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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Good news Ben! I hope it all goes through for you. We are close to coming off the market and waiting for the Spring now. The market is completely dead where we are. Plan B is to rent the house next year, but will need to save some more funds to do that. Disappointing after feeling so ready to go, but far from a disaster. Just need to pick ourselves up and get on with it! Congratulations Katie, how exciting to finally be there! Glad to hear PSS have been good so far, I was leaning towards them for some reason.
  2. A forecast is just a forecast, no chance there. The Department are not obliged to ask for additional information if they consider they have enough to make a decision - it is the applicants job to ensure they make their case. Again, little chance of compensation i think.
  3. Immigration isn’t the problem, failure to invest enough of Australia’s wealth in top quality infrastructure is the problem; poor politicians taking the easy way.
  4. Now is definitely not the time to sell a house. Market is very quiet. Hold.
  5. Unhealthy yes, inedible sometimes. I wouldn't buy twice from a chippy that sold soggy batter.
  6. If you declared the conviction you should be fine. They would have requested more information if needed.
  7. Despite some very positive viewings we are still trying to sell the house. We are now enjoying the summer and resigned to not moving for a while yet.
  8. We aren't there yet but: 1) Wife is Aussie and wants to go home (for about 15 years) 2) Kids love it when we visit 3) I want to be closer to the water and take up sailing / scuba diving / kyaking / windsurfing again. And maybe rowing. 4) Weather = outdoors = adventure! 6) I like nice breakfasts
  9. You would probably have to pay the full rental upfront.
  10. Are able / planning to continue your current self employment in Perth i.e. with your existing client base but remotely? If not then you would be asking a mortgage company to lend to you without any work... Sounds to me like this wouldn't work even if it was a good idea. I love South Perth, but we are looking at Applecross High School catchment as it seems a much better school than the high school in Como (which SP is catchment for).
  11. Slightly late here, but also be clear that if you study nursing, you will have to work after you qualify in the UK before you can get a visa as a nurse, it isn't just a case of come as a newly qualified graduate nurse.
  12. I can't comment on whether you would get an invitation or not, however: The cost is presumably a mix of Visa application Fees and Agent fees. You can check the visa fees yourself. If you are moving on a temporary visa you should do so knowing that you may have to come back after the 4 years. This is simple fact becuase you may qualify today to apply for PR in 3 years, but the AU government can and do change the goalposts regularly, and 3 years is plenty of time for your job to drop off the skills list.
  13. The speed of moving with work is probably more of a shock, but you are much better supported and don't have to worry about finding a job and spending a stack of your savings in the meantime. I found the idea of rushing in a couple of mnoths quite alarming, but now that fell through and we are going under our own steam, I am releaxed about moving but worried about finding work when i get there.
  14. You deciding factor on location is probably going to be getting work. What do you do? It is worth noting that trades and so froth don't necessarily pay as well in the UK, so also worth getting online to look at salaries. Reed.co.uk is the equivalent of seek.com.au
  15. I have only visited, but it seemed like a Large country town to me.
  16. Lib Dem? That explains the lack of coherent sentences and plan then
  17. @Alan Collett may be your man for this one.
  18. Honestly I don't know how many red flags you need before you think maybe expert advise would be helpful. Russia / not living together / never lived together / applicant who thinks he has all the answers. Some people just won't listen.
  19. Some pretty good flights deals at the moment - look at Jack's flight club.
  20. I would like to change my advice! Do it all yourself, you evidently know all about it anyway. You must be an agent! Good luck.
  21. If neither of them are happy then it sounds like they must move.
  22. I would suggest you use a MARA registered agent, as it is not so simple if you are not living together to prove you are defacto.
  23. I would make sure he has all the documentation, grant notifcations etc, then delete his stuff off the account, then no notifications.
  24. While Australia requires citizens to enter and leave on an Australian passport, the UK has no such requirement. Just eb sure to enter and leave on the SAME passport - if you enter on your Australian passport and leave on your British one you could show up as an overstayer, which while it wouldn't stop you entering in future (as you are British) it might slow things down.
  25. Is there anything to stop you logging in and changeing the password? If you were the primary applicant I would say the Immi account is yours no? Your ex can access his documentation through VEVO I guess.
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