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  1. Thank you very much for all your insights. This is such a great help for atleast now i know where to start. Yes i always thought that before hiring an agent i should have the documents ready first. I think that’s my first mistake. I’ve never needed help from a migration agent before so i’m really clueless.
  2. Yes he is over 65. When my brother came over for a visit my stepdad (75) had been unwell and needed help. Being his carer was not a part of the plan, but he ended up driving him and mum(70) to medical appointments and helping them out at home that’s why they ended up with this decision of getting my brother a carers visa. He’s never registered to My Aged Care before because the didn’t think he needed it yet due to mum was looking after him. It hasn’t been that long since he retired from being an electrician. But mum is getting older now too and it is getting hard for her now to assist him with his ADLs and she could not drive long distances. I did consult a migration lawyer and asked what requirements should we get for the visa application and when I get all the documents done then we’ll hire the agent to process the application. So reading from all the comments so far, i should register him to My Aged Care first and get assessed? Thank you for all the information. I appreciate it.
  3. Ok have consulted a migration agent and this is what she told me. To acquire a document that says i cant get any help from anyone. That’s why I am asking this question and would like to know what other applicants had to provide for this requirement and how they got it. We’ve already done the bupa assessment.
  4. Hara

    Subclass 836

    Hi! How do you get documents to prove that the person needing care can’t get help anywhere? Or what kind of proof did other applicants submitted for this? Thanks!
  5. Hi! Just off the topic, i just want to ask a question on this thread because this is the only recent forum i could find about 836. How do you prove that the sponsor could not get any help from any relative or facility in australia? My stepdad is sponsoring my brother to become his carer. BUPA assessment is done but the migration lawyer said we need a document to prove that he cant get any help elsewhere. Where do we get this document? Thanks.
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