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Big Day Out perth anyone going ???

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we love festivals its the thing we are gona miss the most after our family and friends so i was so happy to find the big day out,was wondering if anyone has been or is going.



not gona be glastonbury but looks good



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I've been twice - 2007 & 2010. Absolutely loved it! The line up for this year looks fantastic and definitely considering it. The vibe is a bit different from UK festivals - people are a little less mad and slightly better behaved :tongue:- but it genuinely is a good day!


If you're working, I'd also consider taking the next day off - not for the hangover, just cos you are exhausted from the heat and the length of the day.

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Guest guest17301

Bump...must admit am not sure where this is being held this year but I hear its usually a great day with little trouble

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