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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. So this guy is illegal in the UK, and you are going to make him legal in Australia? I hope he sticks around once he is in...
  2. Of course, but that does take a few years! If people settle for 4 years they are more likely to stay after that.
  3. Great! Would you recommend the area and Kent road school? I have seen a few rentals in the catchment - there seems to be quite a lot of new builds which is pretty appealing to us as we are in one now in the UK.
  4. HI all Does anyone have any experience of the multitude of public primary schools around North Ryde? Also looking further ahead of the Senior Schools in Ryde vs Hunters Hill and Chatswood?
  5. Well they can if they make it a visa sponsorship requirement that you are employed and live in the region. People move IMO for two main reaons - lifestyle, which is mainly offered in the big cities, and family, who may already live there.
  6. I think we have decided not to take our dog. The practicalities of her staying here for about 3-4 months after we fly, the limited rentals available and the fact that we will no doubt want to be out and about a lot more in Sydney have led us to this difficult decision. She might be off to become a police dog which is pretty cool and would be a great life for her. Assessment some time next week.
  7. I love Watson's bay area. Just need to win the Lottery and I'll be sorted.
  8. A 16 foot canadian Canoe? Anyone put canoe's or kayaks in their container? I really dont want to sell it, and exploring Sydney harbour in it promises way too much fun.
  9. Ok next daft question, what utilities are included in the rent quoted? I guess this includes an strat fees, water rates? Anything else I can take off my cost of living list?
  10. I’ll be completely frank here Ben. If my agent had failed for whatever reason to upload my supporting evidence, I would demand they resubmit at their expense. This is not your error, and using an agent should protect you from this sort of thing. You should push a lot harder imo.
  11. Indeed unless you have a reasonable expectation of a much quicker grant time (I saw one in 5 weeks from London before I applied) front loading could be an expensive mistake.
  12. Well it certainly means the rest of your documents are all there, else they would have asked for everything or rejected it.
  13. They must have a case management system; once they ask you for additional info, it goes into a holding queue until the time given is up or you click the button; then back into another queue awaiting further assessment, so even if it is very simple, they still have to get back to it to look at the new evidence.
  14. You will get 12 months from date of your latest Medical or police check. For example I have until the 20th March 2019, about 4 months - as it took 8 months to process. This is why it is often suggested you do not get your medical or police checks up front, as you risk having either a short period to enter, or having to redo them at your cost. Personally I was happy to take the risk from the UK, and happy to have 4 months to travel.
  15. Thanks! I am still in shock. The relief is unbelievable, as I had pretty much committed to work I would spend 3 months in Sydney from Jan on my own if necessary...
  16. I have just made an appointment to go and do the ID checks at WestPac in London myself!
  17. To be fair she doesn't say they can't afford anything, not like the $200k idiots. These people are enjoying their lives, spending their money on what they like. Go for it. I will be trying to do the same on $200k next year, so fingers crossed...
  18. Not bad for those of us coming over with a decent deposit. the problem often is that people don’t sell, they stay put, so there are fewer properties about.
  19. Sorry to hear that Ben. Is it worth considering applying again and suing your Agent for failing to properly represent you? They should have exported evidence of the uploads in my view, not to do so looks pretty lame to be honest.
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