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anyone live in kalgoorlie??

Guest sturaw84

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Guest sturaw84

been offered a job in kalgoorlie, just wondering what its like there as i cant make much out from the pictures

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It's really interesting as a three day holiday destination - go and visit the super pit - that's amazing, looking down into it. If they are blasting you hear it from miles around. The streets in the town are interesting - much wider than in Perth as they needed the space to turn the wagons in. the Gold mine museum is really good, and you can go underground where they employ ex miners to give the talks and show you the equipment. It's well known for bars and brothels! Not sure I'd want to stay longer than 3 days though. There have been posts on this site though, and people do live there and survive.

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Theres quite a few members on here going there. Its possibly not where some people would like to stay forever but it depends on what you want and also if its a way into australia and then you can move somewhere else eventually if you want to. There should be some threads if you do a search on here

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