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Pending Court Case in Australia


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Guest The Ropey HOFF
But again Mr Ropey, you dont live here.....so you are bound to not be as moany as me!!


My point is this: In the UK I drove for 18 years, I had one speeding fine.

Over here I have been driving for 20 months and I have had 4 speeding fines.


I have not suddenly turned into a maniac. My wife calls me a "trundler" I am apparently the dullest driver on earth according to her. I have 2 kids, I drive very carefully.


However, when the state have speed limits of 40kph, 50 kph, 60kph, 70kph, 80kph, 90kph, 100kph and 110kph regardless of the number of lanes, and dependent on what time of day it is, and the speed limits change weekly........and on any typical 5 mile stretch of road the limits go....60, 50, 70, 80, 50, oh look its 2.30pm so now its 40, then 50 etc etc its bloody hard to keep track and not creep 3MPH over.......


Its very very difficult NOT to get caught speeding.


In NSW they warn you when they have camaras because they want you to slow down. In Victoria they hide behind trees....all they want is money



don't fret yerself, you will be home soon and theres little chance of getting caught speeding here in the UK with all the traffic jams.

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As above. Im a cop and this happens all the time. If you don't pay and you come back to oz even for a visit, it will haunt you.




Are you sure on this mate, say no more.... lol

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Blobby, I think I understand where you are coming from. It isn't the amount of the fine, it is the princicpal. My OH got done for speeding 3 weeks after we arrived. Got done for going 60 in a construction zone (only 40km allowed), the thing was that there were no construction workers present, and he was being pused by other vehicles to go faster and he was the one caught.... $350 later.


Canada is the opposite to Australia, everyone goes at least 20 km over the posted limit on our highways, if you kept to the limit, you would end up causing an accident. Our cops won't nail you if you are just around 20 km over on the highway. Yes they have blitzes, usually at long weekends, then you will get nailed for even 10 km over.


I also noticed in Australia that they don't knock down the speed for you, for example if you got caught in Canada going say 15km over the posted limit in the city, often times the cops will knock it down for you say to 8 or 10km over, to reduce the fine and the points.


I totally agree that speeding fines in Australia are just a money grab for the states, ironic really when you see the state of some of the drivers and the hoon mentality that exists.





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don't fret yerself, you will be home soon and theres little chance of getting caught speeding here in the UK with all the traffic jams.


Traffic jams in the UK?


Have you ever been to Melbourne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Blobby, I think I understand where you are coming from. It isn't the amount of the fine, it is the princicpal. My OH got done for speeding 3 weeks after we arrived. Got done for going 60 in a construction zone (only 40km allowed), the thing was that there were no construction workers present, and he was being pused by other vehicles to go faster and he was the one caught.... $350 later.


Canada is the opposite to Australia, everyone goes at least 20 km over the posted limit on our highways, if you kept to the limit, you would end up causing an accident. Our cops won't nail you if you are just around 20 km over on the highway. Yes they have blitzes, usually at long weekends, then you will get nailed for even 10 km over.


I also noticed in Australia that they don't knock down the speed for you, for example if you got caught in Canada going say 15km over the posted limit in the city, often times the cops will knock it down for you say to 8 or 10km over, to reduce the fine and the points.


I totally agree that speeding fines in Australia are just a money grab for the states, ironic really when you see the state of some of the drivers and the hoon mentality that exists.






A total money grab, you are right.....

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