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  1. You are right! I don’t have a really good grasp of things right now and talking to a migration agent is my next step. Thanks so much for all the tips above! I will be going through them with the agent for sure, as I have no idea what pro-rata means lol I will also see if I can find social workers on this site to speak to. Thanks so much for taking the time to help me with this
  2. I didn’t claim oroficiency for superior English (I don’t even Remember seeing that as an option) But I’ll look into the tests online. Thanks so much for that!
  3. Oh man! More tests ??! Lol more research for me to do! Lol
  4. Is there a specific website you go to in order to complete the English exam? I completed the overall skills assessment and thought that was enough. I didn’t know you had to do a whole other language assessment
  5. Thanks for clarifying the Australian dollars!! For some reason I assumed it was American... good to know
  6. Ok I will definitely double check with a migration agent. Thanks so much for your response
  7. Ohhhh I see ok thanks so much for clarifying the costs! And yes, just the flight costs alone will be insane for a family of 4. That definitely gives us more to think about....also, as you said the costs in total in migrating will add up. I get mixed information on websites. Some say you don’t need a migration agent to do the paperwork and some say you do. Any opinions on this? I really appreciate all of this information...thank you sooo much
  8. I bet! It’s a wealth of information on these forums. I’m so glad this is what you do as a break.... it’s definitely helping me out a lot lol im sorry retiring in the UK didn’t work out for you guys.....hopefully staying in Australia ended up being for the best in the end !
  9. Yes good point about the additional courses! I will look into that. Ok well I’m so glad i’m talking to you because I had no idea it’s gonna take at least a year. Also no idea that I would be rare to find a job before I go but I guess I can always call the social worker association in Australia and see how that works. I will talk to the migration agent about the 189 visa and see how feasible it is. As you mentioned it would be a big waste of money ifI am told that my chances aren’t very Good. Just curious… Have you been through this yourself or know someone who has? I’m asking because you’re very knowledgable about this stuff
  10. Marisawright- You are totally correct! Thank goodness our children are in grade one and going to enter junior kindergarten this year. We I’ve been contemplating a move for quite some time now and have looked into Florida as well. We’ve started the immigration process to Florida as my husband is a US citizen and are currently working on submitting paperwork for that process. However, my husband has been learning quite a bit about the healthcare system in the education system while he’s been living there, so Australia is looking a lot better. It actually sounds a lot like Canada but with better weather LOL. I guess we will have to ask the migration agent if we can work on an Australian Visa while we’re working on American visa. Yes, it sounds so complicated however if there’s any time to make a move its right now while the kids are this young. I moved a lot as a teenager and despised it!!!
  11. Marisawright- ok, so it looks like my first task is to see which state is hiring social workers and then go from there. Thanks for that starting point ! we will be talking to an agent this week some time and asking him about my scores. They’re on my laptop but I’m pretty sure I scored 95 on the 189 visa . All my scores were over 80 sthg. I had no idea it’s that competitive!! the good news is....you’ve given me a starting point when it comes to looking for a job. I’m soo grateful for that and will get on that ASAP!
  12. Marisawright- wow....5 years is plenty of time to make a big decision like that. That’s awesome! Although, I wouldn’t want to wait too long because my kids are only getting older! I like that the whole family HAS TO visit before we move, that way this big decision isn’t solely mine to make. This sounds pretty good. Do you know if the fee for the skilled visa (or any visa ) is based on an entire family or is it per person ( of course I will be asking the migration agent as well, but I’m really curious lol). thanks again so much for this valuable information
  13. Marisawright- thank you for your reply! So it sounds like the fee (appx 4000) is one we pay for all of us to apply right? (Not 4,000 per family member)? We are planning to talk to a migration agent soon. I completed the skills test online and qualify for 3 different visas (189,190 and 489). I am a social worker and been in the profession for 11 years, so hoping that will work in our favour. Someone responded to my post saying that I wouldn’t have to live in Australia alone and then sponsor my family, which is a relief. However, I will still confirm that with the agent along with what my chances are for success. Are there any other questions you (or anyone) would recommend me asking ? thanks so much! char
  14. CalNgary- thanks so much for that reassurance! I don’t think I would be able to handle being away from my kids if I had to be in the country first. So that’s very promising :)
  15. Hi all! I qualify for a skilled visa and want to get permanent residency when I move. Does anyone know if I would have to move FIRST and then sponsor my husband and children, or if we can all move together and then my husband just gets a job there? thanks so much for any help anyone can give me!!
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