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Everything posted by award92

  1. @Raplin45 thank you! It’s helpful knowing other peoples timelines, just to get an idea if anything. I think I am the same as you - I am not good at waiting for the unknown I’ll prepare for a long wait…and hope that things do move quickly I hope all goes well for you and you’re on the move soon
  2. Thanks for the advice @Marisawright our migration agent didn’t really say much in terms of timescales so was just curious to other experiences was all. I know we’re not guaranteed an invite either, we can only hope we do get one!
  3. Hi, just looking for other peoples experience with how long this process has taken recently. My husband is a carpenter, we have 70 points and are looking to apply for a 491 visa for South Australia (we are using a MARA agent to help with the process). Our EOI was lodged with SA as our preference on the 31st August. How long has it taken for this to come back recently for other tradies with an invite to apply? Just wondering if we are potentially looking at a long wait… Any advice or tips for the whole process would be gratefully received
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