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Everything posted by Kevo

  1. Kevo


    Just letting you kids know it’s the old ones in Australia that have lived here for years and years and years that are the convicts of mother blighty
  2. Kevo


    Poms are the only ones that do Plenty of moving,as we know we can’t for ever more lol
  3. Kevo


    Lol Paul would say ,you are the one who opens the electric ️ carport and then go straight to the shop centre ,in between going to the liquor shop to top up his little fridge, chittering valley wineries swan valley ,you can only do these a certain few times and if you would be highly traveled ,in which I doubt you have been ,there’s not that much lush as you would say in these places maybe ,travel to old blighty google that up, and maybe tread your self to a Europe holiday ,then come back and make a small narrow remark on this ,until then let u injoy the shopping 🛍 centres lol
  4. Kevo


    Yes Ali I’m happy to say yes woop
  5. Kevo


    Just saying the truth please don’t take it the wrong way people
  6. Kevo


    O not to mention ,everything in Perth is over priced ,no one gives way,and if you are walking .be prepared to get stared at and mocked ,walking over here is not the in thing it’s car out of carport in to shopping centre, lol and be prepared to wait at a crossing if you are walking as no one lets you though thay blank you out ,lol
  7. Kevo


    Bottom line is it’s horses for courses,if you want a sleepy life and do the same stuff over and over and over again , and not to mention skin damage with a fly on your Sunday roast lol yep Perth is Great but if you want to drive though a beautiful green English countryside,and have a lovely pub lunch with moneyleft in your wallet and diversity and change of seasons the Uk would be the place to me,,,,I know were I would rather spend my pounds
  8. Kevo


    Jennifer ,butler,,,Clarkson,,mindarie,,, Joondalup lovely places in Perth and lots of lovely schools
  9. Kevo


    Hi Jennifer,Perth is a great place to bring up Young children ,and has beautiful beaches and a beautiful city ,great place to bring up kids ,but when thay reach a mature age ,there’s frankly nothing much to do here,there only one theme park in which is nothing in scales of are Uk theme parks ,and food is in no comparison to Uk food it’s dry and frozen ,but you can source good food for high prices, but not in many of the supermarkets in wa, Perth gets bloody and flys can be a pain for few mths ,but if you are staying in wa for only a 4 year period ,it’s going to be a wonderful adventure for you guys,,Perth food is in my opinion more expensive now than Uk and no definitely wouldn’t agree with you that there is more here to do than Uk, there’s only limited things over here to do and like in my pages I wrote before it becomes same page same book ,but that being said we have been here along time and certainly Perth is not the worst place on the globe ,it’s very peaceful ,beautiful beaches ,beautiful city and Perth is growing in to hopefully and out of this world city,but only in time many many years of time, north suburbs would be much better choice than Rockingham as north suburbs are more in par with the up and coming areas, of new and modern ,hopefully this will help good luck ,poem for you risks must be taken as the greatest risks in life is to risk nothing ,hope this helps
  10. Kevo


    O did I mention dave has a new broom,,lovely bubbly
  11. Kevo


    Bottom line original settlers, are convicted cons say no more,,,,,,,,and the fact it’s as boring as bat shit doesn’t really reflect on who’s a con and who’s not ,,just saying
  12. Kevo


    Yes mate I’ve been here for 20 years and fell out of my tree with boredom,and it was a bloody high tree
  13. Kevo


    Did u know that a pome is a true Australian convict from hundreds of years back ..thought I would educate u bulya,,lol
  14. Worked in fifo,for 3 and a half years ,and don’t wish this on my worst enemy, it’ was very hard for my wife and me to, it wouldn’t be as hard if you were born here I guess in Perth with lots of family members and friends around you, to help the other half cope ,but if you are a new migrant with no family or a hand full of friends yes it can be totally mind blowing, and very lonely for wife,me personally wouldn’t do this again I would rather pack up and go home to doing fifo ever again, money’s not everything, family and being with my kids is my better option even though I’m skint lol but hope everything turns out good for u godbless
  15. Kevo


    And adding more to this page,it’s very isolated from the whole world ,your family forgets you and your children ,phone calls become less each and every passing year and your kids become isolated from any family outside your own sad but true
  16. Kevo


    Don’t want to be to negative,don’t get me wrong Perth is a lovely place for young family’s,but when your kids grow up and you get older ,you realise that your kids are bored as bat s,,,,, And need more experiences from this bubble world of cotton wool and hot fairy’s ,but if you haven’t got much drive in life to getof your bums and do much on a weekend ,well perthjust might be the perfect place to live
  17. Kevo


    New migrants will love Perth, ,if you lived in England you would certainly think wow brilliant weather big houses ,big 4 wheel drive yep count me in.but as the years tick by Perth becomes a repeat same page same book ,weather becomes to hot to handle.then you start to argue with kids wife for hours at weekend trying to think of were and what to do in Perth,and in the end ,you go back to yep same place once again for the 10.0000 time one theme park that’s in its 1980s very behind in rides etc ,water park stuck in the bush with little to do but lay on the grass and get bitten by a bull ant lol or tick ,kids get burnt in less you put 50 plus all over them 5 times a day food in cafes over priced,and try to buy something in supermarket in Perth fresh lol you haven’t a chance in hell,there is certainly and snob element in living in Perth ie boat and big four wheeldrives,yes Perth very strange place to live ,but beaches are beautiful and there are plenty of parks and swings and slides for Young kids if you are turning 20 yikes nope nothing but nothing for this age to do
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