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Jon the Hat

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Everything posted by Jon the Hat

  1. Congratulations! I know you were concerned about some of the requirements, so that is great news for you.
  2. http://www.education.vic.gov.au/findaservice/Home.aspx It looks pretty crap vs the one in NSW I have to say, which shows you the house address on the map, and the boundaries etc.
  3. Congratulations that is brilliant news. All the best for your journey and new life together! We’ll see you back waiting for the 309 next year! Xx
  4. Great news! I am making myself believe that as we haven’t been asked for anything they have everything they need, and it’s just a matter of waiting!
  5. Have you submitted any updated documents since you applied? I haven;t seen the need as we have been married 12 years and nothing has changed apart from my stress levels!
  6. How do you know if you got grade B? Mine says "Health Clearance provided - no action required" so I assume that is all done and dusted.
  7. Thanks that kind of you. It’s annoying as I was applying 2 years ahead of the move, and then this job came up and suddenly it is critical!
  8. Great news again! Hopefully this means they are all back of holiday or whatever they have been doing for the past 6 months!
  9. Congratulations! I wonder why yours from June has been approved with so many of us waiting from March or April! Aarrrgh!
  10. I don't know to be honest, Its something we will look into. The overall cost is mad though, and we are slightly concerned that the walks she loves now, open fields playing with other dogs off lead will not be there in suburban Sydney. Also thinking about what we need to do to settle, be sociable, get out and about, discover the wonders of the area etc all of which is harder with a dog waiting at home. Not sure any of it is in her best interests really.
  11. Just to chip in here, we decided some time ago that we wouldn't bring the cat to Australia, and as she was not happy with the dog, we made the difficult decision to rehome her a couple of months ago. Yes it has been upsetting, my daughter misses the cat a lot, but actually the rehoming process was really easy; we contacted the cat's protection league, who took her as soon as they had space in one of the foster carer's garden runs. She spent a couple of weeks settling there, and then found a new home at a homing fair they held. We got an update from the lady we handed her to in the first place, and we know that they work really hard to make sure cats go to the right homes. Harder for us than for the cat certainly, and I think much easier than being shipped across the world and being kept inside from then on. Not fair in my opinion. Now with the prospect of a quick move with work on the horizon, we have to think very seriously about whether to take the dog
  12. This thread is staying at the top of the forum on principle. We will have requests for information! We will have grants! We will have congratulations and mile panic about moving in the very near future! BRING IT ON!!
  13. They seem to think so, and the work is project work which I have the experience to do while they don;t have anyone in their team to do it. Hopefully I won't need it and I can use the trip to validate my partner visa!
  14. Its easy for the older generation to say the kids are wasting their time and money and that's why they can't afford houses, but when pretty much the whole generation is doing the same, you have to ask whether it is their fault /decision or whether they have been convinced by manipulative marketing and so on which frankly the older generation didn't have exposure to.
  15. September global processing times are the same as August 13-17 months. Was hoping for a reduction . On the plus side I might have the opportunity to do some short term project work in Sydney for my company on a 400 visa from January, so I will be able to see if I like Sydney.
  16. I can believe they have been told that by someone, but I'm not sure it is such an exact science. I shall cling to the fact that I submitted last processing year and hope I am not too far into the pile!
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