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Need to meet people!

Guest Kabey

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Guest Kabey

Good morning people!!


Almost the weekend, yeah! :biggrin: Myself and boyfriend moved on Sydney around 2 months ago, we moved here from Wakefield/Leeds as I got sponsored so we hope to be here for at least four years. We’ve moved near to Cronulla which is lovely but struggling to meet new people as I work quite long hours in the CBD. My boyfriend is in his early 30’s and loves boxing and rugby league. I’m in my late 20’s and back in England I spent a lot of time with my girlfriends getting involved in new things every weekend, we went hiking, normal walks, paintballing, kayaking… and of course spent lots of time playing out and drinking wine. We both have a fab sense of humour (loving Will Ferrell films…) oh my God it sounds like I’m a writing a lonely hearts ad! Ha ha! Just keen to meet like minded people to have a laugh with! Anyone got any advice or know of any groups??? Muchous appreciated! Katie x

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Hi Katie

What about joining a walking group, or Kayaking club? there are a loadsssss of clubs out there and they can be a great way to meet people and strike up friendships..


Good Luck i hope you find some people to socialise with soon


Cal x

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Guest Kabey

Thanks Cal,


I had a look but couldn't seem to find many but will have another gander thanks x

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Google 'Sydney bushwalkers' if you want to get into bushwalking. I was in Sydney Bushwalkers for a while back in the 80's. www.sbw.org.au - it's similar to The Ramblers, joining up, getting the walks guide, joining a walk, going out for the day or over night. There are plenty of other groups too.


Also check out 'meet ups' - just Google it, and plenty of activities come up from 'A to Z.'


Check out community colleges too, for your area as they run plenty of courses/activities.

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Guest eimear

Hey katie,


I'm irish, been here about a year now and have met some great friends but always looking to expand my friends.

i'm working in the cbd as well, so maybe if you fancy meeting for lunch one day that would be good.

Or possibly a sneaky glass of wine one evening. just drop me a message if you fancy it.



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Guest Guest31881



I have merged your two separate threads asking the same question into one thread to avoid confusion.



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Hey, my girlfriend and I both love getting out into the bush, Camping, and anything sporty. I've also just bought a sea kayak so looking for someone who wants to get up close and personal with the whales that will be on their way past soon! We are both 35 live in Coogee and have been here for just over a year. Give us a shout if you fancy meeting up..

Matt and Lisa

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Guest Kabey

Hi all,


Maryrose, thanks for the heads up much appreciated - I'm also following 'meet up' now!


Hi Eimear, a cheeky wine could be good, where do you work? You can e-mail me to katieburnell@hotmail.co.uk if that helps and we could organise, chat...


Hi Matt/Lisa, wow that sounds fab, sounds like you are getting in to the outdoor lifestyle here! Would be good to meet up/chat etc... too, if you want to inbox me too that would be fab, I'm on FB too! Thanks, Katie

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Guest Kabey

Hi Ruth/Gaz, how long have you guys been here? What time are you heading to the city on Saturday and we'll see if we can make it. :) Katie x

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Hi Katie,

I've just moved here by myself and started a nursing job at the Sutherland hospital. I'm living in Caringbah and have moved out here by myself and don't really know many people. I hail from York and in my early 40's (but young minded!) and love hiking and outdoors stuff. if you fancy meeting for a coffee my email address is yorkcath@live.co.uk




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