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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. half of Manchester is completely different, fashionable and modern, diverse etc. The rest is probably the same. Rural Cumbria is most likely the same but with mobile phones and automated milking.
  2. If you are 3 exams away from getting your ACCA I would finish that even if it isn't going to get you into Australia, unless you are years away on the experience front. Always good to have as a fallback even if another route is the way in.
  3. I must say I am watching Wanted down under in awe at people who no no-one at all in Australia yet throw themselves into it with such enthusiasm! Some people are adventurers I guess. I suppose I must have been at one point to take off around the world for 18 months when I met my wife. We have all the foundations to make it work except the right job for me, and that will hopefully be a matter of time. 14 years working for an Aussie company probably helps with the fitting in bit as well
  4. Aargh I went in the moving back to the UK thread, and I had to come in here to lift myself up again! I have to remind myself that my family is half Australian, and have family in Perth already, and so does my wife. I'm sure it will still have it's tough moments, but we can do this!!
  5. Horses for courses as they say. I would have loved Sydney for a couple of years, but I am finding the commute into London everyday tiring, and looking forward to being able to get the bus train into the city in half an hour vs my hour and a half now. Main concern is finding a job at the appropriate level (Finance Director) without any resources sector experience - we know where we want to live.
  6. Two families in Perth out of three I thought was interesting. Best to assume not Zoe, then if anything happens it is a bonus!
  7. We are thinking similar timing, perhaps October 2019; We know where we are going to live (Applecross/Ardross/Mount Pleasant) because we lived there before and have visited 2 years ago.
  8. Are you likely to be able to get him back into the school he is in now? Short term moves are a pain.
  9. Subiaco & West Leederville are nice round that way if you have some money to spend. Lots of cafe & restaurants etc.
  10. That exactly. I always say I wouldn't want to be poor in Australia, as a flight somewhere is always on the cards, and never cheap!
  11. You can do it all from one account. I have done various applications from my one account, E-visitors, kids citizenship by descent, my 309/100 plus sponsorship. Easier in one login I think.
  12. The rental market isn’t exactly booming so you should be able to agree a 6 month lease on most properties in my opinion.
  13. I am flying LGW to SYD Cathay Pacific for £640 - I could have gone cheaper but I have to go in a specific week due to other work commitments. You get 12 months from the earliest date on your medical and police certificates. I am flying 11 months and 2 days into that!
  14. And people who laugh at other people for doing spreadsheets are just jealous they don't have our amazing skills!
  15. Happy New Year all! I have just booked my flights for validation trip after failing to convince my boss it was worth a work trip to Sydney. So I am £1300 out of pocket today, but good to have it booked in, and as I can work from the Sydney office i don't lose a weeks holiday.
  16. I think it is possible to dislike one part of Australia and love another. Is that a bit complicated? I could never live in the Tropics, but i really like Adelaide, think Melbourne is fine, would like to like in Sydney for a while but would find it too much forever? The wall might turn out to be imaginary!
  17. Also it is entirely possible that just the bit of Australia you are in isn't for you? Maybe worth spending some time somewhere else before chucking it in?
  18. The RRV has it's own requirements of ties to Australia, so if you have no job no family no house in Australia, you are not likely to be able to keep on applying and getting one. I think if you have in future those ties it might be possible to apply for it to move back to Australia, but you should consult a migration agent on the likelihood. 3 months is not long enough to settle though - this is a simple fact and not a debate
  19. We are planning on Applecross SHS catchment as well. Applecross itself, Ardross and Mount Pleasant are quite expensive, but it is cheaper as you move south into Booragoon.
  20. Looks amazing! We look forward to the pool party invites!
  21. I have spent a lot of time looking at this scenario recently for a job that fell through. I was expecting the role to pay $200k a year + Super + bonus. Our conclusion was we would need to sell the house and dip into out equity to make it work, and we were willing to do that for a couple of years to enjoy Sydney lifestyle. Yes you can rent for more like $800 a week in Kellyville or somewhere, but if your Husband is working in the Big4 offices (mostly) in Barangaroo, this is long way out, and really are you moving to the otherside of the world to spend your life on your own while you husband is at work or on the train? That kind of salary is a couple moving both working salary IMO, not a supporting my family in a 4 bed house salary.
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