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176 lodged May 2012


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Guest thangvan
Watch out for your grant...its on its way!


Thanks all, not until they receive my police certificate from Singapore, anyway I'm crossing my fingers

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OMG dude u got it???? WOWWWWWWWW COngrats :)



Everything is still crossed??? :P




Shoaib Anwar


Thanks! Yeah everything is still crossed! But not for me, for the rest of the team...:biggrin:


How is your application progressing?

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Thanks toOZ2012 - how is your planning going? Made a decision on your job/bonus offer yet?


Have accepted the offer so will be delayed by 3 months.


How does the grant feel? I bet your are still grinning from ear to ear. :laugh:

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Have accepted the offer so will be delayed by 3 months.


How does the grant feel? I bet your are still grinning from ear to ear. :laugh:


Feels great! We are planning to arrive in Oz either late Sept / early Oct - so lots to do.


Don't blame you for accepting the offer! X

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No, sorry, can't help with that one. Sure someone will have an answer for you though.
I put the question on the main forum, but i dont know if i can use the online version. Don't want to pay out more money to find that it cant be used... Are you taking the day off work or are you going in...
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Guest sharmagaurav
Any of you guys done a Australian police check... and do you know if i can use the online version...


Hey sh3p69,


You are actually lucky to do online application. When i did my AFP check the only option was paper based. I would recommend you to go ahead with online application as it is more quicker and you can cut the postage time out of the processing. The online application as very much similar to 176 which you did online and then scanned docs and uploaded it. Once you have done your online application, you'll get the documents list which you will need to sign, scan then then send to their mail id. I can bet you would be able to get your AFP checks within 7 days.


Good luck

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Guest sharmagaurav
Dude still waiting for my CO ..... :confused: oooohhhh my CO where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :arghh:


hey shoaib,


did you check your online application and can see a line stating application being processed further........if you do then you have a CO already........I've posted a comment about CO allocation few pages back......have a look......all the best

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Hey sh3p69,


You are actually lucky to do online application. When i did my AFP check the only option was paper based. I would recommend you to go ahead with online application as it is more quicker and you can cut the postage time out of the processing. The online application as very much similar to 176 which you did online and then scanned docs and uploaded it. Once you have done your online application, you'll get the documents list which you will need to sign, scan then then send to their mail id. I can bet you would be able to get your AFP checks within 7 days.


Good luck

Thanks, But when you go on the DIAC website it only gives you the link to the Print,Fill and send, So i don't know if im allowed to use it...
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Guest sharmagaurav
Dude still waiting for my CO ..... :confused: oooohhhh my CO where r uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :arghh:


hey everyone, I've got something to share with all of you which I came to know today from registered MARA agent in Australia itself. If you've done online application for 176 and it shows just 2 lines as application fee received and application received then it means there's no CO allocated so far, however if there's a third line stating application being processed further its clear indication of CO being allocated. Another thing which she mentioned is usually co's don't mail unless they want some more information or clarification as per documents submitted. Last but not least, the last quarter is the busiest one for diac with applications mounting roughly 20-30k. Also updating docs stats is only done once co is contended with documents submitted by us. I hope all of you who are still awaiting for co allocation would love it now if there's 3rd line stating Application being processed further. Good luck everyone.


hope this helps

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Guest sharmagaurav
Thanks, But when you go on the DIAC website it only gives you the link to the Print,Fill and send, So i don't know if im allowed to use it...


Hey sh3p69, have a look at the following link....scroll down all the way to the bottom where it gives you the hyperlink for Australian Federal Police National Police checks......if you click on it then you will come to the AFP page with both the options.......you can do either one of the application......paper or online




hope this helps


if you want to be double sure about what I have quoted.........go to DIAC's site and then go to 176 main application eligibility and then character requirements

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All good things come in... 2's is it? Check out my signature, another Case Officer freed up for you.


Now all I need to do is find a contract job paying loads of money so I can afford to go! Not looking to move until Feb/Mar 2013 anyway...

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All good things come in... 2's is it? Check out my signature, another Case Officer freed up for you.


Now all I need to do is find a contract job paying loads of money so I can afford to go! Not looking to move until Feb/Mar 2013 anyway...


That's brilliant news!! Congratulations - great feeling, right?! Enjoy your celebrations tonight

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Well, hubby just texted to say he BOOKED OUR FLIGHTS!!! Four one-way tickets to Perth Sunday 30th September with Singapore Airlines. Wow. Still can't believe it is actually happening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shocked::wideeyed::jiggy::biglaugh:

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