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Everything posted by galisuman

  1. Just a question to Indian applicants.. have you submitted police clearance certificates in your applications. How much time did it take you to get the PCC letter from VFS. Please let me know
  2. Can somone let me know how to apply for New Zealand police clearance certificate
  3. Hi All applied for citizenship yesterday, I recieved my PR last year May 2019. I was qualified to apply for citizenship in May 2020 delayed due to paperwork especially 1195 form. My son born in Australia got his citizenship and passport last month so didn't include him in the application. So my watch starts from today best of luck to other applicants
  4. I got a automated message when I put my newborns detail in the application that he might be meet the residency requirement what should I do, should I still put his details on the file as the application is requesting my newborns details to be uploaded. Kindly advise
  5. Hi my son was born in Australia and applying for passport, do I have to include him in my citizenship application kindly advise
  6. Hi Kaz, can you please guide me regarding the form 1195 as how did you submit your newborn photo as the requirement says needs to be identity declared, as who has done this for your child, kindly advise
  7. Thank you applying for the evidence of citizenship long process though...
  8. Hi Guys I am back on the forum with a questions, we are applying for our citizenship in May this year, we have a new born this month and I want to know me and my partner are permanent residents and want to know if bub is eligible for Australian Passport or should he wait with us to get passport. Kindly advise.
  9. As I got nomination approved and my status went from received to Initial assessment where I was asked further documentation
  10. Hi Sakshi until your case says initial assessment there will be no CO assigned as initial assessment means your nomination has been approved. If declined your MA would be informed. Sorry but you are still under the global processing times so don't get anxious please give your case till end of this month and then ask your MA to contact immi for an update...
  11. Good News alert My PR has been granted today after 15 months of emotional roller coaster... I still can't believe it but its true god has been gracious and glorious towards me and my family and finally I can sleep peacefully now not worrying about loosing job or having to leave country... I will pray everyday that your PR's get granted soon as I know the waiting is worst than anything else in the world.. stay positive pray I would say that's what made me cross this river of fire. Don't indulge much on negative comments in this forum I did before as I vented so much seeing others getting approval so quickly and I felt sad which many of you are going through... Don't feel sad or abandoned keep up the will power and believe in the mercy of god your golden email is around the corner... ask me any questions and I will try my best to answer... happy and blessed weekend to everyone.
  12. I feel the same every morning when I get up to work but some of us are bound to our applications that we fear leaving the company will reset the clock backward and DE is an uncertainty as well so we bend over and get one with our life's checking the immi account 10 times a day...
  13. I was discussing the PR process with my MA today and he clearly indicated that he has seen many cases he processed post August 2018 with new SAF Levy rule has gone through faster and got approval almost 100% and people like me who applied pre August 2018 have to wait a little longer . I have used complaints option in my Immi account to put in my concerns which probably won't be looked but anyway who cares I vented my concerns... as I feel its very unfair that companies like Deloitte can get approvals sooner than our average MA is also gut wrenching, can someone who processed using Deloitte kindly give me their contact details as I want to know the secret ingredient on how can they get approvals in two months where people like me and many other are waiting from 2017-2018 have to have their life's on hold...
  14. My advise for anyone waiting more than the preferred time line is put pressure on your MA to correspond with home affairs every 2 weeks for an update as its our right... if you applied your own do the same... we have everything right to know as specified in the immigration website irrespective if we get the same generic response...
  15. Sorry to hear mate... everything happens for an purpose... I hope you will start a family soon and lead a worry free life... since I read your post I got some courage if I dont get my PR I will take the same road as yours...
  16. Thank you Hex been out of the forum since last few weeks so wouldn't have seen previous posts but anyway there is no update in messages and no new documents have been uploaded as far as I know, as I have requested my MA to send an email to home affairs to get an update on my case so I presume they have glanced at my 457 visa as there is no update or movement since the update... I have asked my MA the same...
  17. Guys I was checking my immi account and found there is an last update today on my already finalised 457 visa applied 4 years back... does it mean something as my MA contacted immi yesterday feeling very nervous please let me know if something like that happened to anyone before
  18. A question to @Hex @boo-yaa as we are seeing grants for people in 2-3 months and files getting approved for people applied in August 2018. Is this due to MA being proactive as it makes no sense for people waiting from 2017 or in my case March 2018 been waiting for 11 months now... I know its an tricky question but I am trying to find some sense of how and what criteria is immigration using currently as I have contacted my MA just earlier as if he doesn't contact immigration I will give them a call and send an email as well as my application will be entering 12 months in few days so I will be out of processing time soon so I will take it up on my own to get some attention on my case otherwise nothing will happen...
  19. ADMIN can we ban this guy please.... we don't need this spam messages when everyone is already under pressure and anxious.... we need constructive messages and useful feedback to help us with our cases... until he updates his signature and shares screenshots of his nomination approval I think we need to ban him making unnecessary posts...
  20. Brother you sure June 2018... as I thought Feb 2018 applications are getting processed now... Can you possibly share your Immi screenshot please hard to believe.. I just want to hammer my MA if this is remotely true..
  21. Hmmm.. I would still keep an private health insurance in order to prevent excess medicare levy as recommended by health fund as you would pay excess medicare if you don't have private insurance but you don't have to take expensive health insurance basic hospital cover is 76$ per month with NIB.
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