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Children better off in Oz?


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Hi all


I have to say this thread has my head spinning!!

I am really concerned now about all of the negative posts regarding how it will be for the kids.

As everyone of you on here knows, deciding to move your family to the other side of the world is a huge huge decision but one we've considered and contemplated and came to the conclusion we think its the right thing to do.

However, with all these posts about how much worse oz is for drugs, alcohol etc etc, for the 1st time in this whole process, doubts have started to creep in.

My son is 10 and so depending on when we emmigrate, may get 1 year in primary school in oz then go to high school, so is at a very impressionable age and a critical one educational wise.

I guess it all depends where exactly you live, same as it does here but we have to get this right 1st time as we can't keep swapping and changing the kids schools if we don't like an area, that just wouldn't be fair.

But seriously do I just ignore this thread and just think life is what you make it and theres god and bad in both countries.

This is a life changing decision for my kids and I want it to be the right one!


Why can't everyone just say how it really is without being biased?? Sometimes feels like people are trying to point score here


Rant over!!


I think you will find this is how it is for most people....some like it.....some dont.....the only way you are going to find out if its for you is to go for it, if this is your dream, take on board all these comments but dont let them stop you from going. I could tell you its really great in Oz, no one commits any offences, they dont need a police force, the sun shines a perfect 32 degrees everyday of the year and no one has to go to work cus the streets are paved in gold. Is that what you would prefer to hear?

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Hi Lancashire Lass


When did you emmigrate to Perth?

Is the education system the reason you are moving back to the UK or are there other factors too?

We have 2 kids and education in one of my concerns. Have you tried different schools?


Glad you have enjoyed your time there and I wish you all the best back in the UK



I think being in Oz has been great for the kids. The great weather, quiet streets and parks absolutely everywhere dotted around the suburbs. We have a huge park just at the end of our road and my son has spent most of the last 2 years climbing trees and wading through the pond collecting all sorts of creatures. We are also 10 mins walk from the beach so my daughter spends her weekends down there a lot of the time with her mates. Jumping off the jetty's and swimming out to the pontoon. It's been pretty idylic for them. However, the schools they are at are seriously lacking. There seems to have been very little funding. There's hardly any technology in the schools. At my daughters high school it seems like having a calculator is the height of technology!! I don't like the way they don't put very much emphasis on learning geography or history. I think the education here is definately a backward step.

So, yes we are moving back to the UK with the cold rainy days, hideous traffic and the muddy parks full of dog poo but life's what you make it. I've loved our time in Australia, it's been a great experience. Glad we did it, but it's time to go home now.

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Thanks for your sarcastic reply!

If you re-read my post you will see that I am realistic about the fact that oz is not heaven and has its own problems thankyou.

I did say "I guess it depends where exactly you live same as it does in UK"


There are some really very genuine helpful people on this site but then others.......


I think you will find this is how it is for most people....some like it.....some dont.....the only way you are going to find out if its for you is to go for it, if this is your dream, take on board all these comments but dont let them stop you from going. I could tell you its really great in Oz, no one commits any offences, they dont need a police force, the sun shines a perfect 32 degrees everyday of the year and no one has to go to work cus the streets are paved in gold. Is that what you would prefer to hear?
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Guest guest36187

Fowler family, what are your worries about moving over with kids? Are there any specifics we can help with?

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Thanks Joanne, I think you're right :yes:


I think you need to make informed decisions from your own research. Opinions of others will always be tainted with a personal slant. Just because somethhing happened to someone when they moved to oz doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you!


Do lots of research ......

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I guess it depends on the person. We have often gone up to the city beach and sat in the evening and watched the kids splash about, expecially in the holidays in the summer, its lovely..

We have also gone upto the coast of an evening and would do it a LOT more if it wasnt a hr drive :)

We did it every day when we spent time near the coast and loved it, I love an evening walk on the beach but we settle for the nearby forest/park walk most evenings in the summer...





People often speak about finishing work, grabbing the kids and rushing off to the beach to watch the sunset whilst sipping a glass of wine whilst the kids splash gleefully in the warm indian ocean.....we never did that once and I think we are pretty normal people, these things are all great ideas and we all dream of doing them.....the reality is you get in from work and the argument you had with your boss is still raging inside, your cheesed off cus you cant get the days off you want, the kids are fighting and the house is a mess, someones got to cook dinner and you must remember to pay off yet another speeding fine for doing a pant wetting 5kph over the already ludicrously slow limit......then its 8pm and.....did someone mention the beach?.....oh well we can always go tomorow.

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Hi Joanne


I kinda feel this huge pressure that by moving the kids to the other side of the world away from their family and friends it has to be for the good of them.

My kids are doing really well in school and so the eduation system is a real issue to me that I need to do some serious research into as this is their future I'm playing with. If this was just me and my OH then the pressure would be off and if it didn't work out so be it but as with all parents, I just want to do right by the kids. I want them to have the best possible opportunities available to them and I guess they will find opportunities wherever they are if they want them.

I think I'm just having a wobble realising the enormity of what we're doing and hoping that the its the best decision for the kids.

Of course I know that oz has issues and problems of its own but when people post things like outside most hardware stores there are teenagers high as kites sniffing glue, alarm bells start ringing.

Joanne I'm someone who finds decision making difficult so as you can imagine this is enormous for me, but I know dep down its the right thing to do but because of who I am, when I see negative stuff I start retreating!


Do you have children with you?


Thanks :smile:


Fowler family, what are your worries about moving over with kids? Are there any specifics we can help with?
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Why can't everyone just say how it really is without being biased?? Sometimes feels like people are trying to point score here


Rant over!!


Im sorry if you think I am being sarcastic, it certainly was not meant to be like.....saying that.....what do you want me to say?.....who exactly is being "biased".....Im telling it how it is/was for us after going through all the same fears and worries your currently experiencing then actually moving over there and experiencing it all first hand.....maybe a safer method for you would be to ignore these threads, but I really beleive the negatives are far more benficial to someone than hearing how great everything is.....I wish someone told me the flies were a pain in the arse....I got told by a friend that had lived there for years that they were nothing to worry about and only lasted a few weeks!.....my experience was very different.


You only consider me unhelpfull because I am not telling you what you want to hear.

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Anyone who says we don't get seasons in Perth is either a..a bloody liar...or b...only lived here through 1 or 2 seasons.




Could you quote the post that said there are no seasons in Perth?


It would be much appreciated if you didn't call people bloody liars when they talk about their experiences.

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Kungfustu my post wasn't in reply to your earlier post if thats what you were thinking?

My comments weren't in response to yours so please don't accuse me of being one of those naive people who only want to listen to the positive, because believe me thats not true, I want to hear it all warts and all because I am a very cautious person but the point I was making was that reading the thread it felt like some people were being very defensive, some towards the UK some towards Oz for their own personal reasons and some have got into a battle with each other which isn't very helpful to the likes of me who just want to know the facts without any prejudice.




Im sorry if you think I am being sarcastic, it certainly was not meant to be like.....saying that.....what do you want me to say?.....who exactly is being "biased".....Im telling it how it is/was for us after going through all the same fears and worries your currently experiencing then actually moving over there and experiencing it all first hand.....maybe a safer method for you would be to ignore these threads, but I really beleive the negatives are far more benficial to someone than hearing how great everything is.....I wish someone told me the flies were a pain in the arse....I got told by a friend that had lived there for years that they were nothing to worry about and only lasted a few weeks!.....my experience was very different.


You only consider me unhelpfull because I am not telling you what you want to hear.

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Hi all


I have to say this thread has my head spinning!!

I am really concerned now about all of the negative posts regarding how it will be for the kids.

As everyone of you on here knows, deciding to move your family to the other side of the world is a huge huge decision but one we've considered and contemplated and came to the conclusion we think its the right thing to do.

However, with all these posts about how much worse oz is for drugs, alcohol etc etc, for the 1st time in this whole process, doubts have started to creep in.

My son is 10 and so depending on when we emmigrate, may get 1 year in primary school in oz then go to high school, so is at a very impressionable age and a critical one educational wise.

I guess it all depends where exactly you live, same as it does here but we have to get this right 1st time as we can't keep swapping and changing the kids schools if we don't like an area, that just wouldn't be fair.

But seriously do I just ignore this thread and just think life is what you make it and theres god and bad in both countries.

This is a life changing decision for my kids and I want it to be the right one!


Why can't everyone just say how it really is without being biased?? Sometimes feels like people are trying to point score here


Rant over!!


This is exactly why I try counter the negative comments on here !!!


Please please dont be put off by what a few have said.... Australia is NOT worse than the UK !!!!! You will see once you are there !

There are people on here comparing chalk with cheese....


Perthbum mentioning all the drugs to be found in Northbridge !! Of course Australia has illigal drugs, every city in the world has this problem. If Australia didnt it would be amazing and the governments around the world would be here to anazlise what they are doing right !


Oh BTW Northbidge is Perths main nightlife area !!!!! If he didnt like drugs and all that why the hell was he living in Northbridge !!! its like me moving to Camden or Hackney and complaining about drugs and crime.... If I only had lived in Hackney, and naively thought this is what the whole of the UK was like, that would just be ignorance no ?


Perthbum is comparing Northbridge to Stratford, if he was talking about Stratford in London, he would know that almost every week a few years back there were streets taped off on the weekend due to someone being killed. Huge gang, drug crime, kids growing up so fast, selling crack at 13.



Even in my area outside of London, on appearance its a nice small village/town, however I know that the kids in my area now carry knives, drugs are everywhere, but the kids seem different, less innocent.. They defiantly grow up too quickly here IMO

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Guest The Pom Queen


Thanks for your sarcastic reply!

If you re-read my post you will see that I am realistic about the fact that oz is not heaven and has its own problems thankyou.

I did say "I guess it depends where exactly you live same as it does in UK"


There are some really very genuine helpful people on this site but then others.......


I'm sorry but I didn't read Kungfustu's post as sarcastic, he was just saying to try it yourself and not listen to others, yes I know easier said than done, if we had listened to others we would have never visited Cairns, we came and fell in love with the place, it's home for us.

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Of course I know that oz has issues and problems of its own but when people post things like outside most hardware stores there are teenagers high as kites sniffing glue, alarm bells start ringing.

Thanks :smile:


Obviously thats aimed at me, so Im sorry if your upset by that.....Bunnings in Joondalup had groups of adults/kids chroming up outside, when I visited bunnings to buy diy stuff I would see, when I visited for work reasons I would see it. I have never seen anything like that where I live now. Thats the reality, Im not saying there are gangs of kids holding people to ransom, threatening and intimidating anyone that walks past, thats not true, couldn't be further from the truth but there is a big problem in that area with substance abuse.

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Guest Ptp113
Obviously thats aimed at me, so Im sorry if your upset by that.....Bunnings in Joondalup had groups of adults/kids chroming up outside, when I visited bunnings to buy diy stuff I would see, when I visited for work reasons I would see it. I have never seen anything like that where I live now. Thats the reality, Im not saying there are gangs of kids holding people to ransom, threatening and intimidating anyone that walks past, thats not true, couldn't be further from the truth but there is a big problem in that area with substance abuse.


WA again. Why do poms go there?

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Guest The Pom Queen

What you all need to remember is that we are all individuals, there are suburbs in Melbourne I wouldn't live if you paid me, yet I know a couple of families who have settled in them and love the area.

I would never consider returning to the UK ever, and neither would my children, they love it here and say it's the best thing we ever did making the move.

We can't say that other peoples experiences are wrong because they are THEIR experiences not ours.

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Guest guest17301
Could you quote the post that said there are no seasons in Perth?


It would be much appreciated if you didn't call people bloody liars when they talk about their experiences.



Jeez, dont be so defensive did I say you? Or anyone....for that matter..its one of thise urban myths that gets trotted out so I just thought id share my opinion....thats what it is mine so there....

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Kungfustu my post wasn't in reply to your earlier post if thats what you were thinking?

My comments weren't in response to yours so please don't accuse me of being one of those naive people who only want to listen to the positive, because believe me thats not true, I want to hear it all warts and all because I am a very cautious person but the point I was making was that reading the thread it felt like some people were being very defensive, some towards the UK some towards Oz for their own personal reasons and some have got into a battle with each other which isn't very helpful to the likes of me who just want to know the facts without any prejudice.

sorry, they dont exist.


Everyone here will have an opinion based on their own experiences, its human nature to COMPARE (thats a dirty word round here BTW) what they have now with what they had before. In comparing you will get three possible outcomes: overall better, overall worse, or overall neutral.


You will find on here that the majority of migrants from UK to aus reflects the real life experience: that they prefer their life in aus. But a significant minority dont prefer it (they actually dislike it) for a raft of different reasons: homesickness, culture shock, being the unwilling partner of someone blissfully happy here, mixed marriages etc.


In other words, if youre relying on PIO to give you a yes or no answer as to whether your kids will be better off here, 'computer says no'.

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Guest guest17301

We regularly go to the beach after work at least once a week in summer, once a fortnight in winter maybe.....we live 20 mins from the coast...we make the effort when we can because we know the pressures of the day will melt away!

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Thanks for your post Jhampa

Makes sense to me :yes:


This is exactly why I try counter the negative comments on here !!!


Please please dont be put off by what a few have said.... Australia is NOT worse than the UK !!!!! You will see once you are there !

There are people on here comparing chalk with cheese....


Perthbum mentioning all the drugs to be found in Northbridge !! Of course Australia has illigal drugs, every city in the world has this problem. If Australia didnt it would be amazing and the governments around the world would be here to anazlise what they are doing right !


Oh BTW Northbidge is Perths main nightlife area !!!!! If he didnt like drugs and all that why the hell was he living in Northbridge !!! its like me moving to Camden or Hackney and complaining about drugs and crime.... If I only had lived in Hackney, and naively thought this is what the whole of the UK was like, that would just be ignorance no ?


Perthbum is comparing Northbridge to Stratford, if he was talking about Stratford in London, he would know that almost every week a few years back there were streets taped off on the weekend due to someone being killed. Huge gang, drug crime, kids growing up so fast, selling crack at 13.



Even in my area outside of London, on appearance its a nice small village/town, however I know that the kids in my area now carry knives, drugs are everywhere, but the kids seem different, less innocent.. They defiantly grow up too quickly here IMO

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Hi Joanne


I kinda feel this huge pressure that by moving the kids to the other side of the world away from their family and friends it has to be for the good of them.

My kids are doing really well in school and so the eduation system is a real issue to me that I need to do some serious research into as this is their future I'm playing with. If this was just me and my OH then the pressure would be off and if it didn't work out so be it but as with all parents, I just want to do right by the kids. I want them to have the best possible opportunities available to them and I guess they will find opportunities wherever they are if they want them.

I think I'm just having a wobble realising the enormity of what we're doing and hoping that the its the best decision for the kids.

Of course I know that oz has issues and problems of its own but when people post things like outside most hardware stores there are teenagers high as kites sniffing glue, alarm bells start ringing.

Joanne I'm someone who finds decision making difficult so as you can imagine this is enormous for me, but I know dep down its the right thing to do but because of who I am, when I see negative stuff I start retreating!


Do you have children with you?


Thanks :smile:



I moved to the UK when I was 14. I went to one of the best private schools in South Africa,9 rugby pitches, two Olympic size swimming pools etc, and ended up in a British state run school, that had a small concrete playground with goal posts, and cricket stumps painted on the walls !!!


Kids Adapt ! so you wont have to worry about them on that front. Its good for them IMO to learn two different cultures, it expands there view of the world. If you can afford a private school in Australia, then great. Otherwise , as you would in the UK, make sure you choose wisely.


I think you will find some amazing schools in Australia

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Guest guest36187

Hi fowlers....


We don't have kids here. My stepchildren are in the uk. We live in brissie and I can certainly say that kids have been more well behaved out here. You don't really see kids hanging around street corners, I certainly don't see kids high as a kite!! Doesn't mean it doesn't happen somewhere though.


I would do some research into your proposed area. Contact schools, ask to see testimonials from parents. Look at education stats, ask questions.


I can fully comprehend the way you must be feeling. I have friends here that emigrated in 2007 and since had a son. They are asking the same questions...

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Hi Harpodom


Yeah I get that, its human nature I guess, but its the point scoring type of arguments I am referring to that don't help anyone


Thanks for your reply :smile:


sorry, they dont exist.


Everyone here will have an opinion based on their own experiences, its human nature to COMPARE (thats a dirty word round here BTW) what they have now with what they had before. In comparing you will get three possible outcomes: overall better, overall worse, or overall neutral.


You will find on here that the majority of migrants from UK to aus reflects the real life experience: that they prefer their life in aus. But a significant majority dont prefer it (they actually dislike it) for a raft of different reasons: homesickness, culture shock, being the unwilling partner of someone blissfully happy here, mixed marriages etc.


In other words, if youre relying on PIO to give you a yes or no answer as to whether your kids will be better off here, 'computer says no'.

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I don't see kids chroming etc-thought that was only in places like the Alice. I would say, on the whole, there is a more kid-friendly culture here in Australia. They are not seen as a nuisance to be kept quiet and they are encouraged to be outgoing, polite and friendly. They are allowed to have opinions- not the case where I came from in the UK

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Guest The Pom Queen
We regularly go to the beach after work at least once a week in summer, once a fortnight in winter maybe.....we live 20 mins from the coast...we make the effort when we can because we know the pressures of the day will melt away! Its called get up and go...maybee you had a bad time in Perth because of your cup half empty attitude stu? Just saying like...no offence meant

But Fi not everyone likes the beach, I manage to drag Rob there once a year IF I am lucky, it doesn't mean we have no get up and go.

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Folwer family....to ballance the scales a bit.....we experienced in Perth the most beautiful beaches we had ever seen, absolutely stunning, we were never beach people but rapidly realised what we had been missing and that beach life formed a massive part of our own lives whilst living there and to this day we absolutely love the beach, Perth is a gorgeous looking city, with clean streets and lovely parks, the sun nearly always shines. Australia is a lovely country with a huge differences in climate from one side to the other, there is something for everyone. We are lucky that where we live and have always lived apart from our time in Oz is very nice and it really would have to be paradise to equal or better where we live. I know thats not the same for everyone, so I wish you luck in your move and would say never let someone elses opinion deter you from your own goals.


Now Im getting all sensible so will leave it there.

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