upload every document seperately, put for example your evidence of travel and holidays together in one pdf and upload that = one item.
  14. It's all a bit like the Windrush situation isn't it! Good luck.
  15. We have decided to rent for a bit, our daughters wants to finish her last year of Primary school, and staying at work until after the end of june gets me a chunky bonus. Also means my wife can finalise her UK citizenship and we might cull a load of stuff we don't need in the process. Also I have tickets to see the Killers in London in June!!
  16. We’ve accepted an offer on the house!! Agent rang up even though we were off the market and it’s all worked out! Now to decide if we move quick or rent for a bit...
  17. That rule applies for applications where you are not married to or the civil partner of a British Citizen. If you are you can apply the day you get ILR as long as you were in the UK three years before and have been resident for 3 years.
  18. Hey Collie, any view on how the job market is for senior finance in Perth? There never seems to be many jobs on Seek over $150k.. I am CIMA myself, working as an FD for ASX top 10 company but their offices are in Sydney and we are aiming for Perth.
  19. I guess a copy of the completion statement showing your equity you get from your conveyancer would be sufficient to show where the fund came from. No tax due. Goodluck!
  20. Group evidence together and upload as one document. You shouldn't need more than say 30-40 if you do that.
  21. If you are in Australia and staying then it appears you don't have a problem. If you leave you would need a RRV like anyone else. Worth applying for Citizenship I think.
  22. I think you need to ask your Husband whether he really wants to do it. If he doesn't now, right after you got back - then he really doesn't. If he does, you should sit down and work out the time it will take, the costs of moving, the costs of not working for 3-6 months, the implications for careers if you take a step back. Then work out how to do it without selling your house - can you live for 6 months after the costs of flights and so on? how would you come back if you spend all your savings? It is a hard decision for those of us with Australian Spouses, and they want to go home!
  23. How is that even legal? Surely there must be some trading standards equivalent in Australia at state level?
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