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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Isn't then point that the BVA wouldn't kick in until the active 457 visa expires? The question then is whether it expires when you quit your job...
  2. The children will qualify for citizenship by descent via their Australian mum, so only your son in law needs a visa. His options are essentially apply offshore ASAP for the 309/100 visa (one application - he would likley qualify for the 100 permanent visa straight away assuming married >2years with children) and EITHER wait the 14 ish months for grant and then come onshore - OR apply then when ready to move apply for a 600 visitor visa for as long as possible and stay in Australia without working rights until notified of grant when you leave Australia for about a week for the visa to be granted, then head back and hey presto all sorted. Lots of people do this when they are in a hurry. The alternative is to Visit australia on a tourist visa and then decide to stay and apply onshore for the Partner visa. He would then recieve a bridging visa with full work rights. The issue with this is you must not under tourist visa conditions intend to do this, so perhaps an exploratory trip to decide.
  3. As someone who spends the best part of 3 hours a day commuting into / out of London, I can highly recommend only working in London if you can afford to live there or very close. Also I am not sure it is that easy to find part time senior roles in London either, the ones I see tend to be people who are already established in a company.
  4. You have to know you are in a minority. The visa is a lot of money, the point being made is if you think that is the wrost of it you are most likely wrong.
  5. 820 has to be the route out in the long run, but from what I have read you are still bound by your 457 terms until that expires, and if then you don't have the 820 yet your bridging visa kicks in. Get some advice, but if the outcome is that you have to wait a while you are still much better off than you might have been if you didn't qualify for the 820 - you could be going home!
  6. A sort of social club or working mens club.
  7. Don't you come on here with your common sense approach! This is the internet!!! Seriously though, we will be doing much the same, take it as it comes and don't expect it to be easy. Nothing is forever, and there may be a time in future when a move back is the best thing for us.
  8. Yes I'm aware of that. We are moving to mid coast (Forster) there are two high school's split into two catchments, north and south for year 7-10, then a separate school for seniors from both schools for year 11-12. It's 'pants' because if my daughter was in the uk she would do year 11 followed by 2 years A levels. In oz she will do 9 weeks in yr10 then two years in senior 11 & 12. Essentially she looses a years high school education if they don't put her back a grade. If the Senior School is for both schools then at least she will know half the kids from her 9 weeks there, and maybe have some new friends to spend time with over the Summer holidays? I bit more tricky for your son, but again at least he would know a few kids when he starts SHS.
  9. The problem with this market is that you are not going to get the corporate relocation work as that is done through larger relocation companies, and as noted above, those of us going it alone are generally going to value money over time in the first few weeks as they don't have a job. Given time it is not that hard to go around yourself and check places out, sort out all the paperwork and so on.
  10. You will have to provide a police certificate as part of any visa application which will show your conviction, and then it will be immediately obvious to the case officer that you failed to declare this when you applied for your WH visa. It is hard to see how you would then meet the criteria. One thing they really really don't like is people who lie to get a visa. I would suggest you go home and try in a few years if you have the skills.
  11. Isn't that the truth! Too many exceptions, too many changing rules, formats, codes etc. This is why the likes of Thomas Reuters are making so much money...
  12. Ah that is mostly a myth; I should know being head of delivering digital finance for a $5Bn multinational company .
  13. They are just jealous Alan; secretly everyone wishes they were an accountant Jon, ACMA, CGMA, shortly CPA ha.
  14. Thanks Ferrets. We are hoping to live in Perth, so getting a job is going to be critical. I am working for an ASX listed company, but no presence in Perth and few jobs at my level anyhow, so we are going it alone. I may have to step down to a senior manager role to get work I guess, but for the right company that isn't a drama.
  15. You get into the public schools by living in the catchment area - it is guaranteed (very unlike Surrey). essentially you apply once you have proof of a signed lease. I would say good quality houses in NS looked quite challenging for less than about $1200 a week when I was looking a few months ago. (The job offer fell through so we are off to Perth now)
  16. Good progress all round! Good news, I hope you manage to enjoy some last UK summer along the way. We are thinking if the timing works we will rent a motorhome and do a bit of a tour for a few weeks before we fly out.
  17. Ha. Only Skips are worthy of the prawn cocktail flavour.
  18. How are plans going team? We are still trying to sell so no movement our end. I blame Jeremy Corbyn.
  19. The risk is that you are in breach of your visitor visa terms and conditions if you then declare on arrival intent to apply for a partner visa. This is not a good plan.
  20. It appears to be more of a thing in Oz to save up holiday over a few years and then take a chunk of time out. Also some have extra weeks for long service 5, 10, 15 year etc.
  21. OK some great advise already on here, but for what it is worth I will add mine. My Mother in law suffers (we believe - diagnosis is impossible) with Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and I recognise all of the manipulation, situations, feelings, fears and confusion you feel, as I have seen my wife go through all of it. I strongly suggest you do some research on the subject, and how to manage someone living with it. A few KEY points. You are not responsible for your mothers happiness. It may be completely impossible for her to be happy unless she has everything her own way, and that is not compatible with actual real life, so you can forget that. Not possible. You are however responsible for your and to an extent your immediate family's happiness (as far as possible), and there are things you can do to improve that. We have cut off completely my Mother in law, and life is much much happier for it. This is also much easier on the other side of the world. Sadly my sisters in law in AU have not been in a position to do so, and they have suffered the consequences, as have their children. I wont say more than that, but people like this are very very damaging. In my view you are fortunate this hasn't already ruined your marriage. You already made the decision to move away, I suggest you know what you need to do next, but doing it is hard, and you need to balance the rational and emotional to do so. I wish you luck.
  22. If you have quit your jobs in Australia, returned on a one way ticket, and your stuff is on the way, I struggle to see how anyone would want or be able to argue your status as returning residents. I would perhaps keep copies of resignation letters saying you are moving back to the UK, air tickets etc just in case, but i doubt once you register for a GP anyone will ask.
  23. Not unless the system is very different to the UK. It might be a suppose, but generally they look to see a history of borrowing and repayment, plus assess your ability to pay from your income and outgoings.
  24. Oh dear, sorry to read this. Just another complexity. I hope you can find a solution.
  25. Hi there For all you accountants out there - is it worth applying for CPA membership under the mutual recognition agreement with CIMA? I am thinking it may help overcome the potential not getting past the first round of Resume review due to not having worked in Australia (although 14 years for an ASX listed group). Your thoughts and experiences welcome.
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