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Leaving credit card in Australia?

Guest MrPaulJames

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Mate as soon as you get back just set up a £10 per month token payment and also advise the CC company that you will be doing this. Whilst you're paying something they cannot take you court, obtain judgements etc.


P.s I don't understand why anyone feels the need to make silly judgemental remarks when people are asking for advice. If you don't like the thread then don't comment. Sometimes s*%t happens!

Where are the silly judgemental remarks? :unsure:

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Where are the silly judgemental remarks? :unsure:


We've seen it all before Andy. You've only got to suggest that the person posing the question try and attempt to pay it back, and straight away, somone will pop up and label you as self righteous/pompous etc. One of the reasons I never get involved in this re-occuring theme........till now. I've seen folk involved in similar threads, offer well intentioned advice, and they end up coming in for a heap of stick.

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Sorry, but I have never heard of that happen before. No one has the authority to declare anyone else "bankrupt" - that is something very personal that has to be done by the consumer him or herself. Besides, bankruptcy is counterproductive for the person doing the suing, as when someone is bankrupt, all of their debts are automatically dismissed!


Default is something different though. When someone defaults, the bank attempts to contact them to settle at a lesser price. But if the consumer avoids the bank, the bank will simply write the debt off as a loss in their books. The bank then packages the unpaid debt (with other unpaid debts) and sells it to a junk debt collector and then the collector will try to take them to court. (If it's a substantial amount, the bank may sue themselves).


In any case, either the bank or the debt collector will have to take the OP to court, however, if they are unable to serve the OP with the statement of claim, they can't take them to court! It is obvious the OP doesn't have a home in Oz, so there is no address for them to serve him/her at.


By the way, I am not an advisor of any kind, I am just speaking based on a terrible experience I had myself and it wasn't in Oz. So to the OP, read at your own risk.


This isn't actually very accurate I'm afraid - a) you can be made bankrupt by your creditor/s petitioning for it without you being there or having any say in it and b) its not counter productive for the creditor if they themselves have been petitioned for bankruptcy (ie, by showing they are petitioning for your bankruptcy, their bankruptcy will be stayed or dismissed as they are showing you owe them money, and that money would mean they are not bankrupt) and/or they think you are just refusing to pay even though you have assets that once liquidised (as happens in bankruptcy) will release the funds to pay them what they think/claim you owe them.


They can serve you internationally as well, so further incorrect information I'm afraid - sorry, I don't mean to be argumentative on this one, I appreciate you are only trying to assist the OP, but the information isn't quite accurate and that could lead the OP (and others seeking information on this matter) further headaches down the line.


I would advise you to either contact a solicitor or debt charity for personal advice based on your specific situation OP, as everyone is different, and if you want general info this instant (as happens when you are in unhappy place you seem to be in right now, my commiserations on that one), try googling for some of the specific financial/debt forums out there, that have a wealth of information, supported by the legal documentation and many many case studies of what people have experienced in similar situations to you.


Sorry to read about your relationship break down, and hope you manage to sort yourself out emotionally with regards to that, remember life goes on, even though it seems pretty pants right now, and in 5 years from now you will look back and realise it really wasn't the worst thing that ever could happen that you thought it was at the time (promise!)

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We've seen it all before Andy. You've only got to suggest that the person posing the question try and attempt to pay it back, and straight away, somone will pop up and label you as self righteous/pompous etc. One of the reasons I never get involved in this re-occuring theme........till now. I've seen folk involved in similar threads, offer well intentioned advice, and they end up coming in for a heap of stick.



I dont think people are self righteous for advising people to pay it back/make some kind of arrangement kev,but there IS a few people who allways crop up on these threads and basically start chastising the OP,lecturing them as if from on high.

I would willingly name them because i have no time for them anyway,but the mods will only delete,some on here have obviously never fallen on hard times,and could maybe do with being a bit more understanding and realise that life isnt always a straight road with no pitfalls

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thats true. why my policy is if i cant afford it, do without...



mortgage, business is different story than a small $7000 loan... probably for something not needed.


most people dont get a loan to pay rent or food bills

I think you'd be surprised tbh,i know what your saying tho,$7 k may well be for a needless holiday etc,but i nearly had to take out a loan about 18 months back for the highlighted,thanks to family i never,but not everyone has good family do they.

Tbh i'm struggling to think how "anyone" can be "100%" certain they can pay a loan back when taking it out?

It would have to be somebody in an occupation that was "always" going to be in demand,and theres not many of those anymore


I guess what im getting at is theres a few on here who are just too harsh and judgemental for my liking,thats all

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I dont think people are self righteous for advising people to pay it back/make some kind of arrangement kev,but there IS a few people who allways crop up on these threads and basically start chastising the OP,lecturing them as if from on high.

I would willingly name them because i have no time for them anyway,but the mods will only delete,some on here have obviously never fallen on hard times,and could maybe do with being a bit more understanding and realise that life isnt always a straight road with no pitfalls


I think as you are saying there is a difference between those that think the money should be paid back in whatever way is reasonable as perhaps they see the principle issue just as the money issue of equal importance and those that are just laying into the op for the sake of it and getting on the moral high horse which does not really help anyone, however i don't think i have seen anything to write home about on this thread in that respect apart from a comment ( which did not go into to much detail )from proview and we all no his opinion on this matter.

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I think you'd be surprised tbh,i know what your saying tho,$7 k may well be for a needless holiday etc,but i nearly had to take out a loan about 18 months back for the highlighted,thanks to family i never,but not everyone has good family do they.

Tbh i'm struggling to think how "anyone" can be "100%" certain they can pay a loan back when taking it out?

It would have to be somebody in an occupation that was "always" going to be in demand,and theres not many of those anymore


I guess what im getting at is theres a few on here who are just too harsh and judgemental for my liking,thats all


I agree with you Pabs but for the sake of balance I would also say that some posts in the past have been from people who advise people to simply walk away or tell us that's what they themselves are doing. For most people on here, who are just trying to get by, maybe getting the odd loan or mortgage and doing whatever they can to pay them off it can be a bit galling to read those comments from people not facing up at all to any sense of responsibility. I work with people day to day who have hit bad times but want to try to do the right thing and talk to their creditors etc. I don't have a lot of time for people who don't 'man-up' and at least TRY to do the right thing. It can be hard not to be at least a little judgmental with those people.



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I agree with you Pabs but for the sake of balance I would also say that some posts in the past have been from people who advise people to simply walk away or tell us that's what they themselves are doing. For most people on here, who are just trying to get by, maybe getting the odd loan or mortgage and doing whatever they can to pay them off it can be a bit galling to read those comments from people not facing up at all to any sense of responsibility. I work with people day to day who have hit bad times but want to try to do the right thing and talk to their creditors etc. I don't have a lot of time for people who don't 'man-up' and at least TRY to do the right thing. It can be hard not to be at least a little judgmental with those people.




Yeah i wouldnt disagree with that Daniel,hence i mentioned people "taking the p7ss" out of banks in an earlier post mate.

However i'm gonna say something that may well get a few backs up now,while i understand people getting annoyed with people who are just being outright dishonest,"in a way" i "can to an extent" have a tiny bit of understanding when people say "#### the banks,they rip us off over PPI,they fiddle the Libor rate etc etc".

Now dont get me wrong,i wont even have a credit card,which isnt always convenient tbh,as regards car hire in the USA or Aus,i also only have one small loan,which to some might be viewed as for "frivolous" reasons,IE 2k for a week in Istanbul for the CL final 05,and 2k for the CL final Athens 07,but "to me" i "had" to be there,no way was i missing that!

So while "i" would "never" take a loan out and disappear,i dont get "as" indignant about it as some do,theres a whole climate of rip off in the uk now isnt there? politicians fiddling expenses,the banks ive mentioned,i know two wrongs dont make a right,but i'm not as surprised by people scarpering because "some" people do think "they can rip us off,so i'm doing the same",such is life

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Yeah i wouldnt disagree with that Daniel,hence i mentioned people "taking the p7ss" out of banks in an earlier post mate.

However i'm gonna say something that may well get a few backs up now,while i understand people getting annoyed with people who are just being outright dishonest,"in a way" i "can to an extent" have a tiny bit of understanding when people say "#### the banks,they rip us off over PPI,they fiddle the Libor rate etc etc".

Now dont get me wrong,i wont even have a credit card,which isnt always convenient tbh,as regards car hire in the USA or Aus,i also only have one small loan,which to some might be viewed as for "frivolous" reasons,IE 2k for a week in Istanbul for the CL final 05,and 2k for the CL final Athens 07,but "to me" i "had" to be there,no way was i missing that!

So while "i" would "never" take a loan out and disappear,i dont get "as" indignant about it as some do,theres a whole climate of rip off in the uk now isnt there? politicians fiddling expenses,the banks ive mentioned,i know two wrongs dont make a right,but i'm not as surprised by people scarpering because "some" people do think "they can rip us off,so i'm doing the same",such is life


Well I'm going to say something that may equally get peoples back up. I know you are not saying that two wrongs make a right etc but I think walking away from responsibility can affect the person as much as the bank. What I mean is that in my experience people who walk away from debt when things get difficult are likely to also walk away from other areas of responsibility as well i.e. their marriages, their kids etc. I'm not saying that ALL debtors are losers - simply that if people are willing to stand up and face their responsibility in one area it's more likely they will in others and vice versa is also true. So while I understand saying 'stuff the banks they screwed us so we can do the same to them' I think if society (individuals and countries) took more responsibility for every promise or commitment they made the world would be a better place!



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Just out of interest btw,while were talking about loans etc,thinking back to when my arl fellah had a few artics(tractor units),the advice he was given when buying a new unit from his accountant was "never use your own money,use the banks".

Me dad was rich btw,but he was doing ok financially,he had no need to borrow anyway,so is this advice "standard practice" from accountants or was it just my arl fellahs accountant?just curious is all...........


Lmao,"me dad was rich"! me dad WASNT rich i meant to say,i wish! i'd be sitting here with me cravat and smoking jacket on now what ho!!!!

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Guest The Pom Queen
Just out of interest btw,while were talking about loans etc,thinking back to when my arl fellah had a few artics(tractor units),the advice he was given when buying a new unit from his accountant was "never use your own money,use the banks".

Me dad was rich btw,but he was doing ok financially,he had no need to borrow anyway,so is this advice "standard practice" from accountants or was it just my arl fellahs accountant?just curious is all...........

It's strange you mentioned this as I've heard this advice recently I just can't remember where or who from.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Well I'm going to say something that may equally get peoples back up. I know you are not saying that two wrongs make a right etc but I think walking away from responsibility can affect the person as much as the bank. What I mean is that in my experience people who walk away from debt when things get difficult are likely to also walk away from other areas of responsibility as well i.e. their marriages, their kids etc. I'm not saying that ALL debtors are losers - simply that if people are willing to stand up and face their responsibility in one area it's more likely they will in others and vice versa is also true. So while I understand saying 'stuff the banks they screwed us so we can do the same to them' I think if society (individuals and countries) took more responsibility for every promise or commitment they made the world would be a better place!



I couldn't do it, the reason is I couldn't live with the guilt and watching over my shoulder every day, but after hearing of people who have got in to soo much debt they commit suicide I will not judge anyone unless I walk in their shoes.

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Well I'm going to say something that may equally get peoples back up. I know you are not saying that two wrongs make a right etc but I think walking away from responsibility can affect the person as much as the bank. What I mean is that in my experience people who walk away from debt when things get difficult are likely to also walk away from other areas of responsibility as well i.e. their marriages, their kids etc. I'm not saying that ALL debtors are losers - simply that if people are willing to stand up and face their responsibility in one area it's more likely they will in others and vice versa is also true. So while I understand saying 'stuff the banks they screwed us so we can do the same to them' I think if society (individuals and countries) took more responsibility for every promise or commitment they made the world would be a better place!



Cant disagree with that,maybe if our "betters" set a moral example eh Daniel?like the top coppers in the country not being in bed with that rag The Sunday Sun,or our politicians not putting porn films down to expenses,and duck ponds etc,or needless jaunts to foreign countries at the taxpayers expense?.

Or the Bank of England not paying out millions in bonuses when it was them who failed the country miserably over the GFC?

Or the dept of energy not paying out millions in bonuses when people are too scared to heat their home?

Nah,maybe not eh......

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Cant disagree with that,maybe if our "betters" set a moral example eh Daniel?like the top coppers in the country not being in bed with that rag The Sunday Sun,or our politicians not putting porn films down to expenses,and duck ponds etc,or needless jaunts to foreign countries at the taxpayers expense?.

Or the Bank of England not paying out millions in bonuses when it was them who failed the country miserably over the GFC?

Or the dept of energy not paying out millions in bonuses when people are too scared to heat their home?

Nah,maybe not eh......


Like it has all the way through history it takes one person or a few individuals to stand up and say enough is enough! eventually things change! What's that saying?? something like "Be the change you want to see"



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Sorry to hear about your relationship......... hope things settle for you back home.

I agree with previous posts, try and talk to the CC company, explain your situation and see what you can agree with them..... as others have said, you may, one day, wish to return.

Im leaving debts in the UK. Well, i dont mean 'leaving', i have sorted them all out through a DMP, and will be sending money home each month to pay them. This gives you a piece of mind, knowing your doing something about them, it also means that if i ever came home, i wouldn't be worried about the consequences of originally 'doing a runner'.


You pay what you can pay, they cant get blood out of a stone, so do what you can. You dont need this worry with everything else thats going on. Speak to them, try and sort it, then come home and be with your friends and family.


Good luck xx

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Guest Trueblue22


Here we go again!!!!
Andy this is the silly judgemental remark....why would somebody come on a thread, not post any advice but simply make that comment?????? Trolling springs to mind or am I missing something???
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Andy this is the silly judgemental remark....why would somebody come on a thread, not post any advice but simply make that comment?????? Trolling springs to mind or am I missing something???


He's not trolling, in fact, he's simply saying that it's likely to lead to trolling from others, or at the least, some highly judgemental remarks, as has happened in the past with similar threads.

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Guest Trueblue22


He's not trolling, in fact, he's simply saying that it's likely to lead to trolling from others, or at the least, some highly judgemental remarks, as has happened in the past with similar threads.
But surely you can appreciate that there was no need for him to comment at all?? We all know these posts sometimes get a bit heated but one of the main reasons is because of comments like that. I just don't understand why you would even bother posting on a thread if you are not offering advice?????The OP simply wants a bit of sympathy and practical advice. People shouldn't automatically assume he just wants to do a runner. And if he does just want to do a runner then the consequences have already been pointed out in this thread. I'm sure the guy didn't follow his girlfriend to Oz just to get $7000 and do a runner. Like I said before s*%t happens.
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But surely you can appreciate that there was no need for him to comment at all??


No I don't. When someone has seen these threads time and time again, and the controversy it causes, then I don't begrudge them their right to say, "Not again"? or "here we go again" It's a way of venting one's frustration at the aggro that would likely result, and as you can see already, he was right. Some folk vent about the sausages, some about high prices. Why shouldn't someone vent about what frustrates them? It may not be seen as helpful to the OP but it may well fulfill the need of someone who is frustrated. They've as much right to voice a "concern" (for want of a better word) as the Op has to post their problem.

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Guest Trueblue22
No I don't. When someone has seen these threads time and time again, and the controversy it causes, then I don't begrudge them their right to say, "Not again"? or "here we go again" It's a way of venting one's frustration at the aggro that would likely result, and as you can see already, he was right. Some folk vent about the sausages, some about high prices. Why shouldn't someone vent about what frustrates them? It may not be seen as helpful to the OP but it may well fulfill the need of someone who is frustrated. They've as much right to voice a "concern" (for want of a better word) as the Op has to post their problem.


It's nothing to do with begrudging anyone their right to post, it's actually about being mature enough to sometimes say nothing (no doubt someone will take offence and think I am insinuating that they are immature) but I totally agree with you! I see things that make my blood boil, but I'd rather start a thread to vent on rather than potentially make someone feel a bit crappy for making mistakes or having poor judgement. And like you say it has actually detracted from the original thread. I stay away from threads that annoy me as it ends up becoming a pointless slanging match (no matter how much we love to have one :wink:)

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Hello, sorry to hear about your dilemma, one question - who is your credit card with? It's perfectly possible to chase a debt out of jurisdiction and possibly fairly easy for them to trace you in the uk too if the bonds haven't been long broken ( and your ex is forthcoming with your address) It is however more costly for them to chase you than if you were an Oz resident but obviously if they are an international institution it may make their life easier.

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Guest The Pom Queen
. They've as much right to voice a "concern" (for want of a better word) as the Op has to post their problem.

As long as it doesn't get personal :wink:

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Guest The Pom Queen
Hello, sorry to hear about your dilemma, one question - who is your credit card with? It's perfectly possible to chase a debt out of jurisdiction and possibly fairly easy for them to trace you in the uk too if the bonds haven't been long broken ( and your ex is forthcoming with your address) It is however more costly for them to chase you than if you were an Oz resident but obviously if they are an international institution it may make their life easier.

Unfortunately although they could get a UK debt collection agency on the case the debt can't be enforced unless to a government agency, or if it was fraud, it's the same coming the other way.

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Hello, sorry to hear about your dilemma, one question - who is your credit card with? It's perfectly possible to chase a debt out of jurisdiction and possibly fairly easy for them to trace you in the uk too if the bonds haven't been long broken ( and your ex is forthcoming with your address) It is however more costly for them to chase you than if you were an Oz resident but obviously if they are an international institution it may make their life easier.


They can chase you but they can't do anything except put pressure on you to pay.



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Well there you go a variety of differing opinions, some differing advice and a few people having an argument about trolls or something. Bet your glad you asked the question now! This forum is great for sharing experiences and some help with the form filling but anything more serious in nature.. probably not.

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