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How long to wait to apply for PR from 457


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Hi All


I have been sponsored and will be going to Australia on a 457 visa. How long do I need to wait before starting the process of PR (been told its now 2 years!). Is this correct, and if so, are there ways around it? It used to be that after 6 months or so your employer would assist you in applying for PR. I know they keep moving the goal posts, is this just an example of this?


Thanx in advance :wink:

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You can apply at any time of PR through GSM or if your employer wishes to sponsor you for ENS or RSMS, if you meet the criteria.


Before 1 July to do through the Transitional stream you needed to have worked on 457 for 2 years but with your sponsoring employer for 1 year - it has now changed to working for your sponsoring employer for 2 years. You do not need a skills assessment if you apply through the transitional stream.


If you get a positive skills assessment and have 3 years of work experience you can apply through ENS Direct Entry Stream.


If you are in Regional Australia you could apply for RSMS without requiring skills assessment for most occupations.




Skill Select site has the breakdown of the different visa types.


Employer sponsored PR is dependent if your employer wants to sponsor you - it is not automatic.

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