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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Did you check the date? Great way to waste a lot of money if not!
  2. I and I'm sure the others aren't trying to be rude, it's just that this kind of thing can become a huge burden over time. Many many people move to Australia intending to go back every year, and family intend to come and visit, but often the appeal reduces after a few years, and there are so many other things that eat up your cash. We just want to make sure you have thought it all through, and it certainly seems you have. Good luck with working out your visa!
  3. He might want that in writing, in which case you could be trying yourself into paying twice a year for many thousands of pounds for the next 12 years. Expensive.
  4. I have been told by various people that the NAPLAN scores are also influenced by the tendency of families to have private tutoring - e.g. if you have 50% of kids from ethnic groups where it is the norm for the kids to 4 hours tutoring after school the NAPLAN results will be great, but not necessarily down to the teaching at school.
  5. Hmm. We have a 5 bed house, but has built in robes, and we are ditching some Ikea stuff etc which is not worth the extra cost of circa £2k for the double space. We will have to wait and see I guess.
  6. Has anyone found a guide as to how much stuff you can get into a 20ft container? I have no idea whether to put a 20ft or 40ft in the budget.
  7. Yes they will take into account later additions when they get to it. Most likely they don't look at it for several months, but ho knows? This time last year a 309 was granted in 5 weeks. You are gambling with your money.
  8. No she definitely means aesthetic as she mentions Botox treatment. Very popular these days apparently! See "Real Housewives of a Vacuous Hell near you" or whatever it is called.
  9. On your second point, while you can and probably will add additional information after you submit (all of it is technically added after you submit as you cannot attached anything until you submit and pay) you should be aware that a case officer can and sometimes will consider the application based on the submitted evidence without asking for anything additional or missing. So if you submit now without sufficient evidence, there is a risk they see a half baked application and reject it, and you lose your $7000 and back to the start. Not recommended. Get everything together, submit, then upload all your evidence as soon as you can.
  10. Come into the London thread! See the spreadsheet!
  11. Well if Liverpool finally put you out of your misery this season it will be the perfect time to leave on a high!
  12. Hi Jamie Perth is a great place to raise kids by all accounts, my wife is from there are we are moving back with our kids later this year. I wouldn't worry too much about Suburbs at this stage, as it all depends on where you are working really. There are lots of nice places on all kinds of budgets, however the two you have mentioned aren't brilliant, and aren't even vaguely rural, just more suburbia - there is quite a lot of that. You will find of course nice houses in any suburb, but as they say you don't buy the nicest house on a crappy street. You need to look at Primary and Secondary schools. The best ones are in more expensive areas, but none appear to be bad as such.
  13. Nonsense, the country is fine, it is the Australians in it which take a long time to get used to!
  14. Good Choice, Perth is a great place to be! We are heading there later in the year. I think everyone feels some guilt about moving away, especially with young kids. My parents have had a long time to get used to the idea, but still are upset they won't see as much of us.
  15. I attached everything in my (applicant) application and nothing in the sponsor application. I don’t think it matters.
  16. Including @paulhand himself; others are @Raul Senise and @wrussell - these guys are in here being very helpful all the time, and deserve a bit of business I out of it!
  17. Maybe try a holiday in a different part of Australia he might like?
  18. Check that you have the full birth certificate - I only had the short form one so had to order a full one. Google it.
  19. That is the glory of Poms in Oz! Lots of people with lots of knowledge to help the fledgling migrant with issue they might come across!
  20. It is really challenging isn't it? I don't think I would be considering it if we weren't half Australian. I am fortunate that in addition to my wife's family I have an Aunt & Uncle and cousins who I know well in Perth, and this overall provides a family network which we can rely on. Really tough to do without that I think.
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