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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. The one thing I have noticed when looking at Primary schools is the % of non English as first language pupils - which is a slight concern in some areas such as Chatswood, North Ryde etc. I guess though the Chinese / Asian kids typically will have excellent English so I am probably reading too much into it, but Lane Cove / LC West Primary has a much lower %.
  2. It has to be a matter of days LAF, they just need to come back to it and tick off the additional info! I have everything crossed for you!
  3. I have fallen in love with Lane Cove remotely I think. Hopefully it is as nice when we get there! It is perfectly between the job which hopefully will now materialize in Macquarie Park and the City. As you say a very expensive area generally, but Lane Cove a little bit less nuts than Mosman area.
  4. 12:07 pm, then 12:08 PM today... 309 visa and 100 Visa GRANTED!!!! 9 Months and 20 days!!!! WOOHOO! Australia here we come!!!!!!
  5. Nope! You start to wonder if there is something wrong with the application, or whether it is in a pile and the CO is off sick or something.
  6. Man Ken you are into the details! You put my planning to shame!
  7. Well I’m still waiting, life up in the air, masses of uncertainty, but hey I’m in Dublin with my lovely wife in a crazy bar, and we’re seeing U2 tomorrow night; things could be worse!
  8. The requirement to intend to stay in the uk doesn’t apply if you are married to a British citizen. You can I believe even apply in the uk, leave and do the citizenship ceremony abroad. We may well find out if this is true next year!
  9. Hi All A couple of questions on renting: 1) The bond is I see 4 weeks normally, if you add a pet bond how much is that typically? 2) Do you also pay rent in advance like in the UK? How many weeks is this typically? 3) Do agents charge fees to verify your references etc? 4) How do you do references if you have owned your own home for the past 12 years? Thanks! Jon
  10. They usually give you 12 months from the date of the earlier of your Medical and police checks. If you miss the date the visa is cancelled completely and you lose your money and time, so not advisable. It is also not possible to extend the deadline, so you may as many do need to take a validation flight; you can literally enter and come back the same day if you need to. Lots of people do a quick visit for the validation and then move later on one they have sold their house etc.
  11. Yes indeed. As it happens a very similar property is for sale a few doors down now at offers over $300k with some sort of ugly tin house on it!
  12. My Aunt and Uncle are in Falcon, and had the chance to buy their neighbouring block in the early 80's for about $10k.
  13. Old AND fuel efficient are not things which usually go together to be honest. You might want to consider investing more up front to reduce your running costs as you go, and the added benefit of lower repair costs.
  14. I think what is most irritating about the waiting (except you buggers who have wantonly jumped ahead of me in the queue through no fault of your own! :)) is that spouses of other Visa holders e.g. 189 can get into Australia faster than I can as the spouse of an Aussie citizen. Nuts. It is almost as annoying as when I paid thousands for my wife to ILR in the UK when the non-EU Spouse of an EU citizen got it for about a fiver.
  15. I'm in the same position with an internal transfer with my company, they want me there in Mid January, and are willing to provide a short term visa, but that doesnt kick off the relocation support, so a quick visa grant would make life a hell of a lot easier, like this week so I can put the house on the market.
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