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Posts posted by mukden

  1. I noticed from https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/energy-and-environment/water/rainwater-tanks and http://onkaparingacity.com/onka/home/az_listing/rainwater_tanks.jsp 

    that" New houses built in South Australia are now required to install a rainwater tank of at least 1000 litres. The tank must be plumbed into the toilet, to a water heater or to all cold water outlets in the laundry, and the inlet and overflow must be fitted with mosquito proof screens.Rainwater tank
    The same rules apply to new extensions or alterations with an area greater than 50m2 that include a toilet, water heater or laundry cold water outlet."


    Hope this will help you guys who just came to Adeliade or SA and trying to buy a house. Please also reply if u can find a cheaper one.😀


  2. Since I will arrived soon in SA, my pals in Canada told me it is better to rent a car for months or even years. 

    you can always enjoy the new models and paid less compared with buying a new auto. it that true?

    btw which model is the most popular one for a three-ppl family?


  3. 5 hours ago, Skani said:

    Yes, that's true.  But I have read that flea eggs can lie dormant  for a long time  so it's possible the OP could move into a rental with a pre existing problem - in which case vigorous vacuuming would be helpful.  But I doubt it's a problem they will encounter.  My only "Adelaide" problem when I lived there was the taste of water coming out of the tap.  😏

    it that ok to drink directly?

  4. Hey guys, some friends told me that the houses in Adelaide, SA may face problems such as littles bugs, such as flea if you have carpet in your rooms. And it is better to live in an apartment to avoid these issues which is also safer.

    Is that true?Is there any good solution for this?



  5. 1 hour ago, Marisawright said:

    But the majority of the Australian population now is second, third or more generation, not migrants 

    not really. As per ABC news, the proportion of 1st and 2nd generation of immigration is over 50% now for the whole country.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Marisawright said:

    Not really. Australia is an established country now and the opportunities are not that different from Europe 

    yes, Oz is an established country. However it is soooooo young regarding modern civilization, Inheritance of traditional culture and etc. 

    The life trajectory could be different if you are a  new immigrant.🤩

    • Like 1
  7. On 04/03/2019 at 19:44, CaptainR said:

    I guess it's important to respect that bush fires are a part of the natural cycle here, they are inevitable and when we used to live in a bush fire prone area/house we got the regular notices and have had large fires pretty close to the house at times whilst watching the water bombers coming overhead. Ultimately it's about being prepared and accepting that if it does happen you're life will be turned upside down for a while. 

    quite true.

  8. 4 hours ago, Hex said:


    1. Nope, this isn't possible.  
    - From experience and what I've seen through others, the CO does typically return back to the  case within 35 days of documents being uploaded. You'll need to be patient I'm afraid. 

    2. The nomination is granted to the company applying for it. Hence, all legalities lie with that nomination until visa is granted / employee leaves.
    - If you leave the company, and join another, then the initial company has no obligations or rights over you, by law. The contract is basically broken.
    If you are still waiting for a 186 at this time, it would be refused and need to be reapplied for (using the new company), however, if you already have PR when this happens, then as you mentioned, there isn't anything (legally) tieing you to either company.

    is that the same for 187 DE cases that the CO will open the case after uploading Supplemental Materials for visa grant? 

    for my case it is now 1 month already and nothing happened.

  9. 15 hours ago, chef** said:


    Nomination was approved on 9 November 2018. 

    Still no news. and showing received in immi account. 

    Is there any one who got a same experience, after nomination approved no news.

    pls share detailed timeline and other info.

  10. 9 minutes ago, babysleep said:

    Lets share the happinessssssssss!! I just got nomination approval today and case officer is asking me for only overseas police check!!
    I hope to get PR within a month! 😃

    Please add me to the excel spreadsheet! Thank you ^^

    Nomination  Applied: 30/3/2018

    Visa Applied: 20/8/2018

    No. of Applicants 1

    Profession: Accountant (General)

    Country of Birth: HK

    Citizenship: HK

    Stream: 186 TRT

    Nomination approved: 6/3/2019

    Status: Received (6/3/2019)


  11. 4 hours ago, boo-yaa said:

    Sad news this morning - my nomination was refused 😟

    I'm awaiting a meeting with my MA to find out the reason why - once I know I will share it on here.

    My application was more complicated than most and I sort of had this in the back of my mind this could happen but hey life goes on. I wasn't actually as upset as I thought I would have been.

    Still currently on my 457 so no need to make any urgent decisions at the moment however at first thought - I don't think I will appeal. I see it can take another 12-18 months for your appeal to be heard and to be honest I don't think I can put our life on hold for that amount of time again. My wife wants to start a family and I don't feel comfortable doing that whilst sitting on a bridging visa awaiting the possible outcome - no matter how strong my case may be.

    So it looks like my journey in Australia has come to an end - I have so many great memories here and I wouldn't change them for the world. I believe in life, things that are meant to be are meant to be and I guess its just our destiny to be back home. Although they wont say it, both my Wife and my parents will be over the moon I bet - they really struggled with the thought of us having a family out here alone.

    Good luck to everyone on here - the forum has helped me through the process and its an awesome community that you all should be proud of.

    I probably will take a step back from the forum now and I doubt I will post much more - just need to start planning the move back to the UK. My company has offices back home so I'm currently looking into an internal transfer.

    Farewell and God Bless 🍀

    best wishes friend

    • Sad 1
  12. 29 minutes ago, Cris7 said:

    That is terrible acoording to your reference

    Let's calculate the approval rate for both 187&186 which is 47.71% and 74.15% respectively !  Sooooo bad situation about 187

    I will give how to get this terrible number above


    187 approval rate calculation

    firstly, we can know how many applications pipeline leaved at 30 June 2017 which is 22661-3965=18696

    Also, application pipeline leaved at 30 June 2018 is 22661

    finally, Demand for places in the RSMS category in 2017-18, with 17003 application received

    we can get how many applications Co dealed with totally in 2017-18 which is (applications pipeline leaved at 30 June 2017 + application received in 2017-18 - application pipeline leaved at 30 June 2018)=18696+17003-22661=13038

    Approval rate=The RSMS outcome in 2017–18 /applications Co dealed with totally in 2017-18=6221/13038=47.71%



    Same calculate with 186

    Cases pipeline in 30 June 2017 is 29842+4556=34398

    Cases pipeline in 30 June 2018 is 29842

    Cases received in 2017-18 is 34966

    Cases dealed in 2017-18 is 34398+34966-29842=39522

    Approval rate about 186=29307/39522=74.15%



    Again it depends on individual ‘s different conditions.

    And btw how come the rate is low for 187, it is during the nomination process, RCB or Visa application? any detailed infomation regarding this.

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