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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. The general advice seems to be to take insurance separately, as then should you need to claim you avoid any conflict of interest. It is also often cheaper I understand. Letton percivial have been recommended on here before. https://www.lettonpercival.co.uk/overseas-removals-insurance/
  2. Unless you have family to stay with I can't see how you would avoid renting for a few months at least. We are planning on 6-12 months renting after a short period in a holiday let.
  3. Agreed. A difficult situation; I suggest you use all the routes available to you in discussing your concerns with your boss; with HR and if necessary with a union or employee support body - getting this on record would help your case later if you are forced to leave.
  4. I think on principle if you obtain a Visa on the basis that you will work for an employer - who has been through the cost of sponsoring you - you should respect that AND those who come after you by not screwing them over, even if you might get away with it.
  5. Not had an offer yet, but we have a very keen buyer who needs to sell their place first. Another viewing today - that is 3 in 5 days, vs 3 in the previous 5 weeks! Looking up.
  6. Jon the Hat


    So we have determined that different places are different, and different people like them! Nailed it. Well done thread!
  7. Jon the Hat


    If you live or work in London it doesn't feel like that, the stats are very different by area, as in Australia. Not a competition though, and quite different mix - I am struck in Sydney by how few black people I see; whereas commuting through Croydon on the train daily I see many. Larger South Asian population here, and SE Asian in Sydney.
  8. Jon the Hat


    Well this thread has gone off on one hasn't it! I love Perth and I am looking forward to it, but I am definitely planning on doing to travel as well.
  9. My wife is actually from Applecross and went to the primary school, it is bloody expensive though, so we will be in a smaller property if we do stay there. Gets a bit cheaper in Mount Pleasant, Ardross etc.
  10. Yes indeed, certainly busier than when I was there last. I am looking at Applecross / Ardross / Mount Pleasant - Bus and train into the City underground in about 25 mins. Plus a bit of walking either end. To be honest halving my 1hr 30m bus, train commute into central london would be an result, but I like the idea of being able to cycle into work as well.
  11. I wouldn't sign up for FIFO either; I see little enough of my family now with a 3 hour round trip commute. I am looking for a <30 minute commute!
  12. We have great photos done by a pro also, and using a normal agent with negotiated fee. Not sure whether worth it, but there has been a perfectly nice house on Purple Bricks for a year not far away...
  13. Hi Sarah, not yet no, fingers crossed we will find a buyer soon and still be on track for UK Autumn / Perth Spring move.
  14. Interesting viewpoints! I sort of assumed that the review of your application by the CO started on a date, and it they had everything they could move straight to grant, if not they would request additional information, which means a delay while you get and submit your checks and medical - call it a month, so you are at least a month longer. Are we saying there is a pre-check whereby they are requesting these a month or so before they actually check your application and hence there is no delay?
  15. We switched agents and dropped the price a little, so fingers crossed!
  16. Your application is submitted when you pay the fee - you should then progress to submit the sponsor application straight away and then upload your evidence straight away. Slowly uploading is risky as they may review and reject based on what is there - they have NO obligation to ask you for additional evidence. Be ready to upload within a day or two.
  17. You can buy one in the airport when you land.
  18. I would happily support an increase in farming standards, and some things - like live exports - I don't support. I don't like the idea of intensive farming, but we are overpopulated. Bring on nuclear fission and basically free power - imagine how much fresh water we can make with free power
  19. I figure they knew they were breaking the law, so they accept the consequences. I think they picked the wrong country if they think they will have political support for attacking farmers property.
  20. We are about to apply for a British passport for my wife, and they won’t issue it in her married name, as her AU passport is in her maiden name. We now have to get her WA name changed, get a new AU passport and apply with that. More faffing.
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