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176 lodged May 2012


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OH's meds show received and finalised the same day (even though they actually received the documents 1.5 weeks before that day), but mine were received and referred that day (04/07)... still waiting for them to be finalised. Let's hope it happens tomorrow! I've started compulsively checking the DIAC site in the middle of the night and I'd like to be able to get a good night's sleep!

Tell me about it, i cant stop checking as well.. But now im trying really hard not to check every 5 minutes even that i know in there time, they dont work at 3am in the morning, on a Sunday....BUT we keep checking...

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Well, My partner rang spire Hospital to find out about her meds been referred as she was thinking that she had every problem that a person can get and put this on another thread that was talking about meds, so i thought that i would paste it on here...


"I rang spire hospital and she informed me that the spire have a duty to inform the applicant if anything is wrong or they are worried with anything in the medicals eg blood results and xray results. She stated that referred simply means that the medical people at immigration in oz are looking at the results( and prob taking there time doing it too!) its purely down to the individual case officer, some will leave medicals as simply"received" while they are looking at them and some will choose to put"referred". so referred doesn't actually mean there is a problem....... so we can all breath a sigh of relief. god its stressful, in the last couple of hours I've managed to convince myself i am seriously ill!!!the stress of visas! but will all be worth it."

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Well, My partner rang spire Hospital to find out about her meds been referred as she was thinking that she had every problem that a person can get and put this on another thread that was talking about meds, so i thought that i would paste it on here...


"I rang spire hospital and she informed me that the spire have a duty to inform the applicant if anything is wrong or they are worried with anything in the medicals eg blood results and xray results. She stated that referred simply means that the medical people at immigration in oz are looking at the results( and prob taking there time doing it too!) its purely down to the individual case officer, some will leave medicals as simply"received" while they are looking at them and some will choose to put"referred". so referred doesn't actually mean there is a problem....... so we can all breath a sigh of relief. god its stressful, in the last couple of hours I've managed to convince myself i am seriously ill!!!the stress of visas! but will all be worth it."


Yeah, the panel doc is obligated to tell you if there's anything seriously wrong with you (like if the blood test comes back positive for HIV or if there's an abnormality on the chest x-ray for example). However, if even the smallest abnormality shows up on the meds, they will most likely be referred even if you were A-graded by your panel doc. They just want to confirm the panel doc's findings - it's fairly routine.

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No movement this morning,:mad: anybody else heard anything?????


Well,we was thinking that we had a CO because of things changing in the checklist to MET and the meds been looked at, when this morning we got an Email saying that we have a case officer...And im not even excited by it, i think that its been dragged on that much i have gone numb to it...

I have found that there is no set ways of doing things at DIAC, i think that they get there and say, "Well.....how shall i do it today, i know, i will try it this way"

And the car, Well it going to cost £1.700 to repair as there saying that it needs a new clutch and ECU...BRILL...

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Guest sharmagaurav
Got the grant on Friday afternoon!! For those of you waiting - fear not, grants are happening!


Congrats davo99 ..........a grants news is all thats needed to boost morale for us waiting for decision.......


Hey Guys! My 176 was granted today!!!!!!! Im over the moon!!!!!! This forum has really helped me get through the visa process and I want to thank everyone who posts here. I applied April 28th and got my grant letter today (july 9th). It looks like the guys at DIAC are back in action after the July 1st changes. Good luck to everyone waiting and hang in there. Your time is coming soon!


Congrats to you too tommyjones..........start celebrating and thanks for your encouraging words..........gives hope to all waiting.........


Well,we was thinking that we had a CO because of things changing in the checklist to MET and the meds been looked at, when this morning we got an Email saying that we have a case officer...And im not even excited by it, i think that its been dragged on that much i have gone numb to it...

I have found that there is no set ways of doing things at DIAC, i think that they get there and say, "Well.....how shall i do it today, i know, i will try it this way"

And the car, Well it going to cost £1.700 to repair as there saying that it needs a new clutch and ECU...BRILL...


hey buddy,,,,,,i know its been dragged for you for so long however look at the positive side as now you will have one person whom you can bug anytime as and when you want rather then sending mail to auto reply mailbox...........keep your spirits high.........grants is on its way.......

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Guest sharmagaurav

Hey everyone.........


I thought I'll update you all as per my Indian PCC situation.........finally after 4 visits to regional passport office which is about 200kms from my city and waiting for an average of 8 hours on all 4 visits, finally I have received my PCC yesterday and have uploaded to DIAC today morning,,,,,,,my visa officer has changed the status to met as well......


A sigh of relief as all docs showing met now on list........however I guess the worst waiting period is still to come.........thanks everyone for your support and encouragement which kept me going.......its really exhausting to get all the docs organized especially if you are in India.........keeping fingers crossed for grant so that I can have nice weekend..........

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Well,we was thinking that we had a CO because of things changing in the checklist to MET and the meds been looked at, when this morning we got an Email saying that we have a case officer...And im not even excited by it, i think that its been dragged on that much i have gone numb to it...

I have found that there is no set ways of doing things at DIAC, i think that they get there and say, "Well.....how shall i do it today, i know, i will try it this way"

And the car, Well it going to cost £1.700 to repair as there saying that it needs a new clutch and ECU...BRILL...


Hey, that's great news!! It really won't be long now, so keep your spirits up :em3600:

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Hey everyone.........


I thought I'll update you all as per my Indian PCC situation.........finally after 4 visits to regional passport office which is about 200kms from my city and waiting for an average of 8 hours on all 4 visits, finally I have received my PCC yesterday and have uploaded to DIAC today morning,,,,,,,my visa officer has changed the status to met as well......


A sigh of relief as all docs showing met now on list........however I guess the worst waiting period is still to come.........thanks everyone for your support and encouragement which kept me going.......its really exhausting to get all the docs organized especially if you are in India.........keeping fingers crossed for grant so that I can have nice weekend..........


Wow, sounds a nightmare applying from India with all the waiting! Glad things are working out for you - perhaps that magical email in the morning..?!

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Hey everyone.........


I thought I'll update you all as per my Indian PCC situation.........finally after 4 visits to regional passport office which is about 200kms from my city and waiting for an average of 8 hours on all 4 visits, finally I have received my PCC yesterday and have uploaded to DIAC today morning,,,,,,,my visa officer has changed the status to met as well......


A sigh of relief as all docs showing met now on list........however I guess the worst waiting period is still to come.........thanks everyone for your support and encouragement which kept me going.......its really exhausting to get all the docs organized especially if you are in India.........keeping fingers crossed for grant so that I can have nice weekend..........


Glad to see that things are finally showing movement for you after such a difficult time trying to obtain the PCC. Will keep an eye for your grant over the next couple of days. Hoe it comes through before the weekend


Millie x

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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- I awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!

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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- i awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!


wow... BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! :happy_face_cowboy_w

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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- I awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!


That's great!! Congrats!!!

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DIAC neer received our WA SS conformation (Form 1100)



Well, yesterday we desided to ring DIAC to know about the status of our application. It was shocking that they told they didnt receied form 1100 from WA. there for our application sit under priority group 4 without allocated to CO.

Then we rang WA office to enguire about that, the reply was we have alreay forwarded to DIAC on 25th May for which we received an automated conformation too. Also they said they cannot resend it unless DIAC requested to do so.


Again today we rang DIAC to know weather they can send any reguest to WA. They told we dont send such request. you better ask them to send form 1100.

When we rang to WA again today a nice lady picked up the phone and she said she will resend it. Till now I didnt receied any confirmation from WA.

have to wait and see..


All these time (almost 7 weeks) went just for nothing.. so anybody waiting for CO for long time, plz give a ring to the department to know the reason fro the delay.

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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- I awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!



Yay!!! So pleased for you. Enjoy your celebrations tonight. Phew, you must be so relieved now :rolleyes:

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DIAC neer received our WA SS conformation (Form 1100)



Well, yesterday we desided to ring DIAC to know about the status of our application. It was shocking that they told they didnt receied form 1100 from WA. there for our application sit under priority group 4 without allocated to CO.

Then we rang WA office to enguire about that, the reply was we have alreay forwarded to DIAC on 25th May for which we received we received an automated conformation too. Also they said they cannot resend it unless DIAC requested to do so.


Again today we rang DIAC to know weather they can send any reguest to WA. They told we dont send such request. you better ask them to send form 1100.

When we rang to WA again today a nice lady picked up the phone and she said she will resend it. Till now I didnt receied any confirmation from WA.

have to wait and see..


All these time (almost 7 weeks) went just for nothing.. so anybody waiting for CO for long time, plz give a ring to the department to know the reason fro the delay.



Oh Lapie, that's awful! Were you able to send DIAC the automated confirmation as proof? Keep us up to date - and good luck!

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DIAC neer received our WA SS conformation (Form 1100)



Well, yesterday we desided to ring DIAC to know about the status of our application. It was shocking that they told they didnt receied form 1100 from WA. there for our application sit under priority group 4 without allocated to CO.

Then we rang WA office to enguire about that, the reply was we have alreay forwarded to DIAC on 25th May for which we received we received an automated conformation too. Also they said they cannot resend it unless DIAC requested to do so.


Again today we rang DIAC to know weather they can send any reguest to WA. They told we dont send such request. you better ask them to send form 1100.

When we rang to WA again today a nice lady picked up the phone and she said she will resend it. Till now I didnt receied any confirmation from WA.

have to wait and see..


All these time (almost 7 weeks) went just for nothing.. so anybody waiting for CO for long time, plz give a ring to the department to know the reason fro the delay.

Thats so frustrating lapie but glad you finally got WA to resend it, - wont be long now x
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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- I awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!


Many congratulations from 'ghost of march team':biggrin:

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I am so pleased to say our Grant letterwas received today- I awoke at 10 past five and checked as usual and I haven't got back to sleep since WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP! :biggrin::chatterbox::tongue::rolleyes::laugh::hug: Thank you everyone for your support hang in there to the remaining May crew yours will come soon!


Congratulations - I'm soooo happy for you x

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