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  1. @AmberD. I'm curious, have / did you tell Immigration that you are no longer onshore? If so, it's likely your status would have been updated. Also, if you haven't told them and they find out after the fact, there might be a few issues.
  2. @yeppuda Remember that this is your application and you're the one paying for it to be done. The agent is just the middle-man, they "work" for you whilst your application is pending. If I were you, I would call my agent and ask them - I suspect this will go one of a few ways: 1. The agent will wonder how you know this and ask. You can tell him you imported the application for viewing. There's nothing he / she can do about this, even if they get upset. It's your application. 2. As part of #1 - they'll also thank you for pointing out the error and get it fixed before a CO views it (saving you the s56 request back from the CO), saving processing time. 3 As part of #1 - explain that it's done deliberately and tell you why. It'll be a learning experience for you. At least then you know that, according to your agent, your application is "ready" and simple just need to wait for a CO. I found too many people (myself included) are always too afraid to call and ask agents questions. Knowing what I do now, I would 100% recommend, when ever you have a legit question or something that you need clarity on, call and ask. These things affect peoples metal states and having clarity from a direct source always helps. Good luck!
  3. @baiken Unfortunately, unless you do this kind of thing for a living - the visa application and management of same is complex and can take a while to do (if you don't know what you doing). I know and agree that the cost of involving an agent is high, however, they are (typically) good at what they do and do many applications on a daily basis, hence, they generally know the laws and rules around different applications etc. My advise, would be to "bite the bullet" if you can and pay for one. Remember that a failed application incurs another cost (re-apply) so if you do apply and get something wrong, it could result in an "incorrect" refusal due to error. That cost would add up to be more than what an agent would cost. If you insist, then good luck - try get all the free advise and information you can. From my experience, it's not a straight forward, nor simple process, however, there have been people who've spent many hours working on this and successfully applying and obtaining a visa, without using an agent. Good luck either way!
  4. @186 DE Unfortunately, no one can answer that for you - we all wish we knew why things are done the way they are. As a side note: In my experience, a Chef / Restaurant manager are considered "high risk" occupations to CO and typically take much longer than other cases. Again, this is from my own personal experience and that of this forum alone. Just know that they will have to get to your case, it's just a matter of when!?!
  5. @rabi8463 Your agent is lying to you. I really don't get why agents do that. "Don't import your application" - that way you completely reliant on them. I found 2 issues my agent had made and because I was monitoring my application (I'd suggest don't change anything if you're using an agent), I was able to tell them. They weren't impressed but realized the mistake and fixed it before CO got to it. Import it, there's nothing wrong with that - it's your application. I do however, suggest - do not change or update anything. I typically got my agent to do that (if there was anything).
  6. @raj4949 I've heard of this a few times. Although I wouldn't say it's common, it does happen. From my understanding, these visits serve a multitude of purposes (some to check on the employer, others to check on the actual employee (sponsor). I've never heard of anything bad come from one of these visits, it's usually more positive (they come visit, everything checks out and the application is processed within the next few days). As long as everything is above board and details are correct (from both employer and employee) you shouldn't have any issues! Good luck, hopefully you hear something soon!
  7. @aa192 I'm afraid each case is different and is processed to every other application. No one can answer this question. What I can tell you is that, I've seen some "further assessment" cases be actioned within 2-3 business days, and others that stay in that status for 1.5 years. Generally speaking, I've seen the longer delays associated to the restaurant industry, however, that's just my opinion and not fact (just from my experience on this forum). The best advise I can give you is to ensure all your paperwork and application details are up to date and just be patient - knowing that the CO will eventually get to your file, we just don't know "when" I'm afraid. All the best, good luck!
  8. @dom24 It's been 18 days since you applied, you might be expecting a little too much, too quickly! There was an application approved for this role (although DE) just a little up on this same page of the thread by @dex1994. This role (in both DE and TRT) is typically processing real quick lately (the fact that they've already requested additional information proves that). - I'm sure it'll come soon, just need to be a little more patient. I suspect someone will pick up the s56 within a couple days and if all boxes are ticked, you'll get the good news.
  9. @sydneybrit remember though that for an employer, they get some security of the TRT (the employee SHOULD stay with them for 2 years after approved) - although there is nothing legal holding them to this. As for a DE, the advantage here is all on the employee, not employer.
  10. @sydneybrit / @baiken It's also worth mentioning, that although I agree with what's said here, there's typically some financial help with a TRT. A DE typically means you're doing it all yourself, including all the funding and costs included. Some companies often pay for / a portion of the TRT process.
  11. @Micgeo I think you'll be safe. If your MA is uploading the required documents within the week, by the time the CO looks into this, the information will be there - personally, I don't think you'll need to do anything. - The only time this will be an issue, is if the CO looks at your file before the information is uploaded. That happening in 5 days is unlikely (although not impossible).
  12. @Ronnie_w There are so many posts on this query in this thread - however, the simplest way is to "Import" the application. From your Immigration account, click the "Import application" button --> this will prompt for a few details, including our TRN number (provided in response to the PR application). Enter this information and import the application. I suggest you use this purely for monitoring your application and not making any changes, without first confirming with your MA. - Watch for any "last updated" date changes (means something has happened) and "Messages" (where any correspondence from any CO would appear). Also - the MA doesn't get notified of this process (as far as I'm aware) and wouldn't know that you're "watching" your application (that's typically the follow up question).
  13. This forum seems dead - regardless, I though to let everyone know that I received my ceremony invitation for 24th May. That means Sydney / Hills area (for families) are processing December 2020 citizenships now. (This is obviously different per region / state and family / single person) - this is just an update on my personal application, in case anyone is in the same situation (awaiting a family invitation for the NSW / Hills area).
  14. @Hopeforever I've seen many people get asked for new medicals (and police clearances). It all depends on your CO and how "expired" the requested documentation is. Luck of the draw I guess.
  15. Could I suggest to please update your signature with your timeline / application status (similar to mine - see below). This helps others when viewing / answering questions. You can update this here: https://www.pomsinoz.com/settings/signature/
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