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The Price of Tomatoes as of 11 08 2012

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Guest guest17301
That's due to irregular growth. The skin reaches it's "hardening off" stage where it has more or less attained natural/maximum growth but the inside continues to grow due to irregular conditions, such as a spurt of sunlight/watering/fertilising. ie if you water every couple of days 9the tom sort of gets used to that in simple terms) and then decide to water daily, it puts on a growth spurt splitting the skin. A routine should be developed without changes, as splitting skins is hard to control without. Water regularly and deeply.



So would I water daily in hot weather? Trouble is I forget on the odd occasion if late in from work...not organised enough to remember in the morning. Strange that my one plant which I hacked back to almost nothing is thriving and has produced a lot of really nice cherry toms this winter..actually they are little romas.

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So would I water daily in hot weather? Trouble is I forget on the odd occasion if late in from work...not organised enough to remember in the morning. Strange that my one plant which I hacked back to almost nothing is thriving and has produced a lot of really nice cherry toms this winter..actually they are little romas.


If you water deeply...............give 'em a good soak...............daily isn't needed. You can buy a "thingy" that pushes into the soil that tells you if there's water at the roots.

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Guest guest17301

Tomatoes $3.99 at Spudshed today. I bought 5 for $2.31, other bargains were 2 brown onions 22c, 1kg baby potatoes 69c, whole QLD blue pumpkin $1.68, will make a soup with that, bunch of english spinach $1.49, pack of wholemeal lebanese bread 99c, wholemeal loaf 99c, 100g pack of chicken breast $1.49, kg of chuck steak for $7.49, going to throw that into slow cooker with some veg a a sauce mix plus big tin of toms for tomorrows dinner, well under $10 for at least 4 portions....it's actually better to slow cook cheap cuts because have you ever tried to use good steak? Just doesn't work.

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Guest guest17301

Yes, same one...meat is fine as far as I have experienced anyway....I buy the chickens and the lamb sometimes....have to say I do tend to get my meat elsewhere as I dont find them 'that' competitive on meat....I go to spudshed for fruit and veg and grocery specials, they'll often have pre packed meats, cheeses, general deli items going cheap, packaged stuff too like flour, cereal, snacks etc..you have to go regularly though...I got some wholemeal pasta on special for $2 today, $2.60 in Coles..I couldnt do all my shopping there but I needed fruit and veg, milk, eggs and bread today so didnt make sense to go to Coles. They make their money on everyday stuff like teabags etc which are higher priced than the supermarkets, on the weekend though I tend to go to the actual market stalls there and shop around, the prices are even better, theres a nice bread shop there too and a great vietnamese cafe that sells all sorts

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