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Posts posted by katlb82

  1. 6 hours ago, Aussiebird said:

    Oh yes just read it, sorry i hadnt seen it before! That was very quick back then but not  sure grants would be as quick now. 

    Thanks for replying. 

    Well, never say never as I also had a very short timeline in 2019 🙂

    But I think it does also depend on the processing office.  When we received an RFI (not for police checks or medicals but some other documents), just over a week later they called to ask if we already had the documents as that was all they needed to make a decision.  Within a hour of that call (where my partner confirmed we had uploaded the docs two nights before) my partner received the 309 and 100 grants.

    In saying that, doing the medicals took less than two weeks - a week or so in advance to book the appointment, and 3-4 days for the confirmation the results had been provided to immi.  So maybe, at most, the medicals would have delayed the grant by a week if we'd waited for them to be requested.

    So the answers are pretty much 'how long is a piece of string' and 'it takes as long as it takes' 🙂


  2. Front loading won’t guarantee anything. 

    We chose to do the police and medical a few weeks after applying simply because it made ME feel better to tick things off the list.  And we took the risk knowing it could mean having to redo everything and/or have a very short entry period.  

    I think it’s a personal choice - and you have to be prepared to accept the risks above.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Waitingaround said:

    A question for those who have their visa now, if you don't mind sharing?


    On the attachments part of the main applicant 309/100 part, where there is an area to attach "health, evidence of" area, did you leave this blank as the health assessment part says "All health examinations required for the specified visa subclass have been finalised. Processing of this person's visa application can now continue. This will not occur until a case officer investigates the case in line with published processing times for the visa that has been applied for. Do not contact the department about health examinations in the meantime"  or did you add any documents i.e any paperwork from the actual medical?


    I've got nothing to put in there as the medical practice didn't give me or send me anything but a receipt  😂

    No I didn’t add anything.  It’s possibly a place to upload more info if you had to have extra medical investigations etc.?

  4. 4 hours ago, Beffers said:

    Congratulations!!! Your timeline is almost same as ours was in 2017. We got over the initial shock rapidly and left our home end May! Good luck with the next stage!!

    Thank you!  It only took me a day or so until I was over it.  Friends from Australia arrived for a few nights on Friday and that was when I could tell someone in person and it became really real!  By last night I'd booked all of our (ONE WAY 😮) flights, and the countdown is on for 27 August.  I'd have gone sooner but I have to give notice at work and on my rental house (2 months, ugh).  At least I'll miss (most) of winter 😄

    • Like 2
  5. So I'm sitting here at work, trying to look like I'm concentrating...

    On Monday my partner had a missed call from Immi.  He hates using the phone, so he didn't call back.  Me being a control-freak, I wrote him an email to send to Immi saying he had missed a call and wasn't sure if he should call back or wait.  2 hours later, he gets a call from Immi, asking him about the docs requested in the RFI (when we would expect to be able to upload).  He replied we had uploaded on Tuesday night, they confirmed it was indeed in the system, and said he should be receiving more correspondence today (this was an hour ago).  

    20 minutes later....309 grant notification.  3 minutes after that, 100 grant notification.

    I'd thought at this moment I would have burst into tears with relief, but after mentally preparing myself for a 6-12 month wait, I think I'm in a bit of shock that 81 days after submission, we are done.  I'm going home 😄 😄 😄 !

    • Like 1
    • Congratulations 4
  6. 41 minutes ago, mppc said:

    Can I just ask those who have received RFI if the status on your visa application has changed to processing or something similar? 

    My partners status was 'initial assessment' when he received the RFI.  I check (OCD) the account most days and didn't see that it went to 'initial assessment' before we received the RFI, but it's possible it did.

    Now that we have submitted the requested info and clicked the button to confirm it's changed to 'further assessment'.

    • Thanks 1
  7. A quick trip through Google shows 1-3 weeks.  You could always contact the embassy to ask.  

    Can you not track your travels back through email confirmations etc.  I managed to trace mine back through email to 2008 with just a bit of patience.  If you've travelled in/out of countries other than Australia you'll need to do similar, as not every country would offer this service (efficiently) I would imagine.

  8. 2 hours ago, Aussiebird said:

    May I also ask:

    In My folder on my laptop, which is named Partner Visa, I have just counted 98 files in it, when I upload the folder to Immi, can the case officer just open it and see all of our evidence, such as photos, screenshots, documents etc...Or should it all be in different groups of evidence? I'm totally confused and got really upset today.

    You only get 100 slots in total.  Combine similar docs - e.g. I put all of my joint travel evidence in one word document, all of my social photos in one PDF etc.  Imagine you are the CO - one document with combined similar evidence will be easier to review than 16 different documents.

  9. 2 hours ago, Jagermeester said:

    Another Grant!


    I've been lurking on this forum for a while now and even though our visa is processed through Berlin, I still wanted to share my news with you all!

    Our timeline (i'm the sponsor)

    - Applied 25th of November

    - Medicals and police checks uploaded along the way

    -Grant 11th of April


    No RFI, no contact, nothing. Straight to a 309 grant.

    We are defacto partners (not married, no kids), together for nearly three years now.

    Congratulations from one Berlin applicant to another!  Enjoy 🙂

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