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Children better off in Oz?


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I have to agree, I guess whatever we experience, its all experience and will help our kids to understand the world better.

I want them to spread their wings and learn and I guess I have to make sure I do plenty of research (which I am doing all the time!) and make the best informed decision I can. It all enriching and I know deep down this is a journey we need to take as a family and will hopefully be the best adventure of our lives!!

Thanks for your comments :smile:


I moved to the UK when I was 14. I went to one of the best private schools in South Africa,9 rugby pitches, two Olympic size swimming pools etc, and ended up in a British state run school, that had a small concrete playground with goal posts, and cricket stumps painted on the walls !!!


Kids Adapt ! so you wont have to worry about them on that front. Its good for them IMO to learn two different cultures, it expands there view of the world. If you can afford a private school in Australia, then great. Otherwise , as you would in the UK, make sure you choose wisely.


I think you will find some amazing schools in Australia

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Thanks Kungfustu, I think I'm just having a little wobble today for the first time!!


Good luck to you guys too :smile:


Folwer family....to ballance the scales a bit.....we experienced in Perth the most beautiful beaches we had ever seen, absolutely stunning, we were never beach people but rapidly realised what we had been missing and that beach life formed a massive part of our own lives whilst living there and to this day we absolutely love the beach, Perth is a gorgeous looking city, with clean streets and lovely parks, the sun nearly always shines. Australia is a lovely country with a huge differences in climate from one side to the other, there is something for everyone. We are lucky that where we live and have always lived apart from our time in Oz is very nice and it really would have to be paradise to equal or better where we live. I know thats not the same for everyone, so I wish you luck in your move and would say never let someone elses opinion deter you from your own goals.


Now Im getting all sensible so will leave it there.

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Thanks Joanne, its all about location, location, location.

Maybe I need to contact Phil and Kirstie!!!




Hi fowlers....


We don't have kids here. My stepchildren are in the uk. We live in brissie and I can certainly say that kids have been more well behaved out here. You don't really see kids hanging around street corners, I certainly don't see kids high as a kite!! Doesn't mean it doesn't happen somewhere though.


I would do some research into your proposed area. Contact schools, ask to see testimonials from parents. Look at education stats, ask questions.


I can fully comprehend the way you must be feeling. I have friends here that emigrated in 2007 and since had a son. They are asking the same questions...

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Guest guest17301

Me too sorry if I upset anyone but I do hate to see people getting the wrong idea.....it is a false impression to say there are no distinct seasons in Perth or anywhere else....we all generalise, we all have our passions, we all fall out from time tto time and we all apologise when we overstep the pio mark.

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You really need to have a good long think about why you want to move. There are many many advantages for moving to Oz. But for some people it doesn't work. You need to ask yourself whether or not you will damage your children by moving, or whether they will benefitted by the move. Also, if you decide to move back to the UK, will the double move cause issues. This depends on where you are moving too. But it also depends on what your kids are like.


Draw up a list of pros and cons, and then try and justify it to yourselves. If you can't, maybe you shouldn't go. If you can, then go.



Hi Joanne


I kinda feel this huge pressure that by moving the kids to the other side of the world away from their family and friends it has to be for the good of them.

My kids are doing really well in school and so the eduation system is a real issue to me that I need to do some serious research into as this is their future I'm playing with. If this was just me and my OH then the pressure would be off and if it didn't work out so be it but as with all parents, I just want to do right by the kids. I want them to have the best possible opportunities available to them and I guess they will find opportunities wherever they are if they want them.

I think I'm just having a wobble realising the enormity of what we're doing and hoping that the its the best decision for the kids.

Of course I know that oz has issues and problems of its own but when people post things like outside most hardware stores there are teenagers high as kites sniffing glue, alarm bells start ringing.

Joanne I'm someone who finds decision making difficult so as you can imagine this is enormous for me, but I know dep down its the right thing to do but because of who I am, when I see negative stuff I start retreating!


Do you have children with you?


Thanks :smile:

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Sorry, haven't had time to read through the whole thread, but I would like to say that my kids are a lot better-spoken living out here in Adelaide than they would have been had we stayed in Essex. We were very lucky in that they both were able to attend a very good local private school on academic scholarships here - of a standard we would never have been able to afford in the UK - and their vocal and presentation skills reflect that ....to such an extent that they speak better than either I or their father does (if they tease me one more time for sounding like a bogan sometimes they will be leaving home very soon - you can take the girl out of Essex, and all that...) They were 9 and 7 when we came out here 8 years ago. Where we used to live, they would have probably ended up going to (high)school in either Witham (leggings capital of the south east) or Maldon, so you can draw your own conclusions from that!

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Guest Trueblue22


You may well find that kids in Australia have changed over the years since you were a kid - not so sure about the innocence thing any more unless you are out in the bush a million miles from anyone else, but good luck with it anyway.
Really??? My 18yr old daughter has had more friends murdered and friends committing murder than anyone should ever have, yet my friend's in Oz who have children are not experiencing this. And before you comment yes they do live in various parts of Oz, and none in 'the bush'. It's not even about how my daughter is either as she is at Uni, never been in trouble ever! The facts and figures speak for themselves. Like I said this is my opinion and I'm speaking from personal experience, what I'm not doing is comparing my childhood 30 yrs ago to the present day.
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Thanks Newjez, I've pretty much done all that and was certain but just having a wobble today I think!




You really need to have a good long think about why you want to move. There are many many advantages for moving to Oz. But for some people it doesn't work. You need to ask yourself whether or not you will damage your children by moving, or whether they will benefitted by the move. Also, if you decide to move back to the UK, will the double move cause issues. This depends on where you are moving too. But it also depends on what your kids are like.


Draw up a list of pros and cons, and then try and justify it to yourselves. If you can't, maybe you shouldn't go. If you can, then go.

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Guest Trueblue22


I would disagree. I had a wonderful innocent childhood in the UK and friends children in England are also enjoying it. In Oz I see just as many issues that effect children. Over commercialization, over sexualisation (it was reported not long ago, girls as young as 11 were wearing bracelets that were symbols of what they were willing to do sexually and included everything imaginable), there are no more kids playing out and going camping than there are in the UKIt is up to the parents
Reported that girls as young as 11 were wearing bracelets that symbolised what they were willing to do....11 yr old girls here don't wear bracelets, they don't need to as they are quite happy to show you what they are willing to do. :)


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Really??? My 18yr old daughter has had more friends murdered and friends committing murder than anyone should ever have, yet my friend's in Oz who have children are not experiencing this. And before you comment yes they do live in various parts of Oz, and none in 'the bush'. It's not even about how my daughter is either as she is at Uni, never been in trouble ever! The facts and figures speak for themselves. Like I said this is my opinion and I'm speaking from personal experience, what I'm not doing is comparing my childhood 30 yrs ago to the present day.


The murder rate per 100,000 people is actually very marginally higher in Australia , so on a murder basis uk is safer.


Victims of violent crime percentage wise is higher in aus also !

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Guest Trueblue22


The murder rate per 100,000 people is actually very marginally higher in Australia , so on a murder basis uk is safer.Victims of violent crime percentage wise is higher in aus also !
Like I said I'm speaking from personal experience and the fact is my children are surrounded by murder etc, so murder rates don't really come into it. :)


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Jeez, dont be so defensive did I say you? Or anyone....for that matter..its one of thise urban myths that gets trotted out so I just thought id share my opinion....thats what it is mine so there....



I'm certainly not the one who is defensive here... and for the record, I've never heard this 'urban myth' getting trotted out before... I might or might not be be mixing with the right 'Perth crowd'......


Anyway, I'll leave it at that as this thread is about whether children are better off and not about the season/weather of Perth.

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The kids thing is a funny one.....I was always amazed at the lack of people in general not just kids that you would see out and about, it just seemed very quiet to me, but I firmly believe the kids are products of their upbringing, that rests solely in the hands of the parents, as "you are what you eat", the same applies to the kids and parents so I dont think where you live makes a lot of difference, but then there will be some outside influences that you as a parent cannot control.


I had a quick look at perths summer weather last year and about 15% of the days in dec, jan, feb were 40 or over, most were 32 - 39. For me when it hit 40 it seemed bloody uncomfortable, 32 was perfect, any hotter and I didnt really enjoy it but that is the temp, you forget how strong the sun is, with a UV of 13 extreme, the UK never has higher than 6, it gives you some idea of the dangers of the sun, you really do start to cook within minutes. the temps in the winter, 18 - 21 are very misleading cus someone from the UK thinks 20 is great, well it is untill you take away the humidity then its cold.


People often speak about finishing work, grabbing the kids and rushing off to the beach to watch the sunset whilst sipping a glass of wine whilst the kids splash gleefully in the warm indian ocean.....we never did that once and I think we are pretty normal people, these things are all great ideas and we all dream of doing them.....the reality is you get in from work and the argument you had with your boss is still raging inside, your cheesed off cus you cant get the days off you want, the kids are fighting and the house is a mess, someones got to cook dinner and you must remember to pay off yet another speeding fine for doing a pant wetting 5kph over the already ludicrously slow limit......then its 8pm and.....did someone mention the beach?.....oh well we can always go tomorow.


I never knew anyone who did that to be honest, by the time you get home it is dark and you are bloody knackered as you got up so early, thats why most people are in bed by 9pm.

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This is probably the best post on here. It will differ for everyone.


One thing that does make me wonder though for those that are moving here for their kids is that the total cost is more than moving to a better part of the UK or even putting the kids through a top private school in the UK.



You really need to have a good long think about why you want to move. There are many many advantages for moving to Oz. But for some people it doesn't work. You need to ask yourself whether or not you will damage your children by moving, or whether they will benefitted by the move. Also, if you decide to move back to the UK, will the double move cause issues. This depends on where you are moving too. But it also depends on what your kids are like.


Draw up a list of pros and cons, and then try and justify it to yourselves. If you can't, maybe you shouldn't go. If you can, then go.

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Its not just for the kids its for lots of different reasons but obviously the kids are a huge consideration and I need to factor in all things as I'm sure you'll appreciate




This is probably the best post on here. It will differ for everyone.


One thing that does make me wonder though for those that are moving here for their kids is that the total cost is more than moving to a better part of the UK or even putting the kids through a top private school in the UK.

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Its not just for the kids its for lots of different reasons but obviously the kids are a huge consideration and I need to factor in all things as I'm sure you'll appreciate


Do you have an opportunity not to be missed (in which case dont miss it)? Or are you trying to fix something that aint broke (in which case think about what you are gambling and what are you prepared to lose)?


Your kids will do just as well as they will in any other first world country and, if you raise them right, will head off and do their own thing when they are old enough anyway. They wont be magically endowed with IQ points, looks or skills just by taking the long plane trip. They wont be disadvantaged in Australia and chances are they wont be advantaged either and as long as they have loving caring parents they will probably turn out just fine no matter where they are. It's different but not inherently better.

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Guest Ptp113
Do you have an opportunity not to be missed (in which case dont miss it)? Or are you trying to fix something that aint broke (in which case think about what you are gambling and what are you prepared to lose)?


Your kids will do just as well as they will in any other first world country and, if you raise them right, will head off and do their own thing when they are old enough anyway. They wont be magically endowed with IQ points, looks or skills just by taking the long plane trip. They wont be disadvantaged in Australia and chances are they wont be advantaged either and as long as they have loving caring parents they will probably turn out just fine no matter where they are. It's different but not inherently better.


Most of us disagree

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Like I said I'm speaking from personal experience and the fact is my children are surrounded by murder etc, so murder rates don't really come into it. :)

I don’t blame you wanting to leave the area you live in - it sounds horrendous and every parent’s nightmare. But your family’s experience of life in the UK isn’t mine, thankfully, and I don’t believe that people have to leave the country in order to find a decent place to raise their children. Like most countries the UK is a diverse place with great areas to live and areas that you would never choose. To be honest, it is a bit of a King Canute battle to hold back the the internet and the outside world, but I think we would be fighting that particular battle wherever we lived.


Good luck Trueblue, I hope things work out and that Australia is all that you hope it will be.Tx

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Guest courtney1997

hi, My parents and i moved to Australia (Perth) when i was 11 from England. Now 15, i currently attend Woodvale secondary college (year 10) and have a part time job at McDonald's (crew trainer). To be quite honest i don't think it matters what country you live in you still get the same education,housing, government issues, idiots on the road etc. Parents who believe that their children will be safer in Australia are quite frankly delusional ! You get crime, violence, gangs, drugs ect everywhere you go...Just because it's sunny in Australia doesn't mean Children/ Teens are going to be immune from all these things. Australia isnt for everybody ! :) In my opinion Children don't really care where they live...the only thing i miss about England is friends and family but i made new friends and family come over and visit so that's not a problem.

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hi, My parents and i moved to Australia (Perth) when i was 11 from England. Now 15, i currently attend Woodvale secondary college (year 10) and have a part time job at McDonald's (crew trainer). To be quite honest i don't think it matters what country you live in you still get the same education,housing, government issues, idiots on the road etc. Parents who believe that their children will be safer in Australia are quite frankly delusional ! You get crime, violence, gangs, drugs ect everywhere you go...Just because it's sunny in Australia doesn't mean Children/ Teens are going to be immune from all these things. Australia isnt for everybody ! :) In my opinion Children don't really care where they live...the only thing i miss about England is friends and family but i made new friends and family come over and visit so that's not a problem.



Great post courtney, and I think you have well and truly answered the thread completely !

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
and the lack of of payrises for 3 years.....and you have to work till your 105......and the governments crap......and your pension is now less than what was......and we are 15 trillion in debt.....and theres no jobs for for young people.....theres no jobs for any people!....and universities are too expensive.....my kids dont go out for 6 months of then year.....and the weathers crap (did I aleady mention that):laugh:



Unfortunately your attempt to make light of what is happening here in the UK, has backfired on you matey, this is one of the main reasons as to why it's definitely better in Australia for kids, especially kids close to leaving school, things are desperate work wise here in the Uk - Fact, Yer right, no pay rises for 3 years and great pay rises in Australia - Fact, Unemployment almost half in Australia on average - Fact, Hundreds of thousands of good skilled jobs, being changed to reduce starting pay and top increment pay, but this isn't happening in Australia is it ? Fact University fees HAVE trebled in cost this year and are more than double the cost of fees in Australia - Fact. Pension age has gone up to 68, pension payments have been increased and people's pensions will be significantly less here in the UK, that's if you live to draw it - FACT.



You can make a joke about it, I personally don't think it is funny, but what it does highlight is that for kids looking at a decent career, with decent pay and conditions, it's by far better in Australia than the UK, It doesn't matter where you live, you can't escape what the governments savage cuts are having on nearly everyone, that's why we are still in recession ....... Come to think about it, Australia is still doing great and never went into recession ....... FACT.

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Thanks Quoll that sounds like good advice to me :smile:


Do you have an opportunity not to be missed (in which case dont miss it)? Or are you trying to fix something that aint broke (in which case think about what you are gambling and what are you prepared to lose)?


Your kids will do just as well as they will in any other first world country and, if you raise them right, will head off and do their own thing when they are old enough anyway. They wont be magically endowed with IQ points, looks or skills just by taking the long plane trip. They wont be disadvantaged in Australia and chances are they wont be advantaged either and as long as they have loving caring parents they will probably turn out just fine no matter where they are. It's different but not inherently better.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Before we compare percentages of unemployment in uk and oz should we consider population?




I think it's based on what percentage of people are out of work, regardless of the population size, unless there's a different way, it's down to 3.8% in Perth, but higher in Tasmania.

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Here are the facts...not guesses

5.1 in oz....8.3 in the uk




  • Employment increased to 11,517,000.
  • Unemployment decreased to 615,800 from a revised April 2012 estimate.
  • Unemployment rate was steady at 5.1%.
  • Participation rate steady at 65.3% from a revised April 2012 rate.
  • Aggregate monthly hours worked increased to 1,628.3 million hours.
  • http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/6202.0/

The unemployment rate in the United Kingdom was last reported at 8.2 percent from February to May of 2012. Historically, from 1971 until 2012, the United Kingdom Unemployment Rate averaged 7.2 Percent reaching an all time high of 12.0 Percent in February of 1984 and a record low of 3.4 Percent in November of 1973. The unemployment rate can be defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. This page includes a chart with historical data for the United Kingdom Unemployment Rate.



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