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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Individual for ID documents as they have their own categories. Most other evidence can be grouped.
  2. As far as I know you must arrive in Australia on your Australian passport, and you are not eligible for a visa. call your airline and check they will let you fly without changing your name. Also I don’t think you are supposed to hold passports in two names.
  3. Seems to me perfectly reasonable for him to ask for PR on this basis, he should be allowed to have a relationship with his child. I am not sure why the OP should be worried about here baby? Clearly he will never be allowed to take the baby from the county without her permission or a court order.
  4. I'm rather jealous of those of you who are actually cleaning and packing. We have been gradually culling stuff and sorting through, but there is a lot of stuff we are keeping for the summer which we will need to sell etc. come September time. Swingset and playhouse for a start, and I am not shipping large plastic garden toys covered in sand!
  5. Seven seas will do three boxes for you too, by air or sea. I am sending 2 standard boxes to South Africa.
  6. We haven't sold the house yet we are doing well on the clearing out stuff though, our local charity shop is going to have a good year!
  7. SevenSeas are probably best for small quantities. I am using them to send some stuff to South Africa at the moment for a friend. You might get a desk and few boxes in a small movecube.
  8. Although it is just as expensive!
  9. It took about 21 days for my two.
  10. That isn't going to happen because the BBC doesn't have the rights to show many of the programs outside of the UK.
  11. I would argue that they are raised by migrant some of the attitude rubs off!
  12. I still think there is a different mentality in a migrant nation - people who generally made the decision to chuck it all in and head off to the other side of the world have something about them.
  13. I can think of worse places to pass the time, but as you say it is no fun being away all week every week.
  14. Hope it goes well today! Keep us posted in the WA forum perhaps? We should have a moving to Perth in 2019 group!
  15. The only decision point here is on tipping over to a 40ft from 20ft container... If I can ditch a couple of Ikea sofa and the outdoor seating and save £3K I win!
  16. I would also ensure the old ones are recorded as stolen.
  17. I tend to agree that from what I have seen moving to a Kellyville or somewhere an hour from the CBD is not something that would be tempt me to move to Sydney. Sydney for me is the Harbour or the beaches, and if I cannot see either then I would rather try Perth, which is what we are doing. Even on what was likely to be a $200k salary.
  18. Jon the Hat


    PetAir UK seem to be a sponsor on here.
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