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Children better off in Oz?


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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Apart from the lack of azure sea, amazing beaches and hot sun?


Sorry matey you made a bit of a gaff, the Azure seas amazing beaches and hot sun comment was for visiting family, not for the kids.

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Sorry matey you made a bit of a gaff, the Azure seas amazing beaches and hot sun comment was for visiting family, not for the kids.

Oh, sorry dude. Well it hasnt worked so far with my brother or sister and their respective families, either they cant afford a holiday here or they cant be arsed, who knows?

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Guest Trueblue22
nothing IMO, If you are a parent who takes your kids camping swimming fishing walking, you will do it in oz, if you are a parent who lets your kids spend hours on the internet you will do it in oz, blaming the weather is a poor excuse as we have until this year been in drought for the last 3 years.


I think the reason why people use the weather excuse is because in Oz you can at least plan things to do whereas in the UK it's pretty much hit and miss as you never know what the weather is going to be like, so people tend not to bother doing anything at all.


Speaking from personal experience...given the choice I would get my child as far away from the UK as possible. I grew up in Oz, I raised one child here in the UK and I am now moving back to Oz to give my second child the chance of a childhood that I had. :biggrin:


Zoe x

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Guest Andy
I think the reason why people use the weather excuse is because in Oz you can at least plan things to do whereas in the UK it's pretty much hit and miss as you never know what the weather is going to be like, so people tend not to bother doing anything at all.


Speaking from personal experience...given the choice I would get my child as far away from the UK as possible. I grew up in Oz, I raised one child here in the UK and I am now moving back to Oz to give my second child the chance of a childhood that I had. :biggrin:


Zoe x


Hi Zoe,


Just out of interest why would you get your child as far away from Britain as possible?

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Guest Trueblue22
Hi Zoe,


Just out of interest why would you get your child as far away from Britain as possible?


One simple reason....children maintain their innocence a lot longer in Oz and have a better chance of that simple idyllic childhood we want our kids to have (I am purely speaking from experience and this is just my opinion)



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We can't emigrate until my son finishes his A levels next year, so the earliest we can go is next summer, but the jobs we are after, don't become available until the end of 2013, or the beginning of 2014. I want to get there more than anyone, but the wife is 50/50 and I have no idea what will happen, but ...... I have it good here, apart from having to suffer the crappy weather, lol.


and the lack of of payrises for 3 years.....and you have to work till your 105......and the governments crap......and your pension is now less than what was......and we are 15 trillion in debt.....and theres no jobs for for young people.....theres no jobs for any people!....and universities are too expensive.....my kids dont go out for 6 months of then year.....and the weathers crap (did I aleady mention that):laugh:

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I think the reason why people use the weather excuse is because in Oz you can at least plan things to do whereas in the UK it's pretty much hit and miss as you never know what the weather is going to be like, so people tend not to bother doing anything at all.


Speaking from personal experience...given the choice I would get my child as far away from the UK as possible. I grew up in Oz, I raised one child here in the UK and I am now moving back to Oz to give my second child the chance of a childhood that I had. :biggrin:


Zoe x

Good for you. If I ever have kids I would bring them up in the uk for a more rounded and childhood that I ad, everyone to their own.

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Good for you. If I ever have kids I would bring them up in the uk for a more rounded and childhood that I ad, everyone to their own.



What makes you say kids brought up in the UK have a more rounded childhood PB?


I've seen posts where people talk about travelling in Europe but my kids travelled Aust (slightly larger than the UK and very different end to end) as well as Asia so I'm thinking you are talking about something else and am curious as to what that is.

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[/b]Not another frigging weather stats please!!

Does it matter anyway, it's too damn hot in Perth from November to March, don't need a weather stat to tell me that.


Subjective, you might find 35 hot but I find 35 lovely. Anything above 38 and i'm struggling a bit but that's some peoples idea of heaven.

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One simple reason....children maintain their innocence a lot longer in Oz and have a better chance of that simple idyllic childhood we want our kids to have (I am purely speaking from experience and this is just my opinion)




Good luck with that. Up until they start high school I agree with you. The primary school kids seem far less mature than their counterparts, in my areas anyhow. Once they hit high school forget it. My daughter is almost 15 and we are encountering the same problems as anywhere else in the world.

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One simple reason....children maintain their innocence a lot longer in Oz and have a better chance of that simple idyllic childhood we want our kids to have (I am purely speaking from experience and this is just my opinion)




I would disagree. I had a wonderful innocent childhood in the UK and friends children in England are also enjoying it. In Oz I see just as many issues that effect children. Over commercialization, over sexualisation (it was reported not long ago, girls as young as 11 were wearing bracelets that were symbols of what they were willing to do sexually and included everything imaginable), there are no more kids playing out and going camping than there are in the UK


It is up to the parents

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Guest guest17301

Anyone who says we don't get seasons in Perth is either a..a bloody liar...or b...only lived here through 1 or 2 seasons. Its actually very diverse and the myth of it bei.g too hot for months on end makes me laugh and is actually such an ignorant statement. The kids can get outside in pleasant conditions FAR more often than in the UK and that, too me, is part of a gtreat childhood..outside learning about the world.

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Then don't portray it as fact. It isn't factual and it's misleading.

Why the angry tone, its his experience.


Subjective, you might find 35 hot but I find 35 lovely. Anything above 38 and i'm struggling a bit but that's some peoples idea of heaven.

Agree, its subjective. I cannot stand it when it gets higher than about 29


I would disagree. I had a wonderful innocent childhood in the UK and friends children in England are also enjoying it. In Oz I see just as many issues that effect children. Over commercialization, over sexualisation (it was reported not long ago, girls as young as 11 were wearing bracelets that were symbols of what they were willing to do sexually and included everything imaginable), there are no more kids playing out and going camping than there are in the UK


It is up to the parents

totally agree with this. My childhood was pretty idyllic: football in the park, bike rides, mucking about in fields, just dossing about generally. Childhood here is no better or worse IMO, just different


Anyone who says we don't get seasons in Perth is either a..a bloody liar...or b...only lived here through 1 or 2 seasons. Its actually very diverse and the myth of it bei.g too hot for months on end makes me laugh and is actually such an ignorant statement. The kids can get outside in pleasant conditions FAR more often than in the UK and that, too me, is part of a gtreat childhood..outside learning about the world.

Again, subjective

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Why the angry tone, its his experience.



Agree, its subjective. I cannot stand it when it gets higher than about 29



totally agree with this. My childhood was pretty idyllic: football in the park, bike rides, mucking about in fields, just dossing about generally. Childhood here is no better or worse IMO, just different



Again, subjective


his post IMO was stated as fact not opinion and I didn't think my tone was angry, I certainly wasn't angry when I posted it.

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Anyone who says we don't get seasons in Perth is either a..a bloody liar...or b...only lived here through 1 or 2 seasons. Its actually very diverse and the myth of it bei.g too hot for months on end makes me laugh and is actually such an ignorant statement. The kids can get outside in pleasant conditions FAR more often than in the UK and that, too me, is part of a gtreat childhood..outside learning about the world.


Of course you do. You have the footy season, and then you have the cricket season. How many seasons do you need?

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Guest guest17301

Pah....not interested in either...I like the hot and sunny swimming outdoors season, the warm and sunny season, the cool and rainy with warm and sunny interludes season and the leaves turning orange red and crispy season which contrary to popular opinion happens in Perth on a grand scale...I also like the eating outdoors season which lasts all year...Im not so keen on the hot and windy season and the fly season thankfully these bits are shortlived

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One simple reason....children maintain their innocence a lot longer in Oz and have a better chance of that simple idyllic childhood we want our kids to have (I am purely speaking from experience and this is just my opinion)




You may well find that kids in Australia have changed over the years since you were a kid - not so sure about the innocence thing any more unless you are out in the bush a million miles from anyone else, but good luck with it anyway.

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Guest guest17301

Agreed....no difference in teens worldwide I doubt..thats why we are moving out of the city when youngest hits high scool age...the teenagers are feral in the way they speak act and dress in a lot of cases and fb has much to answer for!

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They are certainly a lot more innocent where we live now, than where we come from in the UK and we live not far from the city here, not in the bush :)


I am prety glad mine are being raised here, it was bad in my day ( I remember what I got upto and my friends) and its worse now, judging by my daughters friends FB pictures back in the Uk!!!

My eldest is 18 and feels its very different, expecially going back for several weeks at Xmas in the UK and spending a lot of time with his old friends, he was pretty shocked, as its just not like that here.


You may well find that kids in Australia have changed over the years since you were a kid - not so sure about the innocence thing any more unless you are out in the bush a million miles from anyone else, but good luck with it anyway.
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The kids thing is a funny one.....I was always amazed at the lack of people in general not just kids that you would see out and about, it just seemed very quiet to me, but I firmly believe the kids are products of their upbringing, that rests solely in the hands of the parents, as "you are what you eat", the same applies to the kids and parents so I dont think where you live makes a lot of difference, but then there will be some outside influences that you as a parent cannot control.


I had a quick look at perths summer weather last year and about 15% of the days in dec, jan, feb were 40 or over, most were 32 - 39. For me when it hit 40 it seemed bloody uncomfortable, 32 was perfect, any hotter and I didnt really enjoy it but that is the temp, you forget how strong the sun is, with a UV of 13 extreme, the UK never has higher than 6, it gives you some idea of the dangers of the sun, you really do start to cook within minutes. the temps in the winter, 18 - 21 are very misleading cus someone from the UK thinks 20 is great, well it is untill you take away the humidity then its cold.


People often speak about finishing work, grabbing the kids and rushing off to the beach to watch the sunset whilst sipping a glass of wine whilst the kids splash gleefully in the warm indian ocean.....we never did that once and I think we are pretty normal people, these things are all great ideas and we all dream of doing them.....the reality is you get in from work and the argument you had with your boss is still raging inside, your cheesed off cus you cant get the days off you want, the kids are fighting and the house is a mess, someones got to cook dinner and you must remember to pay off yet another speeding fine for doing a pant wetting 5kph over the already ludicrously slow limit......then its 8pm and.....did someone mention the beach?.....oh well we can always go tomorow.

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Hi all


I have to say this thread has my head spinning!!

I am really concerned now about all of the negative posts regarding how it will be for the kids.

As everyone of you on here knows, deciding to move your family to the other side of the world is a huge huge decision but one we've considered and contemplated and came to the conclusion we think its the right thing to do.

However, with all these posts about how much worse oz is for drugs, alcohol etc etc, for the 1st time in this whole process, doubts have started to creep in.

My son is 10 and so depending on when we emmigrate, may get 1 year in primary school in oz then go to high school, so is at a very impressionable age and a critical one educational wise.

I guess it all depends where exactly you live, same as it does here but we have to get this right 1st time as we can't keep swapping and changing the kids schools if we don't like an area, that just wouldn't be fair.

But seriously do I just ignore this thread and just think life is what you make it and theres god and bad in both countries.

This is a life changing decision for my kids and I want it to be the right one!


Why can't everyone just say how it really is without being biased?? Sometimes feels like people are trying to point score here


Rant over!!

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Guest guest36187
Hi all


I have to say this thread has my head spinning!!

I am really concerned now about all of the negative posts regarding how it will be for the kids.

As everyone of you on here knows, deciding to move your family to the other side of the world is a huge huge decision but one we've considered and contemplated and came to the conclusion we think its the right thing to do.

However, with all these posts about how much worse oz is for drugs, alcohol etc etc, for the 1st time in this whole process, doubts have started to creep in.

My son is 10 and so depending on when we emmigrate, may get 1 year in primary school in oz then go to high school, so is at a very impressionable age and a critical one educational wise.

I guess it all depends where exactly you live, same as it does here but we have to get this right 1st time as we can't keep swapping and changing the kids schools if we don't like an area, that just wouldn't be fair.

But seriously do I just ignore this thread and just think life is what you make it and theres god and bad in both countries.

This is a life changing decision for my kids and I want it to be the right one!


Why can't everyone just say how it really is without being biased?? Sometimes feels like people are trying to point score here


Rant over!!


I think you need to make informed decisions from your own research. Opinions of others will always be tainted with a personal slant. Just because somethhing happened to someone when they moved to oz doesn't mean the same thing will happen to you!


Do lots of research ......

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