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176 lodged May 2012


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An updated "Allocation Dates for General Skilled Migration Applications" have been released by the department on 4th july 2012 http://www.immi.gov.au/skilled/general-skilled-migration/estimated-allocation-times.htm. They still stick with 4weeks time frame for 176 applicants. However I found the following quote too:

Subsequent entrant applications:

All subsequent entrant applications lodged before 11 May 2012 have been allocated to a case officer.


I believe that some of the applications lodged after 11th may 2012 still waiting for allocation (including mine).


Fingers Crossed for everyone who are still waiting for allocations & grants.

Hi Lapie,

I am also waiting for CO allocation .... i lodged my 176 on 31-05-2012 .... i saw your post where u were talking about to contact DIAC for this issue ..... have you got any reply from DIAC? its been more than 4 weeks but still no CO ..... :(





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Guest sharmagaurav


Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...
Hey buddy.....don't know what to say as thats really a lot to deal with, however if it makes you feel any better think all these as signs indicating that grant is on its way and its time to make a move.....
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I sent two emails to them but no reply....



Hi Lapie,

I am also waiting for CO allocation .... i lodged my 176 on 31-05-2012 .... i saw your post where u were talking about to contact DIAC for this issue ..... have you got any reply from DIAC? its been more than 4 weeks but still no CO ..... :(





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Hi there guys and Sorry about my little outburst, I think that it all got a little bit much for me... Waiting for the meds to show finalised, waiting for the Australian PCC,Still dont know if i have a CO, then the bathroom floods and water got under the tiles so there lifting,then the car brakes down,having to hire a car and costing a fortune,The front door key to the house as been taken off the keys while it was in the first garage and had to get the police involved,Had to get the locks changed,a tile came off the roof in the wind,the dog had to have an operation to remove some lumps,then waiting to see if the lumps are cancerous...

ANYWAY, i came smell them visas comming...i reckon that there's going to be a grant 2moro...


What a bad time your having, hope your dog is ok, and you get everything sorted with house and car. it never rains but it pours. i bet you'll get your grant without hearing from your CO, fingers crossed for Monday now, as doesn't look like any grants given today.:sad:

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Guys I really hope this doesn't affect anyone already lodged but the new visas, once they have invites and start applying are going to be processed first within each processing group http://www.immi.gov.au/about/charters/client-services-charter/visas/8.0.htm


It does read as if skill select invitees will be dealt with first. Let's hope they get the remaining May team members through first :eek: before the first tranche of skill select apps.

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12 months...............Does it read it can take 12 months......................It gets better every day..................:arghh:

Anyway, there is some good news as our dog (Sydney) as the all clear and the lump was nothing to worry about...:biggrin:

And thanks guys for your messages...:wubclub:

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I remember my case officer almost threatening something along those lines in the letter which requested the medicals and PCC. I just can't believe they would leave people hanging from a previous year like that. I still think they will clear what they have on the plate. There must be so many people that are grant ready just waiting.


Glad your dog is ok Sh3p69

Really hoping there is some good news here soon


Millie x :hug:

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12 months...............Does it read it can take 12 months......................It gets better every day..................:arghh:

Anyway, there is some good news as our dog (Sydney) as the all clear and the lump was nothing to worry about...:biggrin:

And thanks guys for your messages...:wubclub:


I think the 12 month window is the maximum amount of time it will take to process an application and relates more to people from HR countries where it takes longer to verify their information. From what I've seen, most applications from LR countries get approved within 2 months. I think that most of the May crew should get grants by August, but the June crew might get screwed because the first SkillSelect invites go out in August and will be processed alongside the 175/176s lodged in June.


Am glad to hear your dog is ok though! :biggrin:

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I think the 12 month window is the maximum amount of time it will take to process an application and relates more to people from HR countries where it takes longer to verify their information. From what I've seen, most applications from LR countries get approved within 2 months. I think that most of the May crew should get grants by August, but the June crew might get screwed because the first SkillSelect invites go out in August and will be processed alongside the 175/176s lodged in June.


Am glad to hear your dog is ok though! :biggrin:

Hello sheps OH here, Thank you for your reply you have made me feel a lot better, after bursting into tears i now feel abit more optimistic. i have also had a good read through the link and it doesnt sound as bad as initially thought, I think those who have already been alloacted a case officer will be safe.

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sheps Oh here, thank you for the lovely messages about my dog sydney, he is a huge part of our lives. :em4400:

i have two dogs and my oh and i would be distraught if any thing happened...i agree about the link i am wondering if it refers to those onshore visas which are still available up to the end of the year. did you name him sydney before or after deciding to go to oz lol

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i have two dogs and my oh and i would be distraught if any thing happened...i agree about the link i am wondering if it refers to those onshore visas which are still available up to the end of the year. did you name him sydney before or after deciding to go to oz lol

Good morning, Well we met in Australia while we were backpacking and we came back together and she moved up to Hull from Chichester and we always planned to move to Australia to live,so we had to work hard and save some money, But in that time we got our little Sydney from a rescue center followed by our other dog "Baby" (Its not good when im on the park shouting "Baby,Come on") and she did name him Sydney after Sydney...

Well while looking at http://www.immi.gov.au/about/charters/client-services-charter/visas/8.0.htm and it saying that it can take up to 12 months for the 176 Group 3 visas, But if you click were it says Allocation Dates for General Skilled Migration Applications at the topish of the page that says 4 weeks, and it was updated on the 4Th of July... Or is that its up to 4 week until you get a case officer and then up to 12 months until it will be granted, If that is the case why does it say that you can front load your police checks and medicals if your in 176 group 3, Because if you did front load and it did take 12 months to be granted, your Police checks and Medicals will be running out, So you would have to leave for Australia the very next day...So confused...

Why is it so confusing on there website

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Guest satsblr

As it passed 1st July 2012, Does the total number of grants allocated for 2011-2012 is still open. or does the 2011-12 applicants will be counted under the 180,000 PR visa limit for 2012-13?


Any suggestions?

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I agree lots of mixed messages - I think those who applied later are going to find themselves in competition as the invitations to apply are already starting according to another thread however i think the 12 months does apply more to HR applicants -so fingers are still crossed for tomorrow for everyone-

Choosing dogs names is so crucial lol - this so made me chuckle!

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It seems like there was no grant since last Friday... It's funny 'cause Friday everything has changed in met on my application... Does anyone know how long it usually take from this moment until the application is finalized?

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It seems like there was no grant since last Friday... It's funny 'cause Friday everything has changed in met on my application... Does anyone know how long it usually take from this moment until the application is finalized?



Ours went to 'met' on the thursday and grant came through on the Monday . Good luck!

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Well, there is a little movement on the our application, just been to check the progress and my partners medicals they all say referred and on mine the first one says met and the rest just say received... Wounder whats gone on there then... whats been the the thing with you guys with the medicals and time lines...

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Well, there is a little movement on the our application, just been to check the progress and my partners medicals they all say referred and on mine the first one says met and the rest just say received... Wounder whats gone on there then... whats been the the thing with you guys with the medicals and time lines...


Mine went from received to met in one day, hubby's went from refferred to met in 4 days. X

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Mine went from received to met in one day, hubby's went from refferred to met in 4 days. X

Wow, the same day... Hope that's the same for us, We need a change in luck...

But them bloody Australian police checks are taken there time, hope they come this week...

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Guest Kimberlyusa
Wow, the same day... Hope that's the same for us, We need a change in luck...

But them bloody Australian police checks are taken there time, hope they come this week...


Ours were signed for by global health on the 25th of June and then they put them in the system on the 29th.. it shows online status as "29/6" Health req. finalized" and 29/6 "further meds results rec'd" for each one of us. On document checklist everything still shows up as "required"

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