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176 lodged May 2012


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Morning Smithinoz, :biggrin: have just checked to find OH meds have been referred, but not too worried, just glad they have them, been 3 weeks since posted. Sooooo pleased. Next stage Visa, can't wait. :ssign19:


Just checked this morning and saw some movement. I'm in the same boat as you shelly - although it's my meds that have been referred and OH meds finalised. I think my meds were referred because I had to get a second x-ray done because they thought there was something in one of my lung apices - thankfully everything was OK. Hopefully it won't be too long now...

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Just checked this morning and saw some movement. I'm in the same boat as you shelly - although it's my meds that have been referred and OH meds finalised. I think my meds were referred because I had to get a second x-ray done because they thought there was something in one of my lung apices - thankfully everything was OK. Hopefully it won't be too long now...


Lets hope they finalise them quick so they can give us our visas. Celebrations soon:biggrin:

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Lets hope they finalise them quick so they can give us our visas. Celebrations soon:biggrin:


Yes!! I'm itching to get this bottle of champagne opened :biggrin: I've been reading that it normally takes a week or so to go from referred to finalised. Although even a week seems like an eternity at this point.


I guess I should add my timeline to my signature eh?

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Hi ALL the May group and Others.


What are some of the things that the CO asked for in their first emails to you.


I know things like form 80, police clearance and medicals are the usual (for those that don't front load) but what about other things like bank statements to show payment of salary or what ever. Please share so that us June batch that have not been contacted can sort of prepare ourselves. I know that each CO is different and each individual case is different but it will give us an idea what to work towards.

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Hoping for some grants in the morning folks. Will be keeping an eye.

My son's meds were referred but only for 24 hours if that helps.


Hey Dazmatazz


You're right every co is different. if you upload enough info when you lodge, they may not ask for any other info apart from the usual. People who are self employed or work under unusual contracts may need further evidence of employment that the standard p60, pay slips and reference.


I had several different contracts on different campuses with the same employer but which were invoiced and paid separately via a manual system - this caused a royal nightmare with the CO and months of delay for a decision. Thankfully it worked out in the end. Apart from heaps of employment further evidence my CO asked me for. I don't want to panic anyone because my case was particularly complex from the outset:



a court order to prove custody.

a stat dec for permission to remove child from jurisdiction

a 1229 again to remove child

Passport photo page for my ex-husband and his proof of address

Telephone contact details for ex-husband so they could interview him re; custody

a stat dec regarding certain aspects of my military training / weapons training.

a service certificate from the Ministry of Defence

A discharge certificate from MOD

A statement of service for the MOD and further details of some postings which had to include another stat dec


hope this helps

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I wad asked for the following:



Form 80 and 1221 for adults

Copies of custody arrangements for children / birth certs / copies of passports for all kids

Letters from children's parents confirming no objections to emigration

Additional evidence for a period of self employment

Additional evidence re relationship as we had been married less than a year




Hi ALL the May group and Others.


What are some of the things that the CO asked for in their first emails to you.


I know things like form 80, police clearance and medicals are the usual (for those that don't front load) but what about other things like bank statements to show payment of salary or what ever. Please share so that us June batch that have not been contacted can sort of prepare ourselves. I know that each CO is different and each individual case is different but it will give us an idea what to work towards.

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Can't believe we haven't had an grants. It seems to have gone so quiet at the min - can only assume they are getting to grips with their new system. :sad:


You're right... very quiet at the moment. Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting

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Can't believe we haven't had an grants. It seems to have gone so quiet at the min - can only assume they are getting to grips with their new system. :sad:


Really thought there would be some this morning. Hang in there


Millie x

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Guest skippy9

Hi there, just thought I would jump in on this thread. My name is hamish(frae Scotland of course) and submitted my 176 application on the 18th of May. My wife and I are both nurses (her-mental health, me-intensive care) and have gained government sponsorship from Queensland. My question is this, we have received information that application has been received and given our client ID and file numbers which I have passed onto Queensland govt. They(Queensland govt) have emailed to say that they have submitted a form 100 for us. I still haven't been allocated a case officer yet, and was just wondering if the DIAC needed that form from my sponsor before allocating us a case officer. Starting to get a wee bit paranoid that there is something wrong with my application asi did it myself. Hope everyone else is getting on fine. Thanks



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An updated "Allocation Dates for General Skilled Migration Applications" have been released by the department on 4th july 2012 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm. They still stick with 4weeks time frame for 176 applicants. However I found the following quote too:

Subsequent entrant applications:

All subsequent entrant applications lodged before 11 May 2012 have been allocated to a case officer.


I believe that some of the applications lodged after 11th may 2012 still waiting for allocation (including mine).


Fingers Crossed for everyone who are still waiting for allocations & grants.


Hi there, just thought I would jump in on this thread. My name is hamish(frae Scotland of course) and submitted my 176 application on the 18th of May. My wife and I are both nurses (her-mental health, me-intensive care) and have gained government sponsorship from Queensland. My question is this, we have received information that application has been received and given our client ID and file numbers which I have passed onto Queensland govt. They(Queensland govt) have emailed to say that they have submitted a form 100 for us. I still haven't been allocated a case officer yet, and was just wondering if the DIAC needed that form from my sponsor before allocating us a case officer. Starting to get a wee bit paranoid that there is something wrong with my application asi did it myself. Hope everyone else is getting on fine. Thanks



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I saw that too - the bit about cases prior to 11 may :confused:


An updated "Allocation Dates for General Skilled Migration Applications" have been released by the department on 4th july 2012 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm. They still stick with 4weeks time frame for 176 applicants. However I found the following quote too:

Subsequent entrant applications:

All subsequent entrant applications lodged before 11 May 2012 have been allocated to a case officer.


I believe that some of the applications lodged after 11th may 2012 still waiting for allocation (including mine).


Fingers Crossed for everyone who are still waiting for allocations & grants.

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Guest sharmagaurav
the info on wa site is confusing me regarding transitional arrangements for 176 applications there is new criteria and everything do we have to apply again if our visa isnt finalised?


hi there waitingawhile.....


dont worry about the transitional arrangement crap as its only for special class of people who held specific visa on 8/2/2010 when DIAC announced a lot of reforms.......you do not fall under that category..........have a look at the following link which should clarify it....



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Guest sharmagaurav
An updated "Allocation Dates for General Skilled Migration Applications" have been released by the department on 4th july 2012 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm. They still stick with 4weeks time frame for 176 applicants. However I found the following quote too:

Subsequent entrant applications:

All subsequent entrant applications lodged before 11 May 2012 have been allocated to a case officer.


I believe that some of the applications lodged after 11th may 2012 still waiting for allocation (including mine).


Fingers Crossed for everyone who are still waiting for allocations & grants.


Hi Lapie.......


dont stress out with subsequent entrant applicant as its only applicable to people who had previous visa granted but could not make it to aus within the timeframe or for people who had visa rejected before or for permanent residents returning to australia who were overseas when their visa expired.......


keeping fingers crossed for you to have a CO soon.........

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Guest sharmagaurav
Yahoooooooooooooooooooo!!! Visa Granted this morning!!@!

Thank you to the May gang for all your support!!!


Hearty congrats to chertique on your visa grant.......


hi all, may i seek advice again? my application status showed 'health requirement outstanding, medical examination, chest xray and HIV test required'. Shall I preceed with the medical examination before anyone instructed me to do so? as well as the police clearance ? no co allocated yet. many thanks..


Hi helen...........well honestly you can go ahead with meds and police clearance if you believe that all other documents are in order and these are the last 2 things which your CO can ask..........it will actually augment the visa processing...


Well this morning I decided to tel Adelaide, however having waited on line for over 15 mins, they did not take m file number and asked what the nature of my query was-I explained that all my docs had been received on the 18th June according to the web site but no decision had yet been made, they just said it was normal and it can take up to a couple of months anyway even when all docs are showing as met- I feel so fobbed of!


hi waitingawhile..........thats actually quite surprising.......decision usually dont take months if all documents have gone to met.........I'm not an expert but from what I've gathered from the discussion forum if all the documents go to met status the grant takes about couple of weeks.......i'm concerned as mine document check list shows only indian PCC required and rest everything is met........lets keep fingers crossed.......

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Guest sharmagaurav
Hi there, just thought I would jump in on this thread. My name is hamish(frae Scotland of course) and submitted my 176 application on the 18th of May. My wife and I are both nurses (her-mental health, me-intensive care) and have gained government sponsorship from Queensland. My question is this, we have received information that application has been received and given our client ID and file numbers which I have passed onto Queensland govt. They(Queensland govt) have emailed to say that they have submitted a form 100 for us. I still haven't been allocated a case officer yet, and was just wondering if the DIAC needed that form from my sponsor before allocating us a case officer. Starting to get a wee bit paranoid that there is something wrong with my application asi did it myself. Hope everyone else is getting on fine. Thanks




Hi Hamish,


honestly there is no thumb rule that DIAC needs the form before allocating a CO to you........i got my CO allocated and after that I completed the formalities for form 1100 from SA govt to be sent to DIAC.........

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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...

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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...


Grrr...keep smiling! The grants on its way...

You have had a run of bad luck, I thought we were unlucky of late...

hope you are sorted soon...

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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...


Oh my goodness!!!! That's too much for anyone to bare! Blimey. I would just go and lie down with a duvet over my head and stay there until I think it's 'safe' to come out again lol. Hope things are better tomorrow..?!

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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...


Oh man. When it rains it pours eh? So sorry to hear about your string of bad luck. Hope things turn around for you soon!!

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I think this whole emigration process gets to everyone at least once during the time it takes sh3p69, so personally I don't think you need to apologise. And in the last few days you've certainly had more than your fair share of cr*p to deal with.


Hang in there and I'm sure that grant letter will be landing in your e-mail box very soon :hug:

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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...

:hug: to you and your missus , hope the old fella is ok and that the car gets better soon too- what an unbelievable thing to happen for your key to be taken -i have just noticed with all this rain water is making its way down our chimney stack even though we have had it supposedly fixed-fingers crossed for a grant tomorrow and a co for you - my CO is on her hols until next week so it wont be me!
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