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Everything posted by galisuman

  1. Saudi Arabia doesn't provide police checks for non citizens we need to provide copies of entry and exit visa, work ref and payslips
  2. Hi pdb77 you gave me hope, I applied under same occupation as you.. I have PM you kindly have a look..
  3. Hi Pinky, can I know if they asked you overseas work experience before nomination approval, what evidences did you provide for your over seas experience
  4. Wow can I know what Saudi Docs were requested, I was requested to submit my work permit, payslips and IQAMA document from my MA when I applied, did they ask for anything else as I am not Saudi citizen so they wont issue any police clearances to non citizens. Please let me know thanks in advance...
  5. As per the trend immi has opened the Feb 2018 and some March 2018 files, so in that case March Applicants would know something by end of Feb 2019 which is good news one more month to go to learn of our fates
  6. In my immi account 186 TRT its showing 11-14 months which doesn't make any difference from 10-15 months
  7. No Brother big NO NO please don't consider that option based on the fact that your 186 visa hasn't been approved and you are still under 457 visa clauses which clearly dictates we are not suppose to work else where apart from sponsored employers
  8. Hi can I know what sort of training benchmark was request I mean percentage of money spent on training or number of local trained to oversees workers in the company kindly let me know
  9. Thank you Pottsie I used them for my 457 visa and now for PR. Communication is good I usually get insta replies from my MA. I hope they filed my case strongly fingers crossed
  10. Guys I know this has been asked and discussed before but can some one direct me to information where it say we need to stay with the employer for couple of months once the PR got granted and also kindly let me know if we also need to renew the oversees police clearance if its past 1 year of issue as I have renewed the Australian Police checks but waiting on the oversees as my country police are slow
  11. I am confused with this list my occupation Quality assurance manager 139914 doesn't have 186 in its visa stream how is that possible and its showing on 190 visa which my MA confirmed I am not eligible can someone confirm if this list if accurate please as I want to talk to my MA
  12. Good Luck Everyone and hope you hear good news next year.... I hope everyone gets their golden emails starting next year when the immi opens... I have made an new years resolution already.. if I don't hear anything from Immi till end of Feb I am leaving Australia for good... already booked tickets and kept my resignation letter in Drafts folder of my email. Happy Holidays guys...
  13. Sorry Siddu to hear but can I know what percentage is company contributing to super from your weekly or fortnightly pay.
  14. Hi Hex catching on few things so late reply... ok since you noticed the processing time has reduced my source a close friend has told me that in Feb the processing will be back to reduced dramatically, the current backlog for the 186 applicants has been reduced and going forward the process will be streamlined and we will hear updates on our cases on regular basis. March applicants like me should be getting an update by end of Jan or mid feb at the latest.. I also think there will be some announcement from immigration regarding 2019-20 visa numbers (I am not sure if it will be increased or decreased so fingers crossed ) and thats all what I got from the conversation I had with my friend....
  15. Congratulations Pegasus just wondering what manufacturing industry are you based... kindly let me know
  16. Hi Nemesis not a state secret yes my source is employed by department and in border security.
  17. Hi Jenny I wish and pray its good news as I think and from what I am hearing the huge backlog is cleared since 457 Visa has been removed last year so I hope the processing times will be reduced and files will be streamlined so we can hear decisions getting made quicker... fingers crossed
  18. Sorry guys for the late reply... I can't disclose the source but close associate informed me that government offices will be going in holiday mode from this week Wednesday so there will be on skeleton crew for emergency cases leading to Christmas and new year and will be back 2nd week of January full staff. I can also say there will be some changes coming in February 2019 from immigration department some form of news or update on the huge pending cases.
  19. Immigration will be closing from next Wednesday 19.12.2018 and be back till 2nd week of Jan 2019. I am washing my hands on any update on my application this year....
  20. I spoke to him earlier today he was on state sponsorship and it was a TR he didn't tell me exactly what visa but he invested 500k on the franchise as he sub-let it from an original owner and claimed the business in partnership and him as major stake holder of 51% apparently. As now his PR got declined he has moved on selling the business back to owner in an loss and now appealing so meanwhile he is on bridging visa.
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