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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. I can think of worse places to pass the time, but as you say it is no fun being away all week every week.
  2. Hope it goes well today! Keep us posted in the WA forum perhaps? We should have a moving to Perth in 2019 group!
  3. The only decision point here is on tipping over to a 40ft from 20ft container... If I can ditch a couple of Ikea sofa and the outdoor seating and save £3K I win!
  4. I would also ensure the old ones are recorded as stolen.
  5. I tend to agree that from what I have seen moving to a Kellyville or somewhere an hour from the CBD is not something that would be tempt me to move to Sydney. Sydney for me is the Harbour or the beaches, and if I cannot see either then I would rather try Perth, which is what we are doing. Even on what was likely to be a $200k salary.
  6. Jon the Hat


    PetAir UK seem to be a sponsor on here.
  7. We had a unit for years in Perth when we moved to the UK. What a massive wast of money that was!! https://guardsman.com.au/ where however very good, relatively cheap and short contracts as well. Easy access just of Leach highway. In the very short term, I would look at asking your shipping company to store the whole lot for you.
  8. This is quite normal; many of us had this - the sponsor being approved before the applicant has not yet been implemented.
  9. E tickets are fine, all of my holiday evidence was booking emails and e tickets. if you look back through emails you may find you have more than you think!
  10. Photos wise, get the digital image, copy or import it into word, and write a sentence about it ,date, event, who there - useful to have for example both your families, joint friends etc. Repeat this up to say 5-6 pages with 3-4 per page with a selection of photos through your relationship; If they tie in with joint travel tickets mentioned in your evidence of life together all the better. Or wedding pics etc. Once you have done, save as a pdf and bingo you only use one upload slot for a load of pictures, and it is much easier for the CO to evaluate - which is the objective here!
  11. The application isn't difficult, but you do have to be organised and thorough. As long as you are willing to do the research and planning your evidence, put it together in an organised way and upload it all, there is no need for an agent in most cases.
  12. As has been said before, it depends entirely on what you do for fun.
  13. Do you expect your kids to live in Warwickshire? Unlikely I would have thought, most kids seem to migrate the big cities at the start of their careers, and I doubt that is much different. I think of moving to Sydney like moving to London - most people don't actually buy a home anywhere near London, and live quite happily in the home counties commuting or indeed working in the multitude of opportunities not in the Central London itself. Its seems to me Sydney is more focused on commuting into the CBD, but certainly not everyone does. If you are not imagining you will live in Mosman and have a 15 minute commute by ferry, or on the beach in Manly then I don't see why you shouldn't. I also rather suspect the kids who cannot afford to buy are being rather selective in where they look. I doubt it is impossible.
  14. Very important point!!! You do NOT have to have the intention to stay in the UK if you are applying as the spouse of a British Citizen! Everyone else does, you don't. I believe you can in fact apply then leave the country and even do your citizenship ceremony overseas in an embassy. We looked at this as we were potentially moving very quickly.
  15. I was through London which is a low risk country and tends to be quicker. Mine took 8.5 months.
  16. It is the seeming endless days of grey grey skies that kills you. Loving a bit of sunshine in Sydney this week. I think the climate change models expect the UK to get much colder in Winter not warmer as the Gulf stream will probably fade away and the climate will be more like Canada at the same latitude.
  17. Where from? That is well within the processing time unfortunately, and you won't hear anything until you get a request for more information or your grant decision. I heard nothing until I got the grant email.
  18. I used pdf bank statements - they are secured so you can’t edit them. no you just need good colour scans for your documents - no certified copies are required.
  19. I wish you all luck! I am in Sydney, Visa is activated! It is slightly disconcerting that you breeze through the electronic gates and have nothing at all to show you have validated. VEVO still shows last entry date.
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